How to cure adenoids - is there a difference between the treatment of adults and children?

August 31, 2011

 Adenoids - a proliferation of lymphoid tissue, they are developed mainly in children, but sometimes there are adults. The principle of treatment of adenoids in both cases is not the same. This follows from the reasons of their appearance and character development in children and adults.

 How to cure adenoids - is there a difference between the treatment of adults and children?

Differences between adult and children's adenoids

Adenoids - a growth of nasopharyngeal tonsils are located in the roof of the nasopharynx. Nasopharyngeal tonsil is composed of lymphoid tissue in which many lymphocytes - immune cells that protect the body against the penetration of pathogens - viruses, bacteria and fungi. The more often and seriously ill person, the more he needed such protection, and so the lymphoid tissue tonsils growing.

In children, the adenoids grow to about twelve years, and then gradually atrophy (decrease in volume). If the adenoids grow adults, they will not ever diminish. This implies methods of treatment and adenoids in children and adults.

 How to cure adenoids - is there a difference between the treatment of adults and children?

Treatment of adenoids in children

The best treatment for adenoids in children is the prevention of colds. There will be no colds, will not grow and adenoids, the child will grow and they will atrophy.

And what if the cold is still not overcome, immediately remove the adenoids? No hurry, because this lymphoid tissue that helps hold up the infection, which means that the child needs it.

Adenoids Treatment should start with the hardening of the child. This is the maximum exposure to fresh air, various water treatments. Tempering must begin in the warmer months, gradually lowering the temperature of the quenching effects of water and air.

In addition, the child is very important for the correct mode of the day, stress and lack of restful sleep at night. No less important is the food, which should include age-appropriate amount of protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals - the building material for strengthening the immune system.

Assign and medication in the form of vitamin and mineral supplements, antihistamines (suprastin, tavegil) that relieve swelling tissue and restore nasal breathing, immunostimulants (for example, broncho-moon) - they contribute to the development of immunity against pathogens that most commonly cause diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Recently there were good homeopathic remedies that are prescribed to children in adenoids Adenoids - the expansion of the pharyngeal tonsil  Adenoids - the expansion of the pharyngeal tonsil
 But they should appoint homeopath.

Local children prescribed the nasal wash to free the nasal passages of mucus, for this purpose is well suited drops Aqua Maris. If your child has aggravation adenoiditis, after washing the nose it can bury vasoconstrictor drops (eg Nazivin), but such drops may be used no more than three - five days in a row, or else there will come a persistent dilation of blood vessels and swelling, which is hard to be anything remove.

With vasoconstrictor drops reduces swelling and decreases the volume of the nasal turbinates, which helps to restore nasal breathing. With the purpose of treatment can be used a one percent solution protargola, dvadtsatiprotsentnym Albucidum.

Beyond acute child is prescribed a course of laser therapy and in acute fit physiotherapy such as ultraviolet irradiation of the nasal cavity, electrophoresis with drugs, UHF.

Do not forget that the source of constant infection can be not only in adenoids, but also in other places. Therefore, you should promptly treat caries More about caries - take care of your teeth until it's too late  More about caries - take care of your teeth until it's too late
 , chronic tonsillitis Chronic tonsillitis - inflammation of the tonsils  Chronic tonsillitis - inflammation of the tonsils

 How to cure adenoids - is there a difference between the treatment of adults and children?

Removal of the adenoids in children and adults

In children, the indications for surgery are the various complications of adenoidectomy, such as the persistent violation of nasal breathing to stop breathing during sleep Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
 , Disorders of mental, and physical development of a child's hearing.

In adults, the indications for operation over extended, because they have no prospects for medical treatment. Operations carried out in adults when they grow to the point that the nasal breathing "overlaps" day and night.

It is better if the operation is performed under general anesthesia, it allows the surgeon better to remove the lymphoid tissue. In order not to leave bits of tissue, surgery is often done using a special optical instrument (endoscope), it allows the individual to avoid relapse. Child discharged after the operation on the second day, an adult is usually spends in the hospital a few more days, as adults may postoperative bleeding.

The adenoids can not be cured, or they can be removed with surgery or wait until the age when they begin to decrease.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • adenoids

Lacunar tonsillitis how it should be treated

April 17, 2014

 lacunar tonsillitis
 Lacunar tonsillitis - is a form of acute infectious disease in which there is local inflammation of the tonsils of the pharynx. This pathology can cause a variety of microorganisms. The disease is diagnosed quite easily, as can be seen on the surface of the tonsils typical of tonsillitis such changes. In severe cases, may develop complications. In the treatment of lacunar angina include compliance with certain regime and diet and the use of various drugs for local and general action.


Causes of lacunar angina

The main cause of angina - infection from a sick person. The greatest danger of infection exists in the first few days after the onset of angina. But the man who had been ill with it, can be a source of infection for another ten days.

