The second phase of the menstrual cycle - the biological significance of changes

November 23, 2012

 The second phase of the menstrual cycle
 In the body of each woman monthly repeated changes that affect almost every system, but they are most pronounced in the reproductive area. The external manifestation of these changes is menstruating. A distinctive feature is its two-phase cycle in nature. The second phase of the menstrual cycle is directly related to the process of formation of the corpus luteum in the ovary, in connection with which it is called luteal. The changes that occur during this phase, promote the training of the female body to the carrying of a pregnancy.

 The second phase of the menstrual cycle - the biological significance of changes

The formation of the corpus luteum after ovulation

Due to the existence of a complex neurohumoral regulatory system in the uterus and the ovaries there are processes to ensure that the normal state of the female reproductive system and its entire body as a whole. During the first or follicular phase of a gradual growth and maturation of the follicular unit and egg.

After ovulation has occurred to create the most favorable conditions for mature oocyte fertilization, its implantation in the uterine wall and the development of the ovum. That is all this important process takes place during the second phase of the cycle.

In its second phase duration always takes a fixed number of days (14 days) and does not change throughout the entire cycle.

Preceding the beginning of this phase of the process of ovulation. With the help of laboratory tests, it was found that just a day before ovulation (between 24 and 36 hours) there is a change in hormonal levels - in the blood increases the content of the hormone estradiol, and he, in turn, causes a sharp increase in the secretion of the central luteinizing hormone, or LH, which produced in the pituitary gland. These hormones help to break out of the follicle and egg him. Then we can say that begins the second phase or stage of development of the corpus luteum. The main hormone of the second phase of the menstrual cycle is the hormone LH.

Thus, the period beginning ovulation Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?  Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?
   and ending the next menstruation is called the luteal phase or second. At this time, the formation of new endocrine gland or corpus luteum. This education can be summarized as follows:

  • yellow body is hormonally active and produces a specific hormone progesterone. Furthermore progesterone synthesis occurs estrogens and androgens. Maximum development of the corpus luteum is considered to be 20-22 days of the menstrual cycle The days of the menstrual cycle: Four phases  The days of the menstrual cycle: Four phases
 , When the blood is determined by the high content of sex hormones. After that, the hormone levels begin to decline, and against the backdrop of a significant drop in the female body saturation of sex hormones (such as estrogen) begins menstruation
  • corpus luteum formation is transient and operates only during 14 days, regardless of the total duration of a woman's menstrual cycle

The regression of the corpus luteum occurs when a woman in a given cycle does not become pregnant. It is in the second phase to create optimal conditions for the development of the embryo as a synthesized hormone progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
   It is the "protector" of pregnancy. It inhibits uterine contractility, and is responsible for the preparation for the upcoming breast feeding baby Breastfeeding - a personal choice  Breastfeeding - a personal choice
   breasts (alveoli development occurs in the glands).

 The second phase of the menstrual cycle - the biological significance of changes

What happens in the uterus during this period

Luteal phase characteristic changes not only in the ovaries, but also in other organs of the reproductive system. The uterus is exposed mucous secretory transformations that are needed in order to successfully implant occurred. The most prominent of these processes are in the range from 20 to 22 day (unless the regular cycle in women and it lasts about 28 days), when the activity of secretory transformation becomes maximum.

Changes are subject to not only the cellular elements, but also vascular component (arteries become sharply crimped and form a kind of "tangles" that can be found throughout the whole of the functional layer of the endometrium). If the corpus luteum begins to regress in the absence of pregnancy, the endometrium will observe the process of violation of trophic and prevalence of degenerative processes. A manifestation of these changes is the beginning of a woman's menstrual period.

If the second phase of the cycle the woman is inferior, there is a risk of a variety of pathological conditions.

There are violations of menstrual function, suffer reproductive function (developing problems associated with carrying a pregnancy). This state is called the luteal phase deficiency, or NLF. It is sure to be carried out hormonal correction of violations. Given that the main hormone progesterone is the second phase, the sound will be the appointment of hormonal agents from the group of progestogen hormones. Developed natural progesterone analogues that restore hormonal balance and compensate for progesterone deficiency.

