Cholera: the main thing - to prevent dehydration - Signs

June 7, 2009

  • Cholera: the main thing - to prevent dehydration
  • Signs

Especially dangerous infections

Cholera - an acute infectious disease characterized by lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, a violation of water-salt metabolism and dehydration due to loss of fluids and salts in the stool and vomit. The causative agent of cholera - Vibrio cholerae, which can be of two types: classic and El Tor. Vibrio cholerae produces a toxin (toxin genes). Animals in the wild do not get sick with cholera.

Holnrny cholerae - are small, slightly curved or straight rods in lengths of 1, 5-3 mm, spores and capsules do not form and have a flagellum, the length of 2-3 times the size of the cell. Flagellum allows vibrio move actively. Location breeding vibrio cholera - the human intestine.

 Signs | Cholera: the main thing - to prevent dehydration

How are infected with cholera

The source of infection is a sick person or a bacilli carrier (which has vibrio in the intestines, but no symptoms of the disease), cholera batsillonositelstvo observed after the disease. The source of the infection can become reservoirs contaminated with sewage discharges.

V. cholerae enters the body through the mouth with contaminated water or food. If they are not killed in the acidic environment of the stomach, it comes into the lumen of the small intestine where the environment is already alkaline, which contributes to the enhanced proliferation of vibrios. The process of reproduction and destruction of V. cholerae is accompanied by the release of large amounts of toxic substances which cause the main symptoms of the disease.

 Signs | Cholera: the main thing - to prevent dehydration

Symptoms of cholera

The manifestations of the classical cholera and El Tor are similar, but there are some features. The incubation period ranges from a few hours to 5 days, usually 2-3 days. He is shorter than in those with chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, especially with reduced gastric acidity.

Initially, there is discomfort, weakness, dizziness, light fever. Then (usually at night or morning), diarrhea appears, and then vomiting. Sometimes all develops gradually (stool 3-10 times a day, does not lose fecal character) and then reaches the high dehydration degree. Such a mild course of the disease is observed in almost half of the patients (drainage of I degree).

In more severe watery bowel movements are fast becoming reminding rice water - is unclear-white liquid with floating flakes, odorless. A chair from 3 to 20 and more times a day, a painful defecation. At the same time there is profuse vomiting (fountain) without prior nausea. Increases dehydration: patients feel weakness, pain and jerking in the calf and the masticatory muscles, dizziness Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet  Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet
 , Fainting. Because of the dryness of mucous weak voice, hoarse. This dehydration of II degree.

When dehydration of III degree observed profuse watery bowel movements (number of bowel movements is beyond counting) and vomiting up to 15-20 times a day. Appears great weakness, thirst, pain or cramps in the muscles, the eyeballs sink, facial features sharpened, appear on the skin folds.

Cholera dehydration grade IV or algid is the most severe form of the disease, which is accompanied by a decrease in body temperature. The loss of liquid in this case is up to 10% by weight. Such flow can occur within 2-3 hours after onset, and most - 12 hours. The body becomes violet-gray color of the skin of patients with cold to the touch, covered with sticky sweat, wrinkled, especially characteristic shriveling brushes - "washerwoman hands." Face sunken, the features are sharp and prolonged convulsions. Then comes the disturbance of consciousness and coma, after which the patient dies.

The peculiarity of the current cholera El Tor is a great variety of clinical manifestations: more frequent during the dehydration degree I-II in the form of batsillonositelstva. Most have a fever, abdominal pain Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms  Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms

 Signs | Cholera: the main thing - to prevent dehydration

Diagnosis of cholera

Diagnosis is based on an existing contact with cholera patients neobezzarazhennoy use water from open reservoirs, typical symptoms of the disease and the results of laboratory tests.

The blood shows signs of condensation, reduction of potassium and chlorine.

Held microbiological (sowing on nutrient media), and microscopic examination of feces and vomit of the patient, to confirm the presence in them of Vibrio cholerae.

Furthermore, blood tests are conducted for the presence of antibodies Antibodies - "soldiers' immunity  Antibodies - "soldiers' immunity
   for Vibrio cholerae. But these studies are carried out mainly to detect ill with mild forms of the disease.

 Signs | Cholera: the main thing - to prevent dehydration


Treatment is most effective during the first hours of onset. Treatment is determined by the condition of the patient and, above all, the degree of dehydration. When dehydration I, II, and III, and sometimes much watered patient plenty of fluids (saline), is constantly and gradually, sometimes it is done through a tube.

