Treatment of hyperopia - long-term and regular

November 21, 2014

  • Treatment of hyperopia - long-term and regular
  • Methods

 Treatment of hyperopia
 Treatment of hyperopia must be determined individually taking into account the age, degree of farsightedness, the presence of complications and visual stress in a particular patient. The main objective of treatment is to reduce eye strain, preventing progression and complications of farsightedness.


How to treat farsightedness

Hyperopia - a violation of the refractive power of the eye, which makes it impossible to clearly see close objects. The cause of blurred vision is the location of the focus of the rays of the subject is not on the retina, and beyond.

The degree of impairment is expressed in diopters (1 D - is the power of a lens with a focal length of 1 m) with a plus sign: diopters of farsightedness at a slight degree - up to + 2D; moderate - to + 5D, heavy - more than + 5D.

Correction of long-sightedness consists of correction and proper treatment, which includes medication, physiotherapy, gymnastics, massage and adherence of view. With failure of conservative treatment is carried out surgical vision correction. The goal of treatment should be to reduce the load on the eye, creating the conditions for a comfortable binocular (two-eyed) vision, reducing the risk of complications. The right advice on how to restore sight How to restore vision - help their own eyes  How to restore vision - help their own eyes
   when farsighted in this patient, can only give the treating ophthalmologist.


Correction of long-sightedness

The most common method of correcting vision with hyperopia - with the help of glasses. In order to maximize the load off the organ of sight, long sight glasses should be less in strength than reveal the degree of farsightedness in this patient. The following types of glasses for farsightedness:

  • Points in which lenses for farsightedness occupy all the space; these glasses are designed to work at a certain distance from the eye; when the distance is reduced clarity of vision;
  • lecturing points in which the optical area shifted downwards; these glasses can be read and look over distance;
  • bifocals or bifocal glasses - glasses in such distance should be seen through the top of the lens and read - through the bottom; produced several types of bifocals; Today, people with myopia experts often recommend sferoprizmaticheskie bifocal glasses (BSPO); these glasses gently remove the load from the eye and do not require getting used to; at constant wearing these glasses removed the risk of progression of farsightedness;
  • trifocals - consist of three parts: in the upper part you can see into the distance, through the middle - look at the computer screen, and from the bottom - to read.

Glasses hyperopia should choose an ophthalmologist, according to the degree of hyperopia, visual acuity, age and inter-pupillary distance. If you do not, instead of unloading eye glasses can cause headaches and visual fatigue.

People younger suffering from farsightedness, today instead of glasses often wear contact lenses. Elderly contact lenses do not always fit due to the fact that with age, the conjunctiva becomes thinner and dry on contact lenses, it can be annoying.


Drug treatment of hyperopia

Drug treatment of farsightedness is an eye nutrition, relieve irritation, inflammation, dryness, which develop with prolonged eye strain (such as reading, working on the computer, and so on).

Vitamins for the eyes with hyperopia can improve the metabolic processes in tissues of the eye, including the lens and ciliary muscle.

And it will halt the progression of farsightedness. For example, eye drops with Vitamin A helps improve vision, including in low-light. Drops, which include vitamins, eye tissues energy supply, stimulate the metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
 . Such a drop is especially useful for those who spend much time at the computer. Drops with vitamin C have a pronounced antioxidant effect, inhibit the action of toxins resulting from cellular metabolism.

Vitamin eyedrops: Viziomaks, chains, opticians Mirtilene fort Focus. Eyedrops Vita Yodurol are composed of minerals, vitamins, amino acids. They contribute to the improvement of metabolic processes and maintain the elasticity of the lens, a positive effect on the blood supply to the eyeball.

Treatment of hyperopia in adult must necessarily include the appointment of vitamins in the form of eye drops and oral medications. Vitamin eye drops should be used when long-sightedness rates prescribed by a doctor. The duration of treatment should not exceed three months, followed by a break. Also courses can be taken vitamins and minerals inside - it will improve the overall condition of the body, including the state of the organs of vision.

If you wear contact lenses conjunctiva sometimes irritated, inflamed and swells. Then administered vasoconstrictor drops which quickly remove edema, such Vizin. In addition, they produced special drops - analogues of natural tears, which perfectly remove irritation and dryness of the eyes.

Perfectly removes fatigue and eye irritation Japanese eye drops and Santa Roto Vita. They include vitamins, moisturizing and anti-inflammatory agents.

