Dry cough - whether to worry about it? - Treatment of adult

September 4th, 2013

  • Dry cough - whether to worry about it?
  • Nonproductive cough
  • Medication
  • Treatment of adult
  • Folk remedies
  • When pregnancy

 Treatment of dry cough in adults at home

Treatment of adults at home

  • Preventing dehydration. The liquid soothes an irritated throat, and hot tea with honey or lemon juice helps relieve dry cough.
  • To dry cough tormented at night, puts a pillow under her head.
  • To soothe an irritated throat, cough lozenges suit - not only for sucking lozenges, but ordinary candy lollipops.
  • If there is a dry cough constantly, give up smoking.
  • Avoid effect on airway irritants - smoke, dust and other contaminants.

In some cases, treatment of dry cough yourself at home is not effective. Seek medical advice in the following cases:

  • If the treatment of dry cough at home there are other symptoms - chest pain Chest pain is one symptom - a lot of diseases  Chest pain is one symptom - a lot of diseases
 , Shortness of breath, fever
  • If you start coughing up blood
  • If the cough lasts for more than two weeks, but no other symptoms indicating problems with the respiratory tract, is not observed

 Treatment of adult | dry cough - whether to worry about it?

Drug treatment of dry cough in adults

For the treatment of dry cough better not to use cold medicines intended to suppress the group of symptoms - is better to treat each symptom separately. There are two types of drugs to treat cough - expectorants and drugs that suppress the cough. Expectorant drugs suitable for the treatment of cough with phlegm, but the cough is better treated with a second variety of drugs - agents that suppress the cough.

In such preparations should not rely completely - it is better to take cough medicine Cough medicine - when they should be used?  Cough medicine - when they should be used?
   only when the cough interferes with sleep. In fact, even cough useful because outputs mucus from the lungs and helps prevent bacterial infections of the respiratory tract. The most effective drugs for dry cough - drugs, which include dextromethorphan. Abuse of drugs can cause a number of rather unpleasant side effects, so when taking these drugs is very important to follow the manufacturer's instructions.

In some cases, taking the medicine must be dry cough with extreme caution - for example, high blood pressure Blood pressure - dangerous if his swing?  Blood pressure - dangerous if his swing?
 , Prostate diseases, disorders of the heart, chronic respiratory diseases in the elderly. Carefully read the drug before it is consumed - some medicines for dry cough contain large amounts of alcohol, others - codeine. In chronic dry cough is better to consult a doctor who will recommend the most effective antitussives.

Tonsillitis - a chronic inflammation of the tonsils - Treatment

June 9, 2014

  • Tonsillitis - a chronic inflammation of the tonsils
  • Tonsils and their main function
  • Treatment

 how to treat tonsillitis

How to treat tonsillitis

In most cases, the viral infection is enough paracetamol to reduce the temperature. Aspirin may also be useful, but it should not be given to children under 16 years of age, except on the advice of a physician.

Patients with bacterial tonsillitis prescribed for the treatment of penicillin or erythromycin. If you are prescribed antibiotics, be sure to drink the whole course, otherwise the infection may not be cured until the end.

Antibiotics are also recommended for immunosuppressed patients, such as undergoing chemotherapy.

Patients who regularly suffer from severe recurrent tonsillitis may suggest removal of the tonsils Tonsillectomy - when to carry out the operation?  Tonsillectomy - when to carry out the operation?


Treatment of tonsillitis

  • Anesthesia. In severe sore throat, headaches, and elevated body temperatures are advised to take non-prescription analgesics such as acetaminophen, ibuprofen, aspirin. It does not treat tonsillitis, but greatly facilitate the patient's condition. Despite the fact that these drugs are sold over the counter and are relatively safe, before applying them you need to carefully read the instructions in the package insert. For example, ibuprofen should not be taken for those who have a history of such disorders as ulcers and indigestion, asthma and kidney disease. Pregnant women should take any medications, including OTC, only after consulting with your doctor.
  • Removal of the tonsils. Patients who have had five or more episodes of tonsillitis in the last year, as well as those who have tonsillitis occurs in very severe forms, can be recommended tonsillectomy - surgical removal of the tonsils. Currently, tonsillectomy is one of the most common operations that make children, but the purpose of this method of treatment for adults - is also not uncommon.

To carry out this operation using general anesthesia. During the tonsillectomy patient's mouth with the help of special tools kept wide open to provide access to a doctor tonsils. The incision in the skin in the course of this operation, do not.

Currently, several methods of tonsillectomy. Probably the most common is excision of the tonsils is a surgical scalpel.

Another, more modern method - diathermy - is the destruction of the tissues of the tonsils influence of an electric current, which generates heat. In addition, the high temperature helps to quickly stop the bleeding.

Koblyatsiya - this technique is similar to diathermy, but in this case applies a low temperature (about -60 degrees Celsius). Short-term exposure to such temperature contributes to the destruction of tissue, but does not cause damage to surrounding structures. It is considered that recovery from this procedure takes less painful than after diathermy.

Immediately after tonsillectomy throat looks almost white. Under a light touch, a new mucosa. As soon as the throat heals raid gradually disappears - it usually takes about two weeks.

Children under two weeks after tonsillectomy is not recommended to go to school, because at this time they are very vulnerable to various infections.

For the first time after surgery, patients feel pain when swallowing, but it is important that they will be eating solid food - it contributes to a more rapid recovery. In addition, it is recommended to drink plenty of fluids, but avoid acidic drinks such as orange juice - they can cause a strong burning sensation in the throat. It is also important to regularly clean the teeth How to brush your teeth: interesting facts  How to brush your teeth: interesting facts
 To reduce infections of the oral cavity.


What are the complications?

Typically, the disease of the throat, such as angina, do not cause serious problems and are about a week.

Yet, the following complications.

  • Secondary infection can affect the inner ear or sinuses.
  • If the sore throat was caused by a streptococcal infection, it may be a rash (scarlet fever).
  • A rare complication - an abscess Abscess - why it is so dangerous ulcers?  Abscess - why it is so dangerous ulcers?
   throat, usually with one hand. This may require surgical intervention.
  • In very rare cases may arise rheumatism Rheumatic fever - are possible complications of heart  Rheumatic fever - are possible complications of heart
   or renal disease (glomerulonephritis).

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  • tonsillitis
