Fibrocystic breast disease: a precancerous condition

November 26, 2009

  • Fibrocystic breast disease: a precancerous condition
  • Treatment
  • Harbinger of cancer?

 shotty breast
 Shotty breast Breast - the mirror Women's Health  Breast - the mirror Women's Health
   - Benign breast disease, caused by a hormonal imbalance and is characterized by excessive growth of connective tissue. The first manifestation of fibrocystic breast - pain in the breast, which intensified in the days before menstruation. After the end of month is usually the pain go away or decrease. Over time, the pain becomes more intense and prolonged. When the feeling glands marked sharp pain and minor seal without clear boundaries. These seals are defined in different parts of the gland. When you squeeze the nipple of them appear allocation of various kinds.

Traditionally, fibrocystic breast disease was considered a disease of women of menopausal age, but recently she found even in young women under 30 years.

The main role in causing fibrocystic breast is removed hormonal disorders. The development of the mammary glands, regular cyclical changes in them, and change their function during pregnancy and breastfeeding is influenced by a whole range of hormones. Any imbalance of hormones accompanied by changes in breast tissue. The cause of hormonal disorders, mammary glands may be gynecological diseases, sexual dysfunction, genetic predisposition, disease processes in the liver and biliary tract, pregnancy and childbirth, stress.



There are two types mastopatii: diffuse and uzlovuyu. Mastopatia begins with proliferation of connective tissue, and the formation of small nodules and cords prosovidnye (diffuse form). With further development of the disease in the breast tissue formed dense units ranging in size from a pea to walnut (nodular form). Diffuse form may be a predominance of cystic, fibrous or glandular component and mixed form (fibrozno-kistoznaya breast). The most common is fibrocystic breast disease.

Fibrocystic breast disease is not a precancerous condition, but the existing breast is a predisposing risk factor for breast cancer.

Therefore, timely diagnosis and treatment of mastitis Treatment of mastitis - conservative or surgical?  Treatment of mastitis - conservative or surgical?
   very important. Although the probability of regeneration is very small - ten formations breast malignancy is only one - do not let the disease take its course.

When dishormonal violations in the mammary glands is very difficult to distinguish between normal and pathological due to subjectivity of sensations, so if any changes in the breast need to consult your doctor for an accurate diagnosis, which includes radiological mammography and ultrasound.


Fibrocystic breast disease, and vitamin E,

Fibrocystic breast disease - is a disease of the breast, where the chest (often both) develop benign growths of various sizes and densities, often painful. Mastopatia includes a set of symptoms, while the fore breast pain, increase their sense of volume swelling.

Mastopatia arises against stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
   and hormonal imbalance in the female body. By itself, the breast is not life-threatening. It is often left without attention and adequate treatment, as a result it causes substantial inconvenience and trouble as the women suffer from this disease and their families. Some doctors along with traditional drug therapy is recommended to take a dietary supplement of vitamin E, which supposedly helps to alleviate the symptoms. Is Vitamin E helps in the treatment of fibrocystic breast?

Vitamin E - an antioxidant, has a multifaceted effect on the body: increases the effects of progesterone, regulates lipid metabolism; positive effect on the manifestation of the syndrome premenstrual tension.

Many doctors recommend taking 400 - 600 mg of vitamin E per day to reduce the appearance of fibrocystic breast.

A number of studies examining the effectiveness of vitamin E in the treatment of this condition, confirmed his favor. For example, 80% of women with fibrocystic mastopathy, taking 600 mg of vitamin E per day, a decrease of sensitivity and breast size reduction of fibrous seals.

The mechanism of action of vitamin E on the breast tissue when fibrocystic breast is unknown. As an antioxidant, vitamin E possesses potent anti-inflammatory properties. It is these properties, some experts explain the effect of vitamin E on the inflamed tissue of the breast.


Vitamin E: is it worth trying?

More recent studies of action of vitamin E on the state of mammary fibrocystic breast gave mixed results. In some cases, the improvement with regular use of the recommended dose of vitamin was not observed at all. Perhaps the effectiveness of vitamin E depends on the individual characteristics of the female body and the specific occurrence of mastitis in each case. Therefore, for some women vitamin E is effective, while others - not. However, that was significantly improved (or to make sure in his absence), vitamin E should be taken at least three months at the recommended dose of 600 mg per day. Longer intake of vitamin E is undesirable, since it can be dangerous to health.

