How dangerous sinusitis: Infection risk

January 8, 2013

 What is dangerous sinusitis
 The risk of sinusitis is that the infectious-inflammatory process develops in the vicinity of the brain, eyes, ears, many branches of the nerve and blood vessels. All of these structures may be involved in the inflammatory process or to serve as pathways infection throughout the body.

 How dangerous sinusitis: Infection risk

Risk number 1, the most common - the spread of infection to the eye

As between the maxillary sinus and eye socket (orbit) is only a thin bony septum, the most common complication of sinusitis Sinusitis - complications of inflammation in the head  Sinusitis - complications of inflammation in the head
   is the transition of infectious-inflammatory process in the visual organ.

This can occur simply reactive inflammation of the soft tissues of the orbit, which is manifested edema. Jet is an inflammation called because it is a reaction to the inflammatory process in the adjacent