The main problems with delayed menstruation
Delayed menstruation - when to sound the alarm?
occur in cases of suspected pregnancy. In this case, much better to worry about the prevention of pregnancy, if for some reason there was unprotected sex. Calling the month after the pregnancy has already begun, it can be deadly for women.
How to avoid an unwanted pregnancy - Emergency prevention
Sometimes such prevention is vital, such as after rape or after the usual means of contraception have failed, for example, the condom broke, and the woman to health (and sometimes for family reasons) can not currently have children.
For emergency prevention of pregnancy produced special hormonal contraceptives, one of which is postinor
Postinor - used very carefully!
, Which includes a synthetic analogue of the female hormone progesterone.
The mechanism of action of drugs for emergency prevention of pregnancy is progesterone
Progesterone - norm and pathology
and its analogs inhibit the action of the female sex hormone estrogen, thereby inhibiting the maturation of the egg, its exit from the ovary and fertilized by sperm. Furthermore, under the action of progesterone analogue changes occur in the mucosa of the uterus, which prevent its introduction into the embryo when fertilization does occur. If the embryo has already been introduced in the uterine lining, the postinor may not prevent pregnancy. It is believed that the effectiveness of such prevention of pregnancy is on average about 85% of cases, but it decreases with increasing time between sexual intercourse and reception postinora 95% during the first 24 hours, 85% - from 24 to 48 hours, and 58% - from 48 to 72 hours.
How could move emergency prevention of pregnancy using Postinor
Postinor taken orally. To increase the effectiveness of the drug in the first 72 hours of unprotected intercourse to take two tablets postinora intervals from 12 to 16 hours (preferably 12). The first tablet is best taken as soon as possible after intercourse. If within three hours after the first or second reception postinora vomiting occurred, it is necessary to take another tablet. Receive Postinor emergency does not depend on the phase of the menstrual cycle. After receiving Postinor before menstruation for contraception should be used only barrier methods (eg, condoms).
Note: re-apply postinor for emergency prevention of pregnancy for one menstrual period is contraindicated, as this may lead to inter-menstrual bleeding.
Side effects when taking Postinor and contraindications for its reception
When using hormonal contraceptives for emergency prevention of pregnancy in women can experience various allergic reactions, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, headache, abdominal pain, fatigue, tenderness, breast tenderness, missed period (not more than a week, if more, want to exclude pregnancy), intermenstrual bleeding or spotting.
Overdose Postinor is strengthening its side effects.
Contraindications are Postinor pregnancy (however, negative effects on the fetus is not revealed), breast-feeding
Breastfeeding - a personal choice
feeding, age and 16 years of age, severe liver disease, certain congenital disorders of the digestive processes and individual intolerance of components. Care should be taken when appointing Postinor nursing mothers (breast-feeding should be discontinued for the next 24 hours), patients with diseases of the liver and biliary tract, as well as patients with ulcerative processes in the intestine.
And what if the pregnancy has already occurred?
In this case, you need to see a doctor. If you want to terminate a pregnancy, it is best to do this in the early stages. This will cause less harm to the body of women. Today a woman can terminate a pregnancy in the early stages with the help of vacuum abortions (mini-abortions), or using a tablet abortions - hormonal tablets. And he and the other way to cause minimal damage to the body of woman. On the longer the later stages (before 12 weeks) can be instrumental abortion.
Independently cause bleeding if pregnancy has already occurred, it is very dangerous. Against the background of such interruptions may occur severe bleeding, infections may also be included into the uterus and persistent violation of hormonal background. All this will eventually lead to infertility cure that will be very problematic.
Galina Romanenko
Article Tags:
- regulation of the menstrual cycle