The seal in the chest - a reason to turn to mammologu - How is the survey

November 7, 2010

  • The seal in the chest - a reason to turn to mammologu
  • As the survey is conducted

 seal the chest as the survey is conducted breast

How is the breast examination

Breast examination is aimed primarily at identifying breast cancer in the early stages, as well as precancerous conditions, which include some types of hormonal breast disease, cysts and benign tumors.

Today, all women over 35 are advised to be screened every year by a doctor - mammalogy. In addition, the woman and the very need systematically to probe their breasts to detect any kind of seals. Such self-examination should teach a woman surgeon - mammolog.

The annual survey of women include breast ultrasound, mammography (breast x-rays), blood tests for hormones and consultation of mammalogy. If there is a suspicion of any disease of the breast, it is carried out taking the breast tissue for laboratory examination (biopsy), depth X-ray examination, a study of breast cancer using radioactive substances (they have the ability to concentrate in the cancer), the identification of blood proteins that secrete cancer cells (tumor markers).


The seal in the chest when mastitis

Or breast fibrocystic disease - a hormonal disorder in which under the influence of hormonal changes in the mammary gland appear proliferation of connective tissue and the formation of cysts (pouches) filled with clear content.

Breast may be diffuse (it applies to the whole breast) and nodular (formation in the breast of one or more nodes of connective tissue, and cysts).

Nodal mastopathy Breast - the mirror Women's Health  Breast - the mirror Women's Health
   more often than diffuse reborn in breast cancer. In the mammary gland palpated one or more nodes with clear contours.

Before menstruation nodes in the breast due arising under the influence of hormones edema become painful (pain may spread to the whole breast), increase in size. When the menstruation is over, the pain becomes less, and the node detectable more clearly. He is mobile, has the wrong, but clear contours, not soldered to the skin. A distinctive feature of the nodal mastopathy is that in the supine position to test the components can not be - the so-called negative symptoms Koenig.

If diffuse disease of the breast Diffuse breast disease - affects the whole breast  Diffuse breast disease - affects the whole breast
   treated primarily conservative methods, the nodal breast Nodal mastopathy: Early diagnosis is important  Nodal mastopathy: Early diagnosis is important
   subject to surgical treatment.


The seal in the chest on the breast fibroadenoma

Fibroadenoma - is the most common benign tumor of the breast that includes the breast tissue and fibrous connective tissue. It can occur anywhere on the breast (fibroadenomas may be several), but most of all - the upper-outer part of it.

Under the influence of female hormones fibroadenoma may vary - in some cases increase rapidly, in others - to decline and even vanish. This occurs most often during different hormonal surges, such as during pregnancy.

Fibroadenomas are knots and leafy. When a node in breast fibroadenoma can be felt clearly delimited, painless knot round shape size from 1 cm to very large sizes. A distinctive feature of the nodal fibroadenomas is that it can be felt in the supine position (positive symptom Koenig). Leaf-fibroadenoma is also clearly distinguished from the surrounding tissue, but it has a layered structure, clearly detectable in the form of an oval or rough assembly, is growing rapidly, and changes the shape of the breast.

Fibroadenoma subject to mandatory removal, as it can degenerate into cancer.


The seal in the chest for breast cancer

Breast cancer - malignant tumor is breast epithelial tissue. The main signs of breast cancer include:

  • occurrence in breast painless node or changing the shape of one of the breast;
  • the emergence of "dimples" on the skin when picked up arms over his head;
  • nipple retraction, the appearance of a bleeding Spotting - it is important to rule out pathology  Spotting - it is important to rule out pathology
  • changes in the structure of the breast tissue to the touch;
  • constant discomfort in one breast;
  • an increase in the axillary lymph nodes.

Article Tags:
  • breast

Treatment of mastitis - conservative or surgical? - Chest pain

April 30, 2013

  • Treatment of mastitis - conservative or surgical?
  • Chest pain
  • Therapies
  • Conservative treatment
  • Folk remedies

 treatment of mastitis breast pain

Treatment of mastitis - chest pain

In most cases, breast Breast - the mirror Women's Health  Breast - the mirror Women's Health
   It does not require any medical intervention, and only if the condition is accompanied by a distinct and unpleasant symptoms, chest pain, or the appearance of multiple entities, you need to complete treatment. Most often, however, the symptoms of mastitis through one or two menstrual cycles independently. Treatment of mastitis is directed primarily to the suppression of unpleasant symptoms and normalization of hormone level fluctuations which provoked mastopathy.

One of the most unpleasant symptoms of mastitis - chest pain Chest pain is one symptom - a lot of diseases  Chest pain is one symptom - a lot of diseases
 , Which can suppress by a simple action (for example, continuous wear comfortable, appropriate size bra supports the breast) or with standard painkillers. Most often used for the relief of pain in the chest caused mastopathy apply proeparaty nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory (eg ibuprofen) or an ordinary paracetamol. Taking these drugs on their own, it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions given by the manufacturer.

If conventional methods of suppressing the symptoms of mastitis have been unsuccessful, danazol is used - a drug is released strictly on prescription. Danazol is contraindicated for the treatment of mastitis in pregnant wome and breastfeeding women. This medication can cause a number of rather unpleasant side effects, including nausea and a general feeling of malaise, dizziness, weakness, allergic skin rash, rapid weight gain.

In some cases alleviate symptoms of mastitis Breast - Symptoms: When should I see a doctor?  Breast - Symptoms: When should I see a doctor?
   help lifestyle changes - such as the refusal of the caffeine contained in tea, coffee and some carbonated drinks, or saturated fats, which are contained in the oil, greasy fried food. In addition, in some cases, to normalize the hormone level fluctuations that trigger breast, makes regular use of oral contraceptive pills, which contain synthetic versions of "female" hormone estrogen Estrogen - the key to bone health  Estrogen - the key to bone health
   and progesterone.


Surgical treatment

Benign tumors in the breast tissue usually does not require removal by surgery. However, if there is a gradual increase in the size of such education or if it is unpleasant, intense symptoms may require surgical treatment of mastitis. For example, surgical removal may be required in the following cases:

  • When necrosis of fat tissue, causing the formation of a solid education, increasing in size.
  • When intraductal papilloma (benign tumors in the ducts of the breast). Damaged milk ducts need to be surgically removed, if they continue to cause discharge from the nipples, or inflammation.

The decision on the removal of formation in the breast tissue and may take the woman - especially if it is large. Surgical removal of education - lumpectomy - is performed under general anesthesia. There is an alternative method of treatment - the destruction of fibroadenoma laser procedure performed under local anesthesia. Safety and efficacy of laser to remove tumors in the breast tissue is still not completely understood.
