How to take orungal - the right approach is of great importance

July 28, 2013

 how to take orungal
 How to take orungal? This was detailed in the instructions, developed by the manufacturer - Belgian pharmaceutical company Janssen Pharmaceutica. When receiving orungala importance it has an acidity of gastric juice of the patient receiving them and other drugs.

 How to take orungal - the right approach is of great importance

How to take orungal

Orungal - is an effective antifungal drug that is often well tolerated. He produced in the form of capsules, 100 mg and oral solution (10 ml orungal contains 100 mg of active principle itraconazole).

This drug should be taken at various fungal infections (including fungal infections of the skin, nails and mucous membranes, systemic mycosis visceral) only on prescription, while respecting the rules of admission. If this is not done, the effectiveness of treatment can be reduced.

Capsules orungal taken immediately after a meal. Chew the capsules or pour the contents of the capsules, ingesting it separately, it is not recommended - it will significantly reduce the effectiveness of treatment. What matters is also the acidity of gastric juice in the patient: low acidity orungala absorption may be impaired, so manufacturers recommend in this case orungal drink cola.

The solution taken orally on an empty stomach orungala. They can first rinse your mouth and then swallow.

 How to take orungal - the right approach is of great importance

How to take orungal with candidiasis

Called candidiasis is a fungal infection caused by the yeast genus Candida. Candidiasis often affects the skin and mucous membranes, but can cause injury and system.

Candidiasis orungal can be taken in capsule form and in the form of solution for oral administration. When vulvovaginal candidiasis Vulvovaginitis - a disease of children and the elderly  Vulvovaginitis - a disease of children and the elderly
   (thrush) orungal take two capsules twice a day (within one day) or two capsules once a day for three days.

If oral candidiasis Oral candidiasis - affects not only children  Oral candidiasis - affects not only children
   (Thrush Stomatitis - to breath fresh  Stomatitis - to breath fresh
   or oral thrush), and esophagus are usually prescribed orungal solution for oral administration. It is taken on an empty stomach 200 mg (two-dimensional or cup of 10 ml) per day for a week, by separating reception by one or two times. If signs of candidiasis is not passed, then a week later treatment can be repeated. On prescription dose and duration of treatment can be repeated. It can also be used capsules - 200 mg (two capsules) once a day or at 100 mg (per capsule) twice a day for a week, or 100 mg once a day for two weeks.

In the systemic candidiasis orungal take 100-200 mg (one - two capsules) once a day for from one to six months (the duration of treatment is determined by the physician). Sometimes, the daily dose may be doubled.

 How to take orungal - the right approach is of great importance

How to take orungal fungal diseases of the skin, nails and bodies of

When otrubevidnom (multicolored) versicolor capsules orungal prescribed 200 mg (two capsules) once a day for a week.

When Microsporum, Trichophyton, athlete's skin orungal appoint 100 mg (one capsule) once daily for two weeks. With the defeat of the rough skin on the hands and feet spend another course of treatment.

If fungal nail treatment orungalom Orungal - antifungal broad spectrum  Orungal - antifungal broad spectrum
   It can be administered as a continuous or intermittent long-term treatment. Full intermittent treatment with the defeat of the nail plate stop includes a three-week course of treatment with the drug at 200 mg twice a day with a three-week break in between. With the defeat of the nail plate brushes such courses also spend two to three-week break. Continuous treatment orungalom - is receiving 200 mg (two capsules) once daily for three months.

The bodies of a fungal infection most commonly affects the cornea, resulting in developed fungal keratitis. Orungal wherein the prescribed 200 mg (two capsules) once a day for three weeks.

 How to take orungal - the right approach is of great importance

How to take orungal in systemic fungal infections

Systemic fungal infections (systemic mycosis) are treated with long-term, within a few months. The daily dose is chosen physician individually, but usually does not exceed 400 mg per day.

Systemic fungal infections can develop at lower immunity, so all diseases, which are accompanied by immunodeficiency (AIDS, cancer, organ transplantation, etc.), prescribe prophylactic courses of orungala. This takes into account the fact that in immunodeficiency may be impaired absorption of the drug, which requires the appointment of large doses.

