Wobenzym is composed of the enzymes needed to cleanse the body
Cleansing the body - comprehensive restoration
tissue breakdown products from harmful lipids and other toxic substances generated as a result of inflammatory processes improper metabolism and so on. Cleansing the body improves the general condition of patients and promotes healing.
What are the ingredients of Wobenzym and how it works
The structure consists of Wobenzym pancreatin, six kinds of enzymes and Rutoside which is angioprotectors, ie strengthens walls of blood vessels, reducing their permeability.
Most in Wobenzym proteolytic enzymes, two of them are of animal origin (trypsin and chymotrypsin) and two vegetable (papain and bromelain). The proteolytic enzymes perform a very important function: they dissolve the remnants of necrotic (destruction) of tissues and other biological substances, which include protein, thus clearing the body from toxic products of protein breakdown. This greatly facilitates the condition of patients with acute and chronic inflammatory and infectious and allergic processes. This reduces inflammation and swelling of the tissues that also provides the analgesic effect.
Wobenzym stimulates cellular and humoral immunity, restoring normal body resistance to any infectious agents. It also stimulates the anti-tumor activity of immune cells - the destruction of malignant tumor cells.
Wobenzym and a positive effect on the processes of thrombus formation, preventing the formation of blood clots due to the restoration of normal clotting properties of blood.
Part of the Wobenzym lipase breaks down fats and removes from the body products of their metabolism, normalizes lipid metabolism, reduces the formation of intrinsic (endogenous) cholesterol, lowers blood lipids, involved in the formation of atherosclerotic plaques in blood vessels, and improves absorption of polyunsaturated fatty acids contained in vegetable oils .
Wobenzym also has mild antibacterial and antiviral properties due to the stimulation of blood formation in special protective proteins - interferon. When injected into the inflammatory focus vobenzim promotes maximum concentration therein antibiotics, whereby the treatment requires lower dosages of these drugs.
Which diseases apply vobenzim
Wobenzym Properties allow you to apply it in a variety of diseases and conditions. It is widely used this drug in the treatment of acute and chronic infectious and inflammatory diseases of different organs and systems - upper respiratory tract, respiratory tract, urinary tract, digestive organs. In all these cases, the use of Wobenzym improves the condition of patients and promotes faster recovery.
Apply Wobenzym well as diseases that are accompanied by impaired patency of blood vessels. For example, it is often prescribed as part of an integrated treatment of thrombophlebitis - inflammation of the walls of the veins, which are accompanied by the formation of blood clots. In diseases of the arteries, which leads to their narrowing (eg, atherosclerosis of the arteries of the lower extremities, obleteriruyuschem endarteriite), congestion and dangerous, so Wobenzym help in this case.
Quite often prescribe Wobenzym in the complex treatment of patients with autoimmune processes - diseases that are accompanied by an allergy to their own tissue. Wobenzym help with glomerulonephritis, autoimmune thyroiditis
Autoimmune thyroiditis - thyroid disease
, Rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis.
To improve blood flow through the blood vessels (blood rheology) Wobenzym prescribed for coronary heart disease, including angina during
Angina - the consequences of the activity
, Rest and myocardial infarction.
Wobenzym has been applied and after various kinds of surgery to prevent infection, thrombosis and adhesion formation (proliferation of connective tissue at the site of inflammation). For the same purpose it is used after injury, in addition, it promotes resorption of hematomas.
When Wobenzym can not be used and whether it has side effects
Wobenzym is very well tolerated and almost no side effects. In rare cases, they appear as allergic reactions (usually urticaria), and minor changes to the consistency and smell of feces.
Admission Wobenzym is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to its components of the patient, for children up to five years, during hemodialysis, as well as people with reduced blood clotting ability and tendency to bleeding. During pregnancy and nursing
Breastfeeding - a personal choice
Wobenzym-feeding is not contraindicated, but its use is recommended with caution, prescribed by a doctor.
Galina Romanenko