Inflammation of the lymph nodes - when it comes to infection - submandibular

July 22, 2013

  • Inflammation of the lymph nodes - when it comes to infection
  • The groin
  • Underarm
  • Submandibular
  • Behind the ears
  • Symptoms
  • Causes
  • Treatment
  • Among women
  • What to do
  • Forum

 inflammation of the submandibular lymph nodes

Inflammation of the submandibular lymph nodes

Part of the lymphatic system, which, in turn, enters the human immune system are, in particular, and lymph nodes. They are located in small groups throughout the body, but they are especially numerous in the area of ​​head and neck, armpits and groin. Lymph nodes perform a very important function - they are responsible for the production of antibodies and macrophages, which fight infectious particles and harmful foreign bodies. Inflammation of the submandibular lymph nodes are often both children and adults.

Inflammation of the submandibular lymph nodes is common to the disease. The direct impact on the occurrence of submandibular lymphadenitis has state of the mouth and upper respiratory tract. Chronic infection, which is prolonged with periods of exacerbation and remitting inflammatory process occurs with involvement in the pathological process of regional lymph nodes.

 Submandibular | swollen lymph nodes - when it comes to infection

It causes inflammation of the submandibular lymph nodes

  • Common infections: colds, sore throat, strep infection, tooth abscess, mumps, ear infection, measles, rubella, chickenpox, glandular fever, wound infection in the area of ​​the jaw, tonsillitis, laryngitis and pharyngitis.
  • Other infections: diseases transmitted sexually transmitted infections bites of infected animals, tuberculosis Tuberculosis - a full recovery is not guaranteed  Tuberculosis - a full recovery is not guaranteed
 , Toxoplasmosis, a parasitic infection, and infection resulting from eating undercooked meat.
  • Disorders of the immune system: HIV, AIDS, rheumatoid arthritis Arthritis - a variety of forms and complications  Arthritis - a variety of forms and complications
 Lupus affects the lungs, heart, kidneys, skin, joints, leukemia, lymphoma (cancer of the lymphatic tissue) and other cancers
  • Side effects: swollen lymph nodes behind the ears is a consequence of taking certain medications, such as those used in malaria, sarcoidosis, Kawasaki disease and glycogen storage disease
  • Hyperthyroidism, metabolic disorders, cancer, disorders of the salivary glands, cysts, sebaceous cyst, lipoma.

 Submandibular | swollen lymph nodes - when it comes to infection

What is the sign of the disease

In the initial signs of submandibular lymphadenitis should pay attention to the increase in the size of lymph nodes. They are well defined by palpation, and the inspection is painful. The patient experiences a deterioration of the general state of health, there is a weakness, malaise, worsening sleep. The pathological process is accompanied by a rise in temperature to a significant digits. At this stage of the disease the node itself has clear outlines, a mobile education, not soldered to the underlying tissues. It may be irradiation of pain in the ear on the affected side.

If at this stage of the inflammatory process is not taken appropriate remedial measures, the progression of the disease occur. Inflammation will extend down to the collarbone area. By the nature of the disease process becomes purulent, that affects the severity of the patient's condition.

Draws attention to the emergence of severe swelling that captures the entire area of ​​the lower jaw. There is a change of color of the skin, the skin becomes red with crimson tinge. Sharply limited jaw movement, inspection causes a sharp pain. With further progression of the disease pus continues to advance, the disease is increasing, which will lead to the appearance of a bluish color. This clinical sign is a symptom of purulent abscess inflammation, which requires urgent surgical intervention.

 Submandibular | swollen lymph nodes - when it comes to infection


  • When inflammation of the submandibular lymph nodes is necessary, first of all, to see a doctor, so he found the cause of inflammation. If it is a viral infection, inflammation will soon pass
  • If the inflammation has appeared because of an abscess tooth, you need to gargle with warm salt water
  • Ginger tea is very good for inflammation of the submandibular lymph nodes
  • Apply warm compresses to the throat
  • When the pain and heat take OTC pain relievers and fever

 Submandibular | swollen lymph nodes - when it comes to infection

Influence of the state of the oral cavity and upper respiratory tract

The outflow of lymph from the area of ​​the mouth and upper respiratory tract occurs in the submandibular lymph nodes. Due to such anatomical proximity formations lymph nodes are the first to respond to inflammatory diseases of this localization. The cause inflammation of nodes may be the following diseases:

  • stomatitis
  • cyst suppuration
  • periostitis
  • caries
  • periodontal
  • tonsillitis

Most people are trying to postpone the visit to the dentist when the first symptoms of the disease. This is a serious mistake, as the timely removal of the source of infection is the prevention of inflammatory processes in the future. There is a concept of preventive examinations, so it is recommended to pass such examinations at the dentist at least once a year, preferably twice during this time. Any source of chronic infection contributes to the fact that the lymphatic system is beginning to respond to infectious, respectively lymph nodes Lymph nodes - what keeps our immune system  Lymph nodes - what keeps our immune system
   will grow in size, they develop an inflammatory process. Chronic inflammation from the upper respiratory tract (chronic tonsillitis) also requires prompt treatment.

By reducing the body's defenses are activated infection, which is in a latent state. What matters is not only the fact of eliminating the source of infection, as well as strengthening the immune system Strengthening the immune system - help the immune system  Strengthening the immune system - help the immune system
 . Patients should not self-medicate, to start their own receiving antibacterial agents. Antibiotics can help alleviate the condition, but does not eliminate the causes of inflammation of the submandibular lymph nodes.

Widely used operative treatment, especially with the spread of infection. When purulent process should be open node, it is important to make the cut of the capsule itself. Pus evacuated from the cavity, then left for several days special catheter for drainage or washing, cleaning of pathological content. If the inflammatory process involved several submandibular lymph nodes, that produce surgery. It is necessary to widely open the submandibular region, it is certainly drained.