At a deeper level of dewatering liquid as saline solutions are administered intravenously.

All patients and batsillononositelyam prescribe antibiotics for at least 5 days.

Control microbiological studies carried out in 24-36 hours after taking antibiotics Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?  Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?
   3 days in a row.

  Galina Romanenko

Tularemia - what could ill grandfather Mazai? - How can you get sick

June 11, 2009

  • Tularemia - what could ill grandfather Mazai?
  • How can you get sick

How can tularemia

Infectious carriers are rodents and rabbits. While infecting the disease have runs hard and is often the cause of death. Places where there are infected animals, called the natural foci of infection. On the territory of these centers can be infected and other animals (sheep, pigs, cattle).

Tularemia pathogen transmission among animals usually occurs through blood-sucking insects (mosquitoes, ticks). Inside these vectors of tularemia pathogen multiplies and further transmitted to other animals.

Human infection occurs in different ways:

  • contact (through the skin and mucous membranes), in contact with small animals sick or to environments contaminated by their secretions;
  • bites mosquitoes infected with the infection;
  • when consuming water or food contaminated with rodent excretions;
  • Inhalation of dust or droplets of water contaminated with rodent excretions.

After undergoing tularemia in humans remains relatively stable (sometimes lifelong) immunity.

 How could I get | Tularemia - what could ill grandfather Mazai?

How does tularemia

There are the following forms of tularemia: bubonic, ulceroglandular, glazobubonnuyu, anginal-bubonic, abdominal, lung, generalized. But with all the variety of forms of tularemia some of its manifestations is common to all forms.

The incubation period (time from infection to the first symptoms of the disease) lasts from a few hours to 3 weeks, with an average of 3-7 days. The disease begins acutely, suddenly with chills, fever. The fever lasts from 5 days to 2 months. Characterized by a sharp headache, dizziness, muscle aches, lack of appetite, sometimes vomiting, dizziness and light-headedness. Disrupts sleep Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
 , There is sweating, his face red and swollen, inflamed conjunctiva of the eye. In the oral mucosa may be petechial hemorrhages, tongue coated. May appear rash followed by desquamation.

For bubonic form, moreover, is characterized by inflamed lymph nodes Swollen lymph nodes - a sign of trouble in the body  Swollen lymph nodes - a sign of trouble in the body
   (buboes). Buboes have a size of from 1 to 5 cm, slightly painful, are single and multiple. They can dissolve or fester with pus and scarring.

Primary inflammatory changes may occur on the site of the sting. The skin appears first spot, then a papule (elevation), the bubble, it quickly fills with pus, and bursts in its place formed an ulcer, which is very slow scarring.

When glazobubonnoy along with the bubonic form appears sharp conjunctivitis, often with pustules and ulcers, patient barely opens his eyes. The disease may be accompanied by a sore throat with a grayish-white plaque on the tonsils. Abdominal lymph node is characterized by bowel appear severe abdominal pain Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms  Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms
 , Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.

Pneumonic tularemia proceeds as bronchitis or pneumonia Pneumonia - Symptoms and Causes  Pneumonia - Symptoms and Causes
 . Generalized (common) form is characterized by the development of the common symptoms of the disease. Against the background of a high temperature can be loss of consciousness, delirium. The skin may appear red rash that lasts 8-12 days, and then peel off.

 How could I get | Tularemia - what could ill grandfather Mazai?

Diagnosis of tularemia

Diagnosis of tularemia is made by the existence of contact with sick animals, the characteristic signs of the disease, the results of skin allergy test with tularemia antigen and laboratory data.

At a blood analysis reveals the presence of tulyarimiynyh antibodies that develop in response to the introduction of the antigen - the causative agent of tularemia. In the first 10-12 days of illness can make crop contents ulcers or bubo and highlight the culture of the pathogen.

 How could I get | Tularemia - what could ill grandfather Mazai?


Treatment with antibiotics and a special vaccine that contains killed by agents of tularemia. We introduce a large amount of fluid in order to reduce toxicity. Locally we treat ulcers, open festering buboes.

Always remember that while relaxing in nature it is not necessary to catch rodents (they carry not only tularemia), need to wear tight clothing (ticks) and the use of repellents for mosquitoes.

  Galina Romanenko
