Dimexidum - application: indicated for different diseases

June 17, 2012

 dimexide use
 Application Dimexidum a variety of diseases due to its properties. This drug improves cellular metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
 , Has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, widow properties, is able to dissolve blood clots in superficial veins.

 Dimexidum - application: indicated for different diseases

Application Dimexidum in focal hair loss in adults

First of all, when applied Dimexid Alopecia areata adults. Some medication guide refer it to a group of drugs for the treatment of alopecia. When applied to the affected areas of the scalp dimexide stimulates metabolism in the skin cells by inhibiting the activity of free radicals that have a toxic effect. It helps the cells of the skin, including hair follicles, recover.

Dimexid applied twice daily undiluted wetting the cotton swab How to use sanitary pad - basic precautions  How to use sanitary pad - basic precautions
 Which is then applied to the skin preparation (but in any case without rubbing).

With prolonged use (three to six months) to completely bald areas of the skin, new hair.

 Dimexidum - application: indicated for different diseases

Application Dimexidum at pustular skin diseases

Dimexidum alone or in combination with other drugs advantageously used in the treatment of pustular skin diseases. For example, when youth acne, abrasions, eczema, bacterial, streptococcal and so on. Application Dimexidum allows you to remove the inflammatory process, partially destroying pathogens and greatly improve the overall condition of the skin by stimulating metabolism.

Dimexid used in this case diluted. The concentration of the solution will depend on the sensitivity of the skin. In the not very sensitive skin Sensitive skin: causes and care  Sensitive skin: causes and care
   Dimexidum solution can be applied to two-thirds diluted with water (30%). With high sensitivity and can be used 10% solution. Used with Dimexidum applications. For this pre-prepared solution moistened cloth and put it on the skin with pustules. On top is covered with polyethylene cloth and a dry linen cloth. The procedure is carried out for half an hour once a day, only need to make a rate of 10-15 treatments.

 Dimexidum - application: indicated for different diseases

Application Dimexidum diseases of joints and spine

Dimexidum used in inflammatory (including in infectious-allergic), and degenerative diseases of the joints and spine. Such diseases include inflammatory processes in individual and multiple joints (arthritis and polyarthritis, including rheumatoid arthritis), spine (ankylosing spondylitis), metabolic disorders of the joints (osteoarthritis) and spine (osteochondrosis).

In inflammatory processes in joints and spine Dimexid reduces inflammation, swelling, pain and reduces significantly contributes to the restoration of organ function. When degenerative diseases it improves metabolic processes in the cells of the cartilage and intra-shell relieves pain and partially restores the function of the joint.

Joints make applications with 50% sodium Dimexidum. For this stock solution is diluted by half with water and moisten them gauze. Then the cloth is applied to the joint, straighten, cover with plastic wrap on top and another cotton cloth and leave for half an hour. These procedures are done once a day with up to 10-15.

 Dimexidum - application: indicated for different diseases

Application Dimexidum with thrombophlebitis and trophic ulcers

When thrombophlebitis of superficial veins occurs blockage of the lumen venous thrombi. Violation of venous outflow of blood or arterial blood supply of tissues due to narrowing of the arteries can cause trophic disorders in the tissues. Tissue cells chronically loses nutrients and oxygen, begin to die, resulting in formation of sores.

In this case Dimexid Dimexidum - relieve inflammation and pain, baldness cure  Dimexidum - relieve inflammation and pain, baldness cure
   It will also help to improve the condition of the tissues. Thrombophlebitis penetrates the wall surface of the veins and helps dissolve blood clots. Sores Dimexidum a cure, of course, impossible, but in the complex treatment it can significantly improve the patient's condition.

Thrombophlebitis apply applique 50% Dimexidum and trophic ulcers necessary to apply a lower concentration of the drug, 10 to 30%.

 Dimexidum - application: indicated for different diseases

Application Dimexidum trauma

Dimexidum widely used for various injuries: bruises, sprains and so on.

This reduces inflammation and swelling of the tissues, quickly dissolve hematoma. If the integrity of the skin is not broken, then the 50% solutions, and open wounds - 30-10% solutions.

