Pantogam considered a safe drug with a soft effect. Nevertheless, and in its administration, it may cause different side effects. Some of them are more common than others - less, but they require careful attention and reporting doctor prescribe treatment.
Pantogam refers to nootropil with GABAergic activity. GABA (gammoaminomaslyanaya acid) enhances the energy processes in the brain by increasing glucose uptake
Glucose: The energy source
nerve cells and improving the cerebral circulation. Pantogam has a mild activating effect on the central nervous system, has anti-hypoxic (prevents harmful effects on the brain lack of oxygen) and antioxidant (prevents negative effects on brain cells of free radicals - toxic particles formed as a result of redox reactions and destroying cells) properties It stimulates the regenerative processes in neurons.
A particularly important feature is its ability to pantogam prevent occurrence of seizures by restoring the balance between excitation and inhibition, as well as the fact that he has a mild sedative effect, the ability to reduce the excitability of the motor with simultaneous stimulation of health and mental activity.
Application pantogam
Pantogam used in a variety of neurological and psychiatric diseases
Mental illness - ashamed to ask for help?
As well as in border states with impaired memory, learning ability. In most cases it is not receiving any adverse events, however all of them have, as each medicament.
Make notes two types of side effects: allergic nature and in the central nervous system (CNS).
From allergic side effects are more common allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis. So, after taking the drug in the patient suddenly starts pinching his nose, watery eyes, then a nasal (mucosal edema) of the nose and heavy liquid separation. There may also appear different skin rashes in the form of plaques, and even bubbles. In some cases, the rash takes the form of urticaria
Hives - burning itch
: Papules quickly (in his eyes) grow, merging with each other. This rash can go as fast as it came. But it may grow, in which case it would be very dangerous, especially in children, as urticaria is often associated with edema
Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause
the vocal cords. On the involvement of the vocal cords can speak voice changes: he becomes hoarse, rough or disappears altogether.
In this case, you want to immediately call an ambulance. Before the arrival of an ambulance to take a pill every antihistamine (diphenhydramine, suprastin, Tavegilum, diazolin) - this will reduce the swelling of the larynx. At the same time you need to put your feet in a basin of hot water as much as possible - it will cause a rush of blood to the legs with a simultaneous decrease in blood volume in the larynx, which also help relieve swelling. Of course, after such a reaction, it applies Pantogamum already be impossible.
Application pantogam: reaction from the central nervous system
Sometimes Pantogamum can give paradoxical reaction of the central nervous system. They may be different, especially in children. For some children the reaction of the nervous system are manifested in increased sleepiness and lethargy, while others - in the increased excitability, shrill and severe physical activity. These children do not sleep at night shouting, capricious, or, on the contrary, become lethargic and apathetic. In elderly patients may appear or amplify the noise in my head and broken motor coordination. In such a case, or adjust the dose, or cancel it altogether, replacing other nootropic. Such action pantogam is quite rare, it is usually well tolerated, but, nevertheless, you need to know about it.
It is a rare complication (the producers did not even show) is an acute liver dysfunction due to a shortage of some biologically active substances, which is the antagonist Pantogamum. However, in clinical practice, such complications are not practically be. Yet when a sudden nausea, vomiting, or yellow skin and mucous membranes (mostly conjunctiva) should immediately stop taking pantogam and seek medical advice.
Pantogam - this is a good, proven in clinical drug, but like any drug, has an active effect on the body, it can give and adverse effects. They should not fear (because they are very rare), however, you need to know about them in time to seek medical help.
Galina Romanenko