Cancer Prevention - is it possible to protect yourself? - Security measures

January 10, 2010

  • Cancer Prevention - is it possible to protect yourself?
  • security measures

The reasons that can cause cancer

Cancer - a malignant tumor Malignant tumor: cells are mad  Malignant tumor: cells are mad
 Which begins its growth in their upper cell layers of the skin and mucous membranes that cover our body and lining the cavity, this layer of cells called the epithelium. Under the influence of various causes skin cells are gradually beginning to change, it is a very long period of time. Then, when the first cancer (also called atypical because they are different from other cells of the epithelium) cells, the tumor begins to grow rapidly, to put pressure on the surrounding tissues, blood vessels, nerves, grow them and to metastasize Metastasis - danger everywhere  Metastasis - danger everywhere
   (atypical cells pass through the blood vessels), first in nearby lymph nodes and then to distant organs.

There are many reasons that can cause cancer. The most common causes of cancer are: unhealthy diet, smoking, alcohol abuse, infections (often viral) diseases, environmental hazards, industrial hazards, genetic predisposition.

The substances that can cause cancer are called carcinogens. Chemical carcinogens (various aromatic compounds, plastics and metals, nicotine, etc.) capable of reacting with the DNA of the cells causing their malignant transformation. Can cause transformation of cells as physical (e.g., ionizing radiation) and biological (some viruses), hormones (for example, sex hormones play a major role in the formation of breast cancer) factors. Most often affect several human carcinogens.

 Safety | Cancer Prevention - is it possible to protect yourself?

Ways to prevent cancer

Cancer prevention is divided into primary or hygiene, which prevents the occurrence of cancer and secondary - detection and treatment of precancerous lesions. Not least in the prevention of cancer is given to the person, he must strictly adhere to the rules of prevention: to lead sedentary lives, to eat, to abandon the use of carcinogens, and so on.

 Safety | Cancer Prevention - is it possible to protect yourself?

Primary cancer prevention hygiene

The carcinogenic effect is dependent on how long and how much a person in contact with a carcinogen, so the basic principles of hygiene prevent cancer are:

  • cessation of exposure to carcinogens (chemicals, ionizing radiation, etc.) - this is particularly true of industrial hazards;
  • avoid contact with household carcinogens (smoking, alcohol abuse, contact with various chemicals);
  • improvement of production technology and the establishment of maximum permissible emissions of substances with carcinogenic;
  • creating hygienic working conditions and compliance with necessary rules themselves working;
  • lifestyle changes and principles of human nutrition.

The objective of primary prevention is not only to reduce population contact with carcinogens, but also to set up the right people at the lifestyle and balanced diet:

  • sedentary lifestyle, eating large quantities of food of animal origin (meat, fat, dairy products) and the lack of vegetables in the diet contribute to metabolic disorders, obesity, which is a predisposing factor for the development of cancer of the digestive system; on the recommendation of the World Health Organization, one should get at least 400 grams of vegetables a day;
  • Tobacco smoke contains several carcinogens which affect not only the smoker himself, but also on its environment; smoking - the main cause of lung cancer and upper respiratory tract, treatment of smoking - cancer prevention;
  • It contributes to the development of cancer and alcohol abuse, which is also a carcinogen and contributes to the development of cancer of the mouth, larynx, pharynx, liver and pancreas Diabetes and pancreas - the things you need to know  Diabetes and pancreas - the things you need to know
 So you want to get rid of this habit.

 Safety | Cancer Prevention - is it possible to protect yourself?

The secondary therapeutic cancer prevention

Secondary prevention of cancer - is the timely detection and treatment of precancerous lesions. Identify such diseases often during routine inspections, which are particularly important for breast cancer, cervical cancer, skin.

Various viral infections particularly occurring chronically are often precancerous diseases, e.g., human papilloma virus causing cervical precancerous condition; treatment of chronic viral infections - the most important task the prevention of cancer.

There is a genetic predisposition to cancer, identifying a predisposition is also the task of secondary prevention. To do this, the people in the family who had two or more cases of cancer should be screened periodically. And inherited by the body's ability to neutralize cancer-causing substances - this should also be taken into account, for example, if several people in the family suffered from lung cancer Lung cancer - prevention is better than cure  Lung cancer - prevention is better than cure
 , Their relatives categorically counter smoking.

