Nature has given women a remarkable ability to bear children. For the implementation of the conception, gestation and birth of a child in a woman's body there is a special mechanism - the menstrual cycle, which is supported by hormones.
Is there a way to delay monthly?
Today, in case of emergency a woman can delay the monthly using hormonal contraceptives. But this is not an easy operation, it can cause severe menstrual disorders, so it can only be done once, and then only if the hormones are prescribed by a doctor after the required examination.
Unscreened women to apply such a method can not be deferred monthly, as well as generally used hormonal contraceptives. The fact that the hormonal contraceptive can only woman who in the course of examination showed no inflammatory processes and tumors - hormonal contraceptives contribute to the spread of inflammation and tumor growth. Contraindications such drugs are also vaginal bleeding of unknown origin, severe diseases of the cardiovascular system and liver, thrombophlebitis, diabetes
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Complicated by vascular disorders, migraine
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Accompanied by neurological symptoms, hypersensitivity to the drug. Not recommended to prescribe these drugs and smoking women older than 35 years. All indications and contraindications for hormonal contraceptives can understand a doctor.
How do hormonal contraceptives
Current hormonal contraceptives are typically combined and consist of two hormones, one of which is a synthetic analogue of the estrogen and the other - progesterone. As a result of the complex action of the drug is suppressed, as the first phase of the menstrual cycle (egg maturation and its exit from the ovary) and second (development and functioning of the corpus luteum). This is because a large number of female hormones inhibit the secretion of pituitary gonadotropins.
In the first phase of the menstrual cycle, the pituitary gland releases follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), which promotes the maturation of the egg in the ovary. If FSH secretion is suppressed, the egg does not mature and, therefore, can not ovulate.
Out egg from the ovary normally carried out under the influence of the pituitary luteinizing hormone (LH), and the place of the ruptured follicle forms a temporary endocrine gland corpus luteum secretes progesterone
Progesterone - norm and pathology
. An analogue of progesterone, which is contained in hormonal contraceptives suppress LH secretion, which further inhibits ovulation
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. Thus, the body is supported PU concentration of female sex hormones (which prevents rejection of the mucosa of the uterus, which is accompanied by a menstrual bleeding) and, at the same time inhibits the secretion of pituitary hormones that promote oocyte maturation and ovulation.
How to defer monthly using hormonal contraceptives
Usually taking hormonal contraceptives for three weeks, then make a week break. The mucous membrane of the uterus, deprived of hormonal support, rejected that menstrualnopodobnoe accompanied by bleeding.
If you want to delay the onset of menstruation, after three weeks of receiving a package of hormonal contraceptives should immediately start taking pills from the second package. They need to take as many days as needed to delay periods, but still not more than three weeks. After that you need to do a seven-day break.
Sometimes, while taking tablets from the second package could begin fairly heavy menstrual bleeding or spotting.
Use this method of delay menstruation often can not - you can achieve persistent violations of the menstrual cycle. In any case, the use of this method requires a monthly delay consulting a doctor.
In some cases, the woman is required to move the start of menstruation to another day of the week. To achieve this effect it is necessary to simply reduce the regular tablet-free interval to the desired number of days. If such a break is very short, it does not exclude the possibility of the emergence of a strong menstrualnopodobnoe bleeding or spotting while taking hormonal contraceptives.
Postpone month today it is quite possible, that is whether to do it, because any interference with the woman's menstrual cycle is fraught with unpredictable consequences, including its persistent violations.
Galina Romanenko
Article Tags:
- regulation of the menstrual cycle