Seal breast cancer: early identification of the problem - a guarantee of recovery - The incidence of

December 24, 2009

  • Seal breast cancer: early identification of the problem - a guarantee of recovery
  • The incidence of

Why can arise in the breast compression

Seals in the breast can occur when hormonal imbalance in the body (mastopathies), benign tumors, and breast cancer.

Often a precancerous breast disease. Benign tumors are sometimes (but much less) may become breast cancer Breast cancer: what every woman needs to know  Breast cancer: what every woman needs to know
 . Breast cancer is one of the most common and threatening cancer.

 The incidence of | Sealing breast cancer: early identification of the problem - a guarantee of recovery

Seal mammary mastitis

Breast - is a benign growth of breast tissue that occurs in violation of hormonal background. Breast disease manifested as nodular or diffuse (widespread) forms.

Nodular form of mastitis - a separate accumulation of proliferating tissue in the form of dense knots, and you can test the maloboleznennye single or multiple foci of seals, they are not soldered to the skin and nipple, mobile, with the patient lying down can not be felt. Increases in nearby lymph nodes is observed.

Diffuse breast Breast - the mirror Women's Health  Breast - the mirror Women's Health
   - Growth of breast tissue around its volume. It can manifest growth of glandular tissue (generating a secret), breast cancer (breast adenoznaya), connective tissue (fibrous breast) and the growth of breast tissue with the formation of numerous cysts (cystic breast). Often there are mixed forms of diffuse mastopathy. The main signs of mastitis are diffuse swelling of the breast and pain for about a week before menstruation. Sometimes there are discharge from the nipple.

The development of mastitis due to the large number of female hormones estrogen that promote tissue growth. Different types of mastopathy occur every third woman, the percentage of increase in the presence of any gynecological diseases, as well as late delivery or abortion, early or late menopause, early or late onset of menstruation, thyroid dysfunction The thyroid gland - is responsible for your hormones  The thyroid gland - is responsible for your hormones
 , Trauma breast and uterine cancer, and so forth.

 The incidence of | Sealing breast cancer: early identification of the problem - a guarantee of recovery

Seal mammary benign tumors

Most often it appears in the mammary gland fibroadenoma, which may be leaf-node and. Nodal fibroadenoma almost always occurs in the form of a single unit under the age of 35 years. At the age of 40 years after its possible malignant degeneration. The tumor is made up of glandular and connective tissue, usually painless, has a rounded shape, sharp contours and various sizes - from several mm to several cm.

Leaf-fibroadenoma has a layered structure, is rapidly increasing in size, sometimes undergoes malignant transformation. The skin over the leaf-fibroadenoma becomes thinner and bluish tint.

 The incidence of | Sealing breast cancer: early identification of the problem - a guarantee of recovery

Seal breast cancer

The disease usually develops in the increased production of estrogens, which leads to the growth of mammary ductal epithelium and atypical appearance of (immature) cells. The right and left breasts are affected equally often, sometimes there is bilateral involvement.

There are two forms of cancer - knots (more common) and diffuse. For nodular feature is painless tight knot with a rough surface and indistinct contours. The tumor grows in the direction of the skin, subcutaneous tissue sprouting, so the skin over it becomes wrinkled or drawn. Soon there is swelling of the skin surface of the nipple and peripapillary (nipple). In the propagation of the tumor through the ducts formed nipple retraction, there is also a sign of "orange peel" - the swelling and expansion of the skin follicles over the tumor. If palpation of iron fixed in relation to the pectoral muscles, which means that the tumor they sprouted.

Diffuse form of breast cancer can occur in younger women during pregnancy and lactation, thus there is no pain, but the tumor is growing rapidly in size and metastasizes Metastasis - danger everywhere  Metastasis - danger everywhere
   in nearby lymph nodes. Another type is a diffuse form of cancer mastitopodobny cancer, which is often the case in older women. Any suit in old age should be carefully examined. Sometimes diffuse cancer gets rozhepodobnoe for, in such cases, it is easily confused with erysipelas, which is caused by streptococcus. In these cases, the skin of the breast appears redness and swelling with jagged edges. When armored diffuse cancer iron reduced in size, inactive, sealed, with an uneven surface, reminiscent of armor.

