How to treat stye - experts on this issue, many consider themselves. But not so simple. The emergence of barley (especially multiple or appearing regularly) says about violation of immunity. In this case, the disposal of a barley does not guarantee that they will not appear in future.

Why do I get barley
Barley - an acute purulent inflammation of the hair follicles (follicles) lashes or sebaceous (meibomian) glands century. Start of barley due to exposure to the eyelashes or hair follicle sebaceous gland infection. In a healthy person with a good penetration such immunity prevents the immune system. If immunity disrupted bacteria which are often present on the skin penetrate the hair follicle and cause inflammation. Therefore, constantly appearing barley may signal the presence of a quietly flowing disease, which led to the disruption of the immune system. This may be diabetes
Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease
, Sinusitis, dental caries
More about caries - take care of your teeth until it's too late
, Periodontitis, diseases of the digestive system and so on. Single barley may occur when the temporary decrease in immunity, such as after exposure.
Barley begins with the appearance on the edge of the century painful point. Then around it formed redness and swelling of tissue (eyelid skin and conjunctiva). At this stage, the process can still be reversed, if we draw the right treatment. But after a few days at the site of inflammation produced a yellow head, which after a while can independently become evident with the release of pus and necrotic particles (dead) tissue. Some time after this recovery occurs. If the inflamed sebaceous (meibomian) iron century, it formed an internal barley, the tip of which rests against the conjunctiva.
When lowered immunity styes may appear on a regular basis - in this case we speak of recurrent nature of the disease.
When barley lowered immunity can be complicated by cellulitis (ulcer, not delimited capsule from surrounding tissues) orbit, meningitis
Meningitis - an inflammation of the meninges
(inflammation of the meninges), blockage (thrombosis) of the blood vessels of the brain, blood poisoning (sepsis).

Methods of treatment of barley in the eye
At the first signs of barley it should begin to heal as soon as possible. In this case, there is a chance that infectious-inflammatory process does not go to the second stage - the stage of suppuration, fraught with numerous complications.
In the early stages of development of barley
Barley - a clear sign of impaired immunity
painful point in the century can burn 70% alcohol 3-5 times a day, which often allows to suspend further development of barley. But cauterize very carefully, so that the alcohol does not hit on the mucosa of the eye - conjunctiva. This is best done using a cotton swab moistened with alcohol.
At the same time can be several times a day to warm barley. Ideal for this purpose a hard-boiled egg, and cleansed. At this stage, the inflammatory process can stop and by means of physical treatments, such as UHF therapy. It is not necessary to apply moist compresses and lotions, as they contribute to the local spread of infectious agents.
But it must be clearly understood: warm barley can be only as long as it does not appear yellow pus head. Warming festering barley absolutely contraindicated - infection by enlarged capillaries from the heat can penetrate into other areas, causing complications, the most serious of which are inflammatory processes in the brain.
It will also help to instill eye drops with antibacterial properties (for example, 20% solution Albucidum 6 times a day) or laying antibacterial ophthalmic ointment (erythromycin, tetracycline and so on).
If the process is moved to the stage of suppuration, the main means of treatment will be in the form of antibiotics drops and ointments.
If the disease is accompanied by fever and general malaise assigned overall treatments (antibiotics orally or by injection). Ripe barley in any case can not be squeezed, it can lead to serious complications: infection by the numerous blood vessels to spread to other organs and tissues.
Treatment of recurrent barley begin with a complete examination of the patient, and determine the cause of the disease. Be sure to investigate the immune system (immunogram blood). After that is the treatment of barley with simultaneous treatment of the disease and the identification of the main immune reconstitution.
How and what to treat stye, and how to prevent its recurrence, can identify only a doctor.
Galina Romanenko