Orungal - is an effective antifungal drug, but its effectiveness depends on correct application.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • orungal

Oral candidiasis - affects not only children

June 27, 2012

 oral candidiasis
 Some people mistakenly think that oral candidiasis affects mainly newborns or infants. Candida can be encountered at any age. Clinical manifestations of the disease are associated with the state of the human body, so the most likely to develop fungal infections are the people who suffer severe comorbidities.

 Oral candidiasis - affects not only children

Why can develop thrush in the mouth

Yeasts, which are the causative agents of candidiasis, are saprophytic or opportunistic flora, which normally have rights and do not cause any symptoms of disease. Mushrooms are localized in the oral cavity on different parts - root canals, mucosa and other areas. In 70% of those fungi can be detected in an inactive state in a small amount, but it does not mean the presence of candidiasis. The disease develops only in the presence of certain factors that will contribute to the clinical picture.

Fungal infection of the oral cavity occurs in an isolated form or with lesions of other organs and systems. Contribute to the development of candidiasis those conditions that cause a decrease in the body's immune. You can select the following states:

  • malignant (or cancerous) tumors;
  • infectious diseases, including tuberculosis Tuberculosis - a full recovery is not guaranteed  Tuberculosis - a full recovery is not guaranteed
 , HIV infection;
  • endocrine diseases (diabetes, thyroid disease The thyroid gland - is responsible for your hormones  The thyroid gland - is responsible for your hormones
   or adrenal glands);
  • diseases of the digestive tract, especially in violation of gastric acidity;
  • prolonged use of certain drugs (corticosteroids, cytotoxic agents, antibacterial agents, birth control pills). Against the background of their reception takes place immunosuppression Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults  Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults
 That enhances the properties of different types of pathogenic fungi. With patients who are on long-term therapy should be held explanatory talks about the possible negative manifestations in the form of thrush and assigned preventive measures;
  • alcohol and drugs;
  • infection as a result of receipt of the pathogen from the outside (from an infected person, through kissing or sexual intercourse), as well as in the birth of a child if the woman suffers genital candidiasis and underwent a course of therapy.

The immune system is facilitated by the presence of the microflora balance in the body. In the case of immune deficiency creates ideal conditions for the growth of fungal flora and the development of symptoms.

 Oral candidiasis - affects not only children

The volume of medical care for oral candidiasis

If a person were clinical signs of disease, you should be sure to consult a specialist and undergo clinical and laboratory examination .  It should be examined by a general practitioner or a physician to rule out the presence of concomitant diseases .  Treat failure isolation of Candida in the mouth does not make sense, since candidiasis displays the status of all of the human body .  This may explain why, in the scheme of treatment must necessarily include immune-boosting drugs .  Within a month, it is recommended to take natural herbal adaptogens that effectively contribute to the protection of the organism - Siberian ginseng, ginseng and other means .  They come in the form of alcoholic tinctures, but you can prepare a decoction of the plant .  If a person in the course of the survey revealed the presence of the disease on the part of other systems, it is necessary to carry out treatment at a narrow specialty, depending on the pathology revealed .

Driving protivovogribkovoy therapy includes activities of local and general effects. Oral cavity to be processed not only agents having antifungal activity, and various antiseptics and special dyes. Antifungal drugs are available in the form of solutions, creams, so they are suitable for local treatments (e.g., clotrimazole cream). The most widespread among dyes received methylene blue solution, which lubricate the affected areas in the oral cavity. Treating oral cavity should several times per day.

Treatment areas include general administration of drugs have systemic effects on the human body. Assign the following drugs - fluconazole Fluconazole - used with caution  Fluconazole - used with caution
   and itraconazole. Regimens enough so that only a physician can prescribe the most suitable scheme depending on how the disease occurs. When chronic candidiasis should be tableted form of the above antifungal drugs for six months.

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  • candidiasis