Prolonged eye strain (for example, when working on the computer), it is often dry eye syndrome Dry eye syndrome - how to improve quality of life  Dry eye syndrome - how to improve quality of life
 . To eliminate it is prescribed drops Taufon. The active ingredient of the drops is the amino acid taurine. Taufon improves energy metabolism, stimulates the regenerative processes in diseases of dystrophic character and contributes to the restoration of disturbed metabolism of eye tissue.

How to treat farsightedness age Age farsightedness - all different  Age farsightedness - all different
   by means of drugs can only suggest ophthalmologist, proceeding from the general condition of the patient and the degree of hyperopia.

Exotropia - full perception violation

November 26, 2014

 In humans, most of the information about the world is perceived through the organs of vision. Any changes on the part of the organ of vision are reflected in the process of perception as important to have joint and equal-eye. The harmony is disturbed vision in strabismus, while exotropia is one of the clinical forms of the disease.


The causes of the lack of a functional view

The problem of strabismus can occur at any age. There are congenital forms of the disease, when as the main causal factor in favor of various pathologies of the visual organ, muscular system, nerves. Infectious diseases can also cause blurred vision, so the presence of the causative agent should be excluded when examining a patient. Inflammatory diseases of a general nature are regarded as a provoking factor.

Exotropia in adults can be caused by exposure to a traumatic nature. It may be just the organ of vision trauma or brain injury of different severity. During injury changes the normal anatomic relationships of the eye muscles, damage to the oculomotor centers located in the area of ​​the brain.

Vision, which normally should be friendly, set in a child aged six months and older. In this regard, parents should carefully observe the child in time to replace the appearance of abnormalities associated with the development of divergent strabismus.


What are the clinical forms of the disease or variety

The first clinical manifestation of exotropia can see the baby immediately after birth. In this context, conditional release several types of exotropia:

  • constant, which is a congenital strabismus
  • periodic

A distinctive feature is the presence of congenital forms of neurological disorders. This feature allows you to make a differential diagnosis between other forms of strabismus, which occur in children (infantile esotropia). In the process of examination of the patient revealed normal loss allowance and the large constant angle. To correct existing violations of congenital forms of the disease in most cases resort to surgery.

Treatment divergent strabismus in children Strabismus in children - importance of the problem  Strabismus in children - importance of the problem
   It is a combination of direct correction of the external muscles of the eye with resection of the internal rectus muscles on one or both sides.

In most cases, the issue of prompt intervention is decided when the child reaches the age of five years. It must be restored the right balance between the muscle of the eye muscles, as this is a major step in the surgical vision correction.

Inconsistent exotropia in children occurs in early childhood because of the lack of connection formed between the eyes, so before the age of six months, it can be regarded as a physiological condition. After six months, there is binocular vision, so take any therapeutic action makes sense at a certain age. Please note that the exotropia may be a manifestation of other diseases of the body, not a separate disease. Visit an ophthalmologist and holding ophthalmic examination leads to the conclusion about the tactics of treatment.


What are the preventive and curative measures

For most patients exotropia is a serious psychological problem. This is due to the aesthetic features that occur in this disease. First of all take into account this kind of problem in childhood, so much importance is attached to preventive work and psychological support for patients who revealed exotropia. Often, children with strabismus experience discomfort when dealing with peers. To overcome this condition allows psychological work.

Prevention of congenital form of strabismus should begin at the stage of pregnancy, that is physiological pregnancy and the absence of complications. In the future, after the birth are assigned special exercises, which consist in strengthening and training the eye muscles. A child needs to be protected from excessive load on vision, which is important to keep track of how much child spends on the computer or TV as engaged in the preparation of homework. During the lessons, read or written work, it is not recommended that the eyes are at a close distance from the subject that has been well-lit work space.

Treatment exotropia is largely determined by whether or not a patient comorbidities organ of vision.

Often the exotropia may develop while reducing visual functions as a result of diseases such as cataracts Cataracts - how to solve the problem completely?  Cataracts - how to solve the problem completely?
 . This type of strabismus Strabismus - how to find the cause?  Strabismus - how to find the cause?
   It called touch, while defeat could be unilateral or bilateral. If you have certain conditions should be carried out surgical correction of vision. Other treatments may be used depending on the existing pathology.

The need for spectacle correction occurs if the exotropia occurs against a background of nearsightedness Myopia - when visual acuity falls  Myopia - when visual acuity falls
 . Myopia can be corrected glasses or lenses, reduces the severity of a split view. There should be a comprehensive approach to the issue of the choice of the scope of care in strabismus. After the surgical correction of possible complications, so the definition of evidence should be based on the results of the examination of the patient.

Marina Solovyov

Article Tags:
  • strabismus
