How to treat candidiasis - recommended strict medical supervision

October 13, 2012

 how to treat candidiasis
 Treatment of candidiasis depends on its location and duration. Primary without advanced forms of candidiasis is usually easily treated as an infectious agent does not have time to penetrate deeply into the mucosa. In contrast, long flowing recurrent candidiasis is difficult to treat.

 How to treat candidiasis - recommended strict medical supervision

Features of treatment

Features of treatment of candidiasis consist in the fact that the primary lesions of the skin and mucous membranes can be treated easily, while chronic, constantly escalating processes developing on the background of any other diseases or conditions, as well as candida lesions of the internal organs (visceral candidiasis) to treat very difficult .

Another feature consists in the treatment of candidiasis that completely get rid of the mold is not possible, since it is a natural inhabitant of the skin and mucous membranes of most people.

Finally, the feature of the treatment of candidiasis is that it almost always develops in immunocompromised and without detection of these disorders and their correction to cure recurrent external and visceral (internal organs) form of the disease is impossible.

And as candidiasis often originates in the intestines, where it is part of the pathogenic microflora, in all forms of the disease is carried out rehabilitation of the intestine.

 How to treat candidiasis - recommended strict medical supervision

Treatment of intestinal candidiasis

Treatment of intestinal candidiasis is conducted in the presence of symptoms and the allocation of large amounts of feces fungi genus Candida. It is best for the treatment of gastrointestinal candidiasis suitable antifungal drugs are not absorbed in the intestine, e.g., pimafutsin Pimafucin - help in difficult times  Pimafucin - help in difficult times
 . Antifungals systemic action for the treatment of candidiasis bowel not always suitable, since their reception inside they usually absorbed in the duodenum and do not reach the large intestine, where the most fungi of the genus Candida.

In addition, antifungal drugs for systemic effects often produce complications in the liver and in the intestinal candidosis and so suffer all the digestive organs, including the liver.

Pimafucin (active substance - natamycin) - is an antifungal broad-spectrum antibiotic that kills the cells of fungi genus Candida, destroying their membranes. Pimafucin not absorbed into the blood, has no overall impact on the body, has practically no contraindications and side effects, and is used to treat candidiasis, even in pregnant women.

The criterion for the effectiveness of treatment of candidiasis bowel is the disappearance of symptoms and reduction of fungi of the genus Candida in the stool. Simultaneously, immunokorrektiruyuschaya therapy upon detection of pronounced disorders of immunity.

 How to treat candidiasis - recommended strict medical supervision

Treatment of candidiasis of genitals (thrush)

During the initial development of thrush, and normal immunity (ie, if the immunity decrease was temporary and minor) usually prescribe a single dose of 150 mg fluconazole inside Fluconazole - used with caution  Fluconazole - used with caution
 . Sometimes the systemic treatment is replaced by a local: local appointed antifungals (cream or suppositories with clotrimazole, terzhinan Terzhinan - accessible and efficient  Terzhinan - accessible and efficient
   and others). These drugs are used twice daily for two weeks.

You can also do the bath with a two percent solution of soda or with infusions of herbs that have antifungal effect (chamomile, St. John's wort, sage Sage - cvyaschennaya grass  Sage - cvyaschennaya grass
 , Marigold).

At the same time to strengthen the body's defenses prescribe vitamin and mineral supplements, herbal drugs that stimulate the immune system (eg, tincture of ginseng). With long flowing constantly recurring thrush, fluconazole appoint not one-off, and for a long time, under the supervision of laboratory tests. Appointed as the correction of violations of immunity.

 How to treat candidiasis - recommended strict medical supervision

Treatment of visceral candidiasis

Visceral candidiasis (Candida internal organs) usually runs hard, so its treatment is performed in a hospital antifungal drugs for parenteral (intramuscular or intravenous) administration. And as the visceral form of candidiasis usually develop in severe violations of immunity, both appointed by the treatment of immunodeficiency and restorative therapy.

When candidiasis viscera sure we treat intestinal candidiasis, as it is believed that it was the gut is the main focus of fungal infection and the source of infection to other organs.

Treatment of candidiasis - is not an easy task, it requires an individual approach to the patient, detection and treatment of all possible foci of fungal infection and immune reconstitution.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Treatment of candidiasis

Pneumonic plague - an instant infection

February 7, 2012

 pneumonic plague
 During the most severe epidemic of plague that carried off millions of lives, the disease was of the pulmonary form. It pulmonary form instantaneously transmitted from person to person and is characterized by severe rapid transition to a generalized (involving all agencies) form.