Cancer - a complex, not fully understood disease that can be caused by variety of factors, which means that for its prevention requires a combination of measures.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Cancer Treatment

Cancer of the lips - Beware of ulcers - How is

April 3, 2011

  • Cancer of the lips - Beware of ulcers
  • How is

The cause

Lip cancer - a malignant tumor Malignant tumor: cells are mad  Malignant tumor: cells are mad
 Which develops from the epithelium (coating cells) red border. In 90-95% of cases of cancer occur in the red border of the lower lip. On the upper lip cancer often comes from the skin, spreading to the red border again. For cancer predispose chronic physical (e.g., sunlight), mechanical (frequent damage), thermal or chemical (e.g., smoking, alcohol, resin, petroleum distillates), biological (usually viruses causing chronic infections) stimulation, chronic inflammatory processes.

Cancer of the lips can be differentiated (cancer cells resemble epithelium red border lips - less aggressive form of cancer) and undifferentiated (tumor cells resemble cells of the human embryo in the early stages of its development, when all his tissue was similar - a more severe form of cancer) .

 How is | Cancer lips - Beware of ulcers

As shown

In appearance and distinguish papillary ulcer form of cancer. For the initial period of papillary form characterized by the appearance of painless seal of round shape with indistinct contours, crusty, after the removal of which is found the pink, easy bleeding site. As the process becomes noticeable valikoobrazny edge of the tumor, and then forms an ulcer with jagged edges valikoobrvznymi and necrotic bottom (necrosis - death of tissue) at the center.

In gastric cancer lips form first appears nonhealing crack, gradually turns into an ulcer with valikoobraznymi edges and infiltration (seal) in the surrounding tissues. Disintegration of tissue in this form of cancer is faster than papillary, the process involved not only submucosal, but also the muscle layer of the lips.

In the later period, the difference in the manifestation of papillary and ulcer forms erased prevails ulcerative infiltrative process to form a more extensive defect lips. For cancer of the lower lip is characteristic of metastasis (the transfer of cancer cells), the lymphatic pathways with the defeat of the submandibular and submental lymph nodes, and in the future - the deep cervical lymph nodes. Distant metastases are rare.

 How is | Cancer lips - Beware of ulcers

How is

Decided to allocate four stages of lip cancer:

  • Stage I - the tumor or ulcer diameter and 15 mm in the thickness of the mucosa and the vermilion border without metastases;
  • Stage II can be in two versions: a) a tumor or ulcer diameter greater than 15 mm, limited of mucosal and submucosal layer, which occupies more than half of the lower lip, without metastases; b) an ulcer or tumor of the same size or smaller, but in the presence of one or two metastases in nearby lymph nodes, which are movable;
  • Stage III can be in two versions: a) a tumor or ulcer, spread to most of the lips and deep into it, or spread on the skin; b) the same tumor or ulcer, but with the presence of metastases limited mobility Metastasis - danger everywhere  Metastasis - danger everywhere
   in nearby lymph nodes;
  • Stage IV - breaking up the tumor in large parts of the lips with germination throughout its thickness and spread to the jaw bone or a tumor with fixed metastases in nearby lymph nodes, or tumor of any size with distant metastases.

 How is | Cancer lips - Beware of ulcers

Precancerous mouth

Cancer of the lower lip is often develops in the long-existing precancerous changes - dyskeratosis, less papillomavirus Papilloma - do not treat lightly  Papilloma - do not treat lightly

Dyskeratosis (violation of keratinization) may be diffuse (spread) and patchy. In diffuse dyskeratosis is observed the loss of light, dry, coarsening, peeling red border. Focal dyskeratosis manifested areas of leukoplakia (lesions of the mucous membranes, characterized by keratinization surface epithelium of varying degrees of severity) as a milky-white spots (radius of 0, 5 cm) on the red border of the lips or hyperkeratosis (proliferation of rough surface layers of the epithelium) in the form of a flat or spinous horny projection. There may be erosion, ulcers, slit-shaped cracks typical of malignant forms of dyskeratosis. Externally dyskeratosis transition into cancer is not always possible to catch, so the suspected cancer is always carried out histological examination of tissue.

Diagnosis of Cancer Breast cancer - the verdict?  Breast cancer - the verdict?
   lip conducted on the basis of examination and confirmed by histological examination of tissue.

Cancer treatment is divided into a treatment of primary tumors and metastases in the nearby nodes. For the treatment of primary tumors using radiotherapy or a combined method (the first stage of radiation therapy - in the second operation of a wide excision of the lip, followed by plastic). Treatment of metastases in the lymph nodes surrounding conducted expeditiously.

Forecast cancer of the lower lip is usually good, but it all depends on how much time treatment started.

Galina Romanenko