An important role in the development of angina belongs to β-hemolytic streptococcus. The bacterium is transmitted by airborne droplets, and the source of infection - sick people or carriers, if you have close contact with them. Angina can also cause negative staphylococci, pneumococci, Pseudomonas and E. coli and other microorganisms.

The disease can develop as a result of auto-infection. This sore throat Angina - is it worth it to carry "on their feet"?  Angina - is it worth it to carry "on their feet"?
   causing microbes or viruses that colonize the mucous membrane of the throat and tonsils.

Lacunar tonsillitis in adults and children during the autumn-winter period of about a third of cases associated with the action of viruses (adenovirus, coronavirus, rhinovirus, influenza and parainfluenza viruses, respiratory syncytial virus). Viruses can not only be independent agents angina, very often they provoke the activity of the bacterial flora.


Symptoms lacunar angina

The disease begins with fever. Also, there are signs of intoxication: general weakness, malaise, chills, headaches, and sometimes pain in the lumbar region. Lacunar tonsillitis in children sometimes accompanied by more severe symptoms: against high temperature and vomiting intoxication occurs, there may be impairment of consciousness. There are severe pain in the throat when swallowing, which can give ear.

Almost always increasing regional lymph nodes Lymph nodes - what keeps our immune system  Lymph nodes - what keeps our immune system
 . They are easily felt under the lower jaw, and painful to touch.

Tonsils increase in size and become red. On the surface noticeable islands of white plaque and yellowish-white tubes, which are located at the mouths of the gaps. Sometimes these attacks are merged together and can cover almost the entire surface of the tonsils.

From the second to the fifth day after the onset of the disease, when the attacks begin to separate the symptoms of angina Symptoms of angina - obvious and recognizable  Symptoms of angina - obvious and recognizable
   become less pronounced, but the temperature is still some time left subfebrile. The duration of the disease - about a week, but it increases the presence of complications.


Complications lacunar angina

When lacunar angina runs hard, it can appear complications. They are divided into local and general. The former of these are:

  • Paratonsillitis (inflammation okolomindalikovoy fiber);
  • Retropharyngeal and peripharyngeal abscesses;
  • Phlegmon neck;
  • Swelling of the larynx;
  • Laryngitis;
  • Acute inflammation of the middle ear.

Common complications cause injury to vital organs and body systems. Against the background of lacunar angina may develop:

  • Rheumatism with involvement in the pathological process of the heart and joints;
  • Kidney damage;
  • Sepsis.



The diagnosis of lacunar tonsillitis established on the basis of symptoms and examination of the tonsils. Also conducted bacteriological research, to identify the microorganism, which has led to the development of inflammation.

Differential diagnosis of lacunar angina performed with diphtheria. In the latter disease are formed on the tonsils raids dirty yellowish color, which go beyond the tonsils. The raids are removed with difficulty, tonsils then bleed. Local lymph nodes are enlarged and swollen. The diagnosis is confirmed by detection of smears from the pharynx Corynebacterium diphtheria.


Treatment lacunar angina

Treatment lacunar tonsillitis in children Sore throat in children - a common disease  Sore throat in children - a common disease
   and adults includes the observance of a particular mode, local and general therapy. In the early days of the disease need to comply with bed rest. Later (after a few days) are allowed to Home mode, but with the limitation of physical activity, it is very important to prevent complications.

The patient man is necessary to allocate a separate bowl, towel and limit contact with others. The diet should be gentle, mostly dairy-vegetable and rich in vitamins. It is recommended to drink fruit juices, tea with lemon and raspberry, infusion of rose hips, mineral water.

Antibiotics for lacunar angina - the basis of medical treatment. Prescribers penicillin (penicillin, amoxicillin). These drugs have a high activity against β-hemolytic streptococcus.

If angina occurs frequently or runs hard, apply the protected penicillins (amoxiclav). If you have an allergy to penicillin, then prescribe medications such as:

  • Macrolides (azithromycin, spiramycin, midecamycin);
  • Cephalosporins I and II generation (cephalexin, cefuroxime);
  • Carbapenem (imipenem, meropenem). They are used only for severe complications of angina.

Also appointed antipyretics and analgesics, vitamins B and C, immune modulators. Local treatment of lacunar tonsillitis in adults and children includes rinse throat warm decoction of herbs (sage, chamomile, calendula and others), a solution of baking soda, hydrogen peroxide or nitrofural. This procedure must be repeated five or six times per day.

For local effect on inflamed tonsils often used bioparoks formulation (aerosol), which contains the antibiotic fuzofungin. Stopangin - one of the local antiseptics, which are also shown in angina.

Before you treat lacunar tonsillitis, it's best to consult with a specialist. Easy flowing disease can be treated at home, and in severe forms of angina and the presence of complications you need hospital treatment.

Article Tags:
  • sore throat
