The first symptoms of breast cancer - are important for early detection of disease

June 19, 2013

 the first symptoms of breast cancer
 The first symptoms of breast cancer Breast cancer - symptoms of the disease need to know  Breast cancer - symptoms of the disease need to know
   it is very difficult to distinguish from other diseases of the body. Moreover, the detection of any changes in the breast breast cancer is most often not confirmed. If breast cancer is detected in its early stages, it responds well to treatment. Therefore, women should not be afraid of visits to the doctor.

 The first symptoms of breast cancer - are important for early detection of disease

Is the pain in the chest first sign of cancer?

As a rule, no. The tumor in the early stages is usually painless. Partly pain may only appear at a palpation of the breast. In general, the pain more characteristic diffuse (spread) of mastitis - hormonal breast disease. When passing mastitis in nodular or breast cancer Breast cancer: what every woman needs to know  Breast cancer: what every woman needs to know
   (BC) pain reduced or completely disappear.

But breast cancer is sometimes manifested in the form of atypical pain, for example, back in the interscapular region, which are often mistaken for signs of osteoarthritis. Persistent pain in the interscapular region, not aggravated by exertion, may be a sign of breast cancer Signs of breast cancer - unusual manifestations  Signs of breast cancer - unusual manifestations

 The first symptoms of breast cancer - are important for early detection of disease

The first symptoms of breast cancer is not always possible to identify

In most cases, breast cancer starts asymptomatic and manifested only in the form of a small unit. Identify a node by probing it can be used only when it reached the size of 2 cm in diameter and greater. The tumor in this case may have a small, dense texture and uneven (sometimes bumpy) surface. With the surrounding tissues in the early stages of the disease cancer soldered dense.

In order to identify the unit smaller, you need to carry out X-ray - mammography or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). These surveys routinely recommended for women at risk for breast cancer. Basically it is a woman with a family history (breast cancer was her mother, grandmother, sister, and so on), suffering from hormonal disorders, infertility, constantly exposed to stress and so on.

 The first symptoms of breast cancer - are important for early detection of disease

What you can see in the mirror

Examination of the mammary glands in the mirror should be carried out every woman every month at 5-7 days of the menstrual cycle The days of the menstrual cycle: Four phases  The days of the menstrual cycle: Four phases
 . If irregular or monthly, they have already ended (menopause), the self-examination is carried out strictly on certain days of the month.

On examination, the chest draw attention to its shape. One of the early signs of breast cancer can be a retraction of the skin over the tumor, or an increase in one of the breast (in diffuse form of the disease). The nipple can also be increased or, conversely, decreased, or even flattened retracted.

The skin over the breast tumor can be wrinkled, change its color, become inflamed, it may appear to erosion. Very often the first symptom of breast cancer is the appearance of scratches and cracks on the nipples. These abrasions are very difficult to heal, but then appear again. Simultaneously, nipple discharge may appear different nature - colorless, transparent, yellowish, bloody, and so on.

 The first symptoms of breast cancer - are important for early detection of disease

Changes in the lymph nodes

The increase in axillary lymph nodes may also be one of the earliest signs of the disease - a sign of the second-stage breast cancer, which refers to the early stages. This affects one to three lymph nodes are dense, in most cases, painless (or slightly painful) not fused with each other and with the surrounding tissue.

If a greater number of affected lymph nodes, they are welded to each other and to the surrounding tissues in the dense conglomerate, it is already late stages of breast cancer.

 The first symptoms of breast cancer - are important for early detection of disease


If a woman during a self-identified at least some changes in the breast (or is she just thought - in this case, better to be safe), it should immediately consult a doctor mammologu or just to the surgeon in the outpatient clinic. Very small tumors less than 1 cm in diameter, and can be detected only by means of a mammogram or MTT. Large tumor can be detected by ultrasound.

To distinguish the early stages of a benign tumor from a malignant ultrasound elastography can help, as well as a biopsy - a puncture of the tumor under ultrasound, and capture its contents for laboratory testing (to detect changes of the tumor cells). But the final diagnosis is often possible to establish only after the operation, when the last point puts the histological examination of the removed tumor tissue.