Used dimexide on prescription, as it has a lot of contraindications.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • dimexide

Dexamethasone - one of the most effective glucocorticosteroids

September 2, 2012

 Dexamethasone acts as a surgical scalpel - quickly and efficiently. But he is dangerous not less than surgery, as it gives many side effects, which are manifested mainly in its long-term use. This drug is taken without a doctor's prescription in any case not worth it.

 Dexamethasone - one of the most effective glucocorticosteroids

The beneficial effects of dexamethasone

Human adrenal glucocorticosteroid produces hormones - corticosteroids, which have a many-sided effect on all organs and body systems. Dexamethasone is a synthetic analogue of a fluorine-containing corticosteroids.

The main beneficial properties of dexamethasone, are used to treat a variety of diseases - is the ability to suppress the root of allergic and inflammatory processes, immediately remove tissue swelling and pain and itching caused by inflammation and pain. More dexamethasone "can" and immediately raise blood pressure (BP), which is very important in any kind of shock, when blood pressure drops sharply.

By the beneficial effects in the treatment of certain diseases (eg, associated with allergy to the body's own tissues) may include suppression of the immune processes. At the same time, it promotes the effect of dexamethasone bacterial, viral or fungal infection.

Dexamethasone actively inhibits proliferation - the ability of tissue cells to multiply. The most actively multiply tissue tumors, so dexamethasone is often used in the treatment of cancer patients.

Dexamethasone also inhibit the growth of connective tissue, which is beneficial to one side effect, as it can reduce scarring and adhesions Adhesions - how to get rid of them?  Adhesions - how to get rid of them?
 . On the other hand this property of dexamethasone can be harmful, since it prevents scarring of the heart muscle after a myocardial infarction.

Unfortunately, apart from the beneficial effects of dexamethasone (like all GCS) has many side effects that are not always good for the body.

 Dexamethasone - one of the most effective glucocorticosteroids

Side effects

Dexamethasone has a significant impact on all types of metabolism. It stimulates the breakdown of proteins, which leads to disruption of growth in children and decreased immunity.

Because proteins and their degradation products formed under the influence of dexamethasone glucose Glucose: The energy source  Glucose: The energy source
 Which in large numbers into the blood. Pancreas thus generates the maximum amount of insulin The principles of action of insulin - the science of saving lives  The principles of action of insulin - the science of saving lives
 But it is not enough to ensure that all the glucose has been metabolized tissues. Therefore, steroid diabetes develops.

A large number of energetic material (glucose) promotes disintegration and the formation of fat, but the latter process dominates and the patient is actively gaining weight. This occurs under the influence of hormones improper distribution of fat, which changes the outlines of the figure of the patient: the fat accumulates in the upper body.

Dexamethasone peculiarity is that it, unlike other GCS has less influence on water-salt exchange, then there is very little delay, and salts of sodium, potassium, and outputs the water. However, long-term use of the drug may develop deficiency of potassium in the body, which is primarily reflected in the myocardial contractility - promotes the development of cardiovascular disease, stagnation of blood in the veins and the formation of thrombosis. With a lack of potassium is also developing all the weakness of the muscular system.

Calcium, unfortunately, under the influence of dexamethasone displayed a very active, which promotes rapid formation of osteoporosis - thinning and brittle bones, susceptibility to fractures.

Long-term intake of dexamethasone in high doses inhibits the activity of the main endocrine glands of the pituitary gland, thereby reducing the release of its hormones. Reduced secretion of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), whose function is to stimulate the adrenal cortex leads to the suppression of secretion of their own (endogenous) GCS. This in turn causes the syndrome of Cushing: moon face, fat deposits on the back, neck and shoulders, increased body hair and a violation of the sexual glands. The women developed menstrual disorders and infertility and impotence in men Impotence - a female perspective on the problem  Impotence - a female perspective on the problem

Dexamethasone may have an effect on the central nervous system. In patients with headaches, dizziness, mood disorders (high or low mood), insomnia. In some cases, may develop psychosis and convulsions.

At the site of injection of dexamethasone may develop atrophy (thinning) of the skin, areas of increased or decreased pigmentation of the skin, petechial hemorrhages and purulent inflammation.

Dexamethasone is a very effective glucocorticoid drug that has many side effects, take into account that only a doctor can.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • dexamethasone