 The incidence of | Sealing breast cancer: early identification of the problem - a guarantee of recovery

Diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer seals

Understanding the nature of the seal has a doctor after inspection. However, the diagnosis should be confirmed by additional research. Held X-ray (mammography - breast cancer research, ductography - research ducts of the breast with the introduction of a contrast agent), ultrasound and laboratory (study of tissue or breast discharge) diagnosis.

Depending on the established diagnosis is the treatment: removal of nodes in the breast, conservative treatment of diffuse proliferation of tissue or complex oncological treatment of breast cancer.

Take care of yourself: the timely detection of breast cancer - a guarantee of recovery.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • mammary gland

Biopsy of breast cancer - for which it is held? - Kinds

September 10, 2009

  • Biopsy of breast cancer - for which it is held?
  • Kinds

What is a breast biopsy and how it is conducted

Biopsy - a survey method in which a microscopic examination is taken on a piece of tissue or fluid from the formation in the mammary gland. The fact that, for different types of tumor tissue cells also differ from each other. Biopsy allows high accuracy make the correct diagnosis, to identify the disease at an early stage, identify inflammatory, hormonal or neoplastic processes. A biopsy is also necessary to clarify the already diagnosis, re-biopsy allows us to trace the effect of treatment on the process.

A biopsy is performed at the node mastopathies Breast - the mirror Women's Health  Breast - the mirror Women's Health
 , Suspected malignant or benign tumors, inflammatory breast cancer.

In the diagnosis of breast disease are used puncture, aspiration and incisional biopsy types to distinguish benign from malignant process.

 Forms | breast biopsy - Why is it conducted?

Needle biopsy

Needle biopsy occasion in the office of the surgeon in the clinic without anesthesia. The education in the field of breast needle and syringe injected a small amount of tissue is sucked. The procedure can be unpleasant fact that after the skin bruise.

To take the analysis a special dye painted cloth, and then examined under a microscope. Histological examination of tissue obtained is the most reliable method for diagnosing tumors. False detection of cancer Malignant tumor: cells are mad  Malignant tumor: cells are mad
   impossible, since these fabrics have a very characteristic structure. But if the cancer after a biopsy was not found, completely exclude this diagnosis is impossible, that the fabric could be taken from a healthy part of the site. In such cases, if there is any doubt, we recommend removing the site and study of surgical specimens.

 Forms | breast biopsy - Why is it conducted?

Suction biopsy

Aspiration biopsy - is taking liquid through a syringe needle of a cyst. A prerequisite of this research is the precision sampling of material, the use of a special syringe with a fine needle. After the puncture, the piston is pulled to failure, remove the syringe with the needle, let the air out of it, leaving the liquid, and repeat the procedure aspiration Aspiration: the main thing - do not get confused  Aspiration: the main thing - do not get confused

The resulting material was placed on glass slides, stained and looked under microscope, revealing abnormal (malignant) cells.

 Forms | breast biopsy - Why is it conducted?

Incisional biopsy

An incisional biopsy is performed if you can not eliminate the malignant nature of the tumor. Oncology surgeon removes the suspicious formation under anesthesia. Since the elderly are rare benign tumors, the oncologist may recommend to immediately carry out the removal of a node without an aspiration biopsy.

If a woman is very worried about the presence of a tumor, and all reject cancer research Breast cancer - the verdict?  Breast cancer - the verdict?
 , The doctor may also recommend to have surgery to bring back the patient psychological balance. In most cases, continue to regularly monitor the status of the node.

After removal of the cloth assembly sent to a laboratory where it is examined under a microscope. If the diagnosis is necessary immediately, during operation, the cut tissue quickly frozen and sent for analysis, while the patient is on the operating table.

If the doctor offers to do a biopsy, in any case can not refuse - this is the most accurate method of diagnosis, which reveals a malignant tumor at the very beginning of its development.

  Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • mammary gland