The most widely used drug djufaston which is determined depending on the severity of disorders in the dose of 10 mg to 30 mg in knocking. The drug has good tolerability, the lack of significant side effects and achieves good positive clinical results. Against the background of the therapy djufaston pregnancy can occur, but the medication should not be stopped. Carrying out maintenance of hormone therapy during the first trimester makes it possible to make pregnancy by filling the required level of the hormone progesterone. According to the testimony progestin therapy during pregnancy can be carried out up to and including the second trimester.

Marina Solovyov

Article Tags:
  • the phase of the menstrual cycle

How to restore the menstrual cycle: it all begins with the search for causes

September 19, 2012

 how to restore the menstrual cycle
 Menstrual irregularities may occur at any age, but regardless of this, all women are interested in the question of how to restore the menstrual cycle. The reasons that lead to the disruption of the menstrual cycle are many and varied. It can be both internal and external factors, such as climate change and / or lifestyle. How to restore the menstrual cycle - the question is quite complex and ambiguous. Any deviation from the normal course of a menstrual cycle needs to be examined by a doctor and surveys. The normal menstrual cycle is indicative of good health, while violation of the cycle may be the first bell serious diseases.

 How to restore the menstrual cycle: it all begins with the search for causes

The normal menstrual cycle

The menstrual cycle - a physiological process, which is characterized by cyclic changes in the body, occurring about once a month. The normal menstrual cycle has a duration of 21-35 days, menstruation lasts from three to seven days, and the amount of menstrual blood loss was 50-150 ml. The menstrual cycle occurs every woman individually and depends on the constitution, heredity, the presence of chronic diseases and more. The regulation of the menstrual cycle involves the cerebral cortex, pituitary, adrenal glands and ovaries. Violations at any level of the regulation of the menstrual cycle leads to its failure, involves other levels, and there is a vicious circle. It is therefore important to adjust and restore the menstrual cycle.

 How to restore the menstrual cycle: it all begins with the search for causes

Restoration of the menstrual cycle

Restoration of the menstrual cycle is entirely dependent on the reasons that led to its violation:

  • The influence of external factors

Various external factors, such as climate change, and other long-term stress can lead to disruption of the menstrual cycle. In this case it is necessary to eliminate stressful situations, establish and regulate the power to appoint a cyclic vitamin therapy (according to the phases of the menstrual cycle). These recommendations are simple and lead to the restoration and normalization cycle. In the case of beriberi effective appointment of a complex of vitamins and minerals. Often, the menstrual cycle is broken due to a sudden change in weight women (weight loss or obesity). Normalization of body weight in this case the cycle will be adjusted.

  • Inflammation of the internal genital organs

Inflammation of internal genitals (adnexitis, endometritis) is one of the reasons for the failure of the menstrual cycle. In this case, you must pass the following examinations: ultrasound of internal genital organs, commissioning tests for infection Tests for infections - important indicators  Tests for infections - important indicators
 Sexually transmitted, the determination of the hormonal status. Inflammation of the reproductive system can not only lead to disruption of the menstrual cycle, and infertility. The first step is to pass an anti-inflammatory medication and antibiotics. When to restore the menstrual cycle is assigned to rehabilitation treatment and, if necessary, and the cycle of hormonal preparations (complex oral contraceptives).

  • Diseases of internal organs

The pathology of the internal organs (thyroid gland, liver, diabetes Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease  Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease
   etc.) require the allocation of the primary treatment. Depending on correctly selected therapy as well as drug doses menstrual cycle recovers faster or slower. Required examination: ultrasound of the thyroid gland Thyroid ultrasound - to examine the evidence  Thyroid ultrasound - to examine the evidence
 , Liver, determination of thyroid hormones, the biochemical analysis of blood (sugar, liver enzymes).

  • Pathology of the uterus

Diseases of the uterus (fibroids, endometrial hyperplasia and polyps) also often lead to failure of the menstrual cycle. In diseases of the uterus is held diagnostic curettage Scraping - heavy and unsafe procedure  Scraping - heavy and unsafe procedure
   followed by histological examination of the endometrium. According to the results of histological examination chosen course of hormone therapy for six months (for example, norkolut). In some cases it is necessary surgery (removal of the uterus).

Anna Sozinova

Article Tags:
  • regulation of the menstrual cycle