Early detection of breast cancer significantly increases a woman's chances for a cure.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Diagnosis of breast cancer

Indications for use of the drug mastodinon - hormonal disorders in women

February 5, 2012

 Use of the drug indications mastodinon
 Mastodinon - is herbal medicines that are prescribed for a variety of hormonal disorders in women. Incorrect ratio of hormones that affect the female reproductive organs, can cause a number of pathological processes in the female body.

 Indications for use of the drug mastodinon - hormonal disorders in women

What Constitutes mastodinon

The structure consists of six mastodinon herbal preparations. The main ingredient is prostrate summer cypress - that it stimulates the activity of dopamine in the hypothalamus and starts the "chain reaction" restore hormonal levels. This drug has been known to doctors of ancient Greece and Rome, they treated K. prostrata (known as chaste tree) various gynecological diseases.

The rest of the herbal products also have the ability to affect the hormonal balance and thereby enhance the effect of K. prostrata:

  • vasilistnikovidny cohosh is used for menstrual irregularities;
  • Alpine violet is used as a sedative, headaches, menstrual irregularities;
  • chilibuha Ignatia - it is also soothing and relaxation means;
  • toffee-colored long been used to treat migraine;
  • Tiger Lily - soothes, relieves irritability, restores normal menstrual cycle.

 Indications for use of the drug mastodinon - hormonal disorders in women

Mastodinon in mastopathy

Mastitis is also called fibrocystic disease. Breast disease is a consequence of hormonal failure, in which generated more than the norm of female sex hormones estrogen. Under the influence of estrogen, new breast milk ducts, some of them are closed and at their ends are formed with transparent cyst contents.

In diffuse mastopathy (it is usually the initial stage of the disease) process covers uniformly both breasts. Such a condition can be treated very conservatively, resulting in pathological processes undergo reverse development. If one or two are formed large, dense nodes in the mammary gland, the conservative therapy will not help - nodes need to be removed, followed by histological examination, as the nodal mastopathy Breast - the mirror Women's Health  Breast - the mirror Women's Health
   It is considered a precancerous condition.

In diffuse mastopathy women appointed mastodinon. Influenced mastodinon runs a chain of interconnected influences. Mastodinon increases the efficiency of the emitted hypothalamus dopamine - dopamine inhibits the secretion of pituitary hormone prolactin - as a result of increased secretion of the female sex hormone progesterone (prolactin, suppresses the secretion) - progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
   It restores the balance between female hormones and pathological changes in the mammary glands are reduced or undergo complete regression.

 Indications for use of the drug mastodinon - hormonal disorders in women

Mastodinon in the menstrual cycle and infertility

It was established that the main cause of most of menstrual disorders and related infertility is the failure of the second phase of the menstrual cycle due to insufficient secretion of the female hormone progesterone. This often occurs at elevated secretion (hypersecretion) pituitary hormone prolactin, which blocks the secretion of progesterone. Sometimes hypersecretion of prolactin can be latent (hidden, outwardly manifested), however, and she causes a deficiency of progesterone.

Mastodinon inhibits secretion of prolactin by affecting the hormones of the hypothalamus. As a result, increased amounts of progesterone and the menstrual cycle is restored. Of course, this will require a lot of time, since most herbal preparations are very slow.

 Indications for use of the drug mastodinon - hormonal disorders in women

Mastodinon premenstrual syndrome

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) - a set of symptoms that developed in the second half of the menstrual cycle and is manifested by increased irritability Irritability - you try to control my temper  Irritability - you try to control my temper
 Passing into aggressiveness, sudden changes in blood pressure, swelling, pain in the heart, vomiting, pain and breast engorgement and other similar manifestations.

The cause of PMS is often latent hyperprolactinemia Hyperprolactinemia: determine the cause  Hyperprolactinemia: determine the cause
   - Hidden increase prolactin levels. Therefore, in this case mastodinon has a positive effect and promotes the normalization of hormonal levels. In addition, the composition includes a plant mastodinon soothing (sedative) properties, which is also important in the treatment of PMS. Treating PMS mastodinon should also be long: at least three consecutive menstrual cycles.

Mastodinon acts slowly, but surely, if it is applied by a doctor, and after the test.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • mastodinon