In addition to vitamin E, for the treatment of fibrocystic breast using various groups of drugs: pain relievers, night primrose oil, homeopathic products (mastodinon), potassium iodide, oral contraceptives, herbal, danazol, tamoxifen, as well as the natural hormone progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology

Of great importance in the treatment and prevention of mastitis given to a healthy lifestyle and diet, because food has a direct impact on the hormonal metabolism. Doctors recommend a diet to include fruits, vegetables, cereals, especially citrus fruits and cabbage, to minimize the consumption of canned, pickled and smoked foods, limit the intake of meat and dairy products, fats.

Sore nipples in males: the reason - in hormones

November 19, 2011

 sore nipples men
 Most often, sore nipples in men leads hormonal disorders - it causes breast enlargement and tenderness, and become painful nipples. In order to find out why this happened, you need to see a doctor.


The structure of the breast in men

Male breast consist mainly of ducts and blood vessels. Nipples many men have an increased sensitivity therefore respond to changes such as cold, and touch, and any breast disease. The differences between the breasts of newborn boys and girls there. The mammary glands in males sometimes produce milk in the first few days after birth - the mother of hormones feedback.

Male breast may also vary under the influence of hormones, but to a lesser degree than females. They meet the same formation as that in women, but they are easier to occur (with the exception of cancer).


Painful nipples in men with gynecomastia

Breast enlargement, accompanied by pain and tenderness of the nipple is called gynecomastia Gynecomastia - known since ancient times  Gynecomastia - known since ancient times
 . The process usually involve only one breast, but may be increased and both simultaneously. Increased mammary glands due to proliferation of ducts and connective tissue - so called true gynecomastia, it is often accompanied by pain in the nipples. When excess deposition of adipose tissue in both breasts develop false gynecomastia False gynecomastia - a consequence of obesity  False gynecomastia - a consequence of obesity
 Which rarely causes any sensation in the nipples.

True gynecomastia is often linked to hormonal disorders or a genetic predisposition.

In adolescence, breast enlargement usually occurs with an increase in blood levels of female sex hormones estrogen and pituitary hormone prolactin. When fluctuations in hormonal levels decrease, iron usually returns to normal size. In adult male breast enlargement is usually associated with the treatment of diseases of the testes or prostate cancer female hormones.

Gynecomastia can be spread to the entire gland (diffuse) and the hub. Diffuse gynecomastia is characterized by an increase in one or both breasts. When probing a breast cancer found in her small hardening, which are almost always painful. Most are located under the nipple hardened, which increases their pain. At the same time the skin of the breast, the nipple and areola (the areola) do not usually change and not soldered to the seal.

Nodal gynecomastia is manifested in the form of a fairly large site in the same breast. Node painful, are not soldered to the skin and this distinguishes it from breast cancer. Sore nipples are and nodular gynecomastia.

To assign the correct treatment of gynecomastia Treatment of gynecomastia - conservative and operative  Treatment of gynecomastia - conservative and operative
 , The patient must first be fully examined to determine the cause of the disease. When a node gynecomastia make a puncture cancer, followed by laboratory examination punctate to exclude malignancy. The question of whether a precancerous condition gynecomastia controversial, but nodular gynecomastia men necessarily observed.

It identifies major disease being treated, after which the symptoms of gynecomastia decrease or disappear altogether. In some cases, the introduction of the disease being treated male sex hormone. If reduced iron is not possible in this way, then it is removed.


Painful nipples male breast cancer

Breast cancer in men usually occurs in older age than in women after 55 years. Sometimes cancer occurs against a background of gynecomastia, more nodes. Symptoms and course of cancer in men have their own characteristics. The small size of the breast, the absence of large amounts of fiber, the proximity of the skin, nipple create conditions for rapid germination of the tumor tissue and spread it beyond the breast. Therefore, more than half of the affected skin and nipple. This nipple frequently ulcerate, it appears from the bleeding, aching, itching and flaking. Relatively often have metastases in the axillary lymph nodes.

If you suspect breast cancer Breast cancer: what every woman needs to know  Breast cancer: what every woman needs to know
   held cytology content of the tumor, taken by biopsy - finding atypical (atypical) cells suggests a malignant tumor.

In the early stages of the disease the tumor removed by radical surgery.

To avoid hormonal effects on the tumor in some cases removed the testes (orchiectomy operation) and long-term treatment is carried corticosteroid hormones. Appointed as chemotherapy.

If a man sore nipples, you should seek medical advice.

Galina Romanenko

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  • Nipples