 Pneumonic plague - an instant infection

How do you get

Pneumonic plague Plague - whether justified reputation of the "black death"?  Plague - whether justified reputation of the "black death"?
   most often infected by sick people by droplets. This develops primary pneumonic form of plague. But there may be another way of infection when an infectious agent penetrates the skin or the bite of fleas in contact with the sick person or his clothing (and any object to which he touched), rodents and concrements through food and water . In this case develops first skin, or intestinal bubonic form, which may be complicated by secondary pulmonary form of the disease.

 Pneumonic plague - an instant infection

Home plague - common manifestations of the disease

The incubation period (time from infection until the first signs of illness) lasts from a few hours to 6 days, but usually two or three days. When primary pneumonic form of plague is shorter, often no more than one or two days. The people who introduced the vaccine against the plague, the incubation period may last for eight to ten days.

If any form of the disease began his sharp, sudden. Among the overall health suddenly there is a high temperature (up to 39-40˚), chills, headache, muscle aches, nausea and vomiting. Strong chills (literally teeth were chattering) is extended to half an hour, then passes. Such attacks may occur several times a day. The patient is excited with a special, peculiar to plague fussiness. Face flushed, expressed conjunctivitis, feverish gleam in his eyes. The nature and language: it is overlaid with a thick white coating, resulting in was called "chalk", swells, and it interferes with speech - it becomes slurred. In severe illness, a person becomes cyanotic, his features sharpened and there is a particular expression of suffering and horror, which is called the "face of the plague."

The patient can not sleep, he developed delirium, hallucinations and severe (tearing head) headaches. Brad is combined with excitement, patients tend to run away as far as possible and hide. They move fast, but gait "drunk" staggering. Quickly join the defeat of the cardiovascular system: palpitation, reduction in blood pressure Blood pressure - dangerous if his swing?  Blood pressure - dangerous if his swing?
 , Shortness of breath. Sometimes the skin appear hemorrhagic rash (small hemorrhages) from dark red to black.

 Pneumonic plague - an instant infection

How does pneumonic form of plague

Severe course of different primary pneumonic form of plague. It has three phases: an initial febrile excitement, and the final height of the disease from severe retardation (soporose).

The initial period of the pneumonic form of plague proceeds in the same manner as in all other forms, but faster and heavier. Very quickly there are strong cutting pains in the chest, accompanied by palpitations, and shortness of breath. This is a sign of lung disease - affects the bronchi, lung tissue and lymph nodes broncho-pulmonary system. It starts coughing, which in some patients can be a little sputum, and others with very large. Sputum initially foamy, transparent, but quickly becomes bloody. Attaches bloody vomiting and hemorrhagic rash.

During the height of illness lasts from a few hours to two or three days. In the final stage of the disease the excitement gives way to block, and then the patient goes into a coma, and death comes on the third to fifth day of illness.

Secondary-pneumonic form of plague usually occurs from flowing hard bubonic form. Thus against the bubonic plague Bubonic plague - the least contagious  Bubonic plague - the least contagious
   the temperature rises sharply, there is a strong cough with bloody sputum. This immediately complicates the course of the disease and leads to the death of patients. But sometimes it comes and recovery - recovery from lung injury is very slow.

 Pneumonic plague - an instant infection


Pneumonic plague itself a very serious illness that before the use of antibiotics is rarely recovery, so complications with her most of the time simply did not have time to develop. However, there are complications such as purulent meningitis Meningitis - an inflammation of the meninges  Meningitis - an inflammation of the meninges
 Which is characterized by a sharp increase in headaches and rapid onset of unconsciousness.

Against the backdrop of improving the condition of patients to the plague sometimes joins the usual bacterial infection.

Immunity after plague is not very long. It described many cases of re-infection with plague. Immune to plague created artificially by introducing plague vaccine.

 Pneumonic plague - an instant infection


Patients with pneumonic plague must be in isolated areas and have no contact with other forms of plague. Primary and secondary pulmonary Pneumonic plague is also isolated from each other. The main methods of treatment are antibiotic therapy, anti-intoxication, cardiovascular complications and pneumonia.

Today, when time begun treatment with antibiotics even severe pneumonic plague can be treated.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • plague
