For rehabilitation after an attack is not suitable for every treatment. It is important to remember that the treatment is not a treatment as such, it is a way to reduce the symptoms of spasticity after a stroke. No effective treatment which would be confirmed in clinical trials, which helps to direct recovery of motor function without affecting the muscle spasticity.
When spasticity muscles are toned. This strain is the result of pain, unnatural posture and difficulty in movement. Each of the first three patients undergoing attack, suffering from spasticity. Muscle Spasticity can occur anywhere in the body, but most often it happens with his hands. When spasticity after a stroke patient is difficult to control the movement of hands. Sometimes it is difficult to dress or eat.
The variety of medications and treatments can help in this situation. The method of treatment usually depends on the duration and strength of spasticity. You may need several treatments to deal with the problem. The best combination is usually the combination of medicines with stretching exercises
Stretching exercises - Be careful
and muscle strength. Physical exercise are usually the first and most effective treatment of spasticity. Without daily exercise muscles will be strained and ligaments lose their elasticity.
Drug therapy of spasticity after a stroke
For patients with severe symptoms of abnormal degree of spasticity, unusual increase in muscle tone and a decrease in muscle elasticity of the limbs, the best choice may be a treatment with drugs. These drugs act simultaneously on many muscle groups. However, they also have side effects, for example, can cause drowsiness. Patients undergo sedation drug side effects are usually superior clinical but drugs, however, are very effective.
The list of drugs for the treatment of spasticity
Baclofen (Liorezal) affects the nervous system and relaxes the muscles. It can reduce muscle spasms, tension and pain, and increase the ability to control the limbs. Side effects of the drug include confusion, hallucinations and easy compared with other drugs, sedation, loss of muscle tone and coordination and weakness are not subject to spasticity.
Tizanidine hydrochloride (Zanafleks) reduces spasticity using a lock of nerve impulses. However, this drug does not reduce muscle tone. It operates for a short time and be effective at reducing symptoms of spasticity need for a time to complete the initiated cases. Side effects include low blood pressure, dry mouth and drowsiness.
Benzodiazepines (Valium and Klonopin) relax the muscles and reduce spasticity for a short time. They act on the central nervous system. Side effects - drowsiness, muscle weakness, decrease in mental activity and independence.
Dantrolene (Dantrium) blocks signals leading to muscle contraction. This can reduce muscle tone. Side effects - depression
Depression - a little more than a bad mood
Weakness, drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, diarrhea, and sometimes liver failure.
Injections with a decrease in spasticity after a stroke
If spasticity is subject to only one arm or one group of muscles, the injection blocking nerve impulses, are the best remedy. This method has fewer side effects than oral preparations. Typically use two main types of injection - botulinum toxin and phenol.
Botulinum Toxin
Botulinum toxin (Botox or mioblok) - a neurotoxin that captures chemical elements that contribute to muscle tension. These injections are between two and four weeks. You may need several administrations, however, too much of the drug can cause the opposite effect. Botulinum injections reduce the risk of spastic attack, improves posture and enhances comfort. But still it is not clear whether these injections reducing effect. However, they reduce muscle tension and help to make habitual actions, for example, to put on or take off your clothes.
Botulinum injections can indirectly help in rehabilitation after stroke, particularly for patients who are unable to make health exercise
Myths about exercise: do not believe
spasticity due palms and hands. Such people are injected and they uchuvstvuyut in therapy, which leads to their functional recovery.
Botulinum toxin is used in spasticity of the upper limbs. The most common side effects of botulinum toxin include:
- pain at the injection site, which is distributed throughout the body;
- muscle weakness exposed injection;
- difficulty swallowing;
- a red rash.
Baclofen may be administered via injection in the spinal cord. These injections are also known as intrathecal injection. They require surgical insertion pump, which will help deliver the substance into the spinal cord.
Side effects:
- drowsiness;
- nausea and vomiting;
- headache and dizziness
Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet
- muscle flaccidity;
- problems with a catheter delivering a substance.
Phenol - is alcohol injection, which acts faster and lasts longer. It brings relief from spasticity by eliminating certain nerve pathways.
The most common side effects of phenol:
- pain during injection;
- -burning and tingling sensation at the injection site;
- swelling at the injection site.
Surgical treatment of spasticity
Surgery - this is the last tool in spasticity. If intolerable pain continues despite repeated injections, oral preparations, and intrathecal injections, it is possible to use the effect on tendon surgery, for example, to reduce muscle tone of the limbs. The same applies to patients who can not tolerate the above mentioned drugs.
Surgery may be used in cases of contracture - a permanent reduction of the tendon. There are simple methods for the treatment of spasticity will not help. It is necessary to lengthen the tendon to allow them to return to the functional position. In another case, surgery is used to cut and transplanted tendon or muscle to break the nerve pathways.
New methods for treating stroke in the future
Now studies are drugs that can help in the recovery of motor function after a stroke, they work on the brain's ability to restore the damaged parts of the brain after a stroke. On days after stroke will be administered neuroprotective agent which will reduce the spread of damage to the brain, it would eventually increase the overall resilience after stroke.
But it is hardly the only drug can solve all the problems associated with stroke. Stroke - a very complex process that involves many types of neurotransmitters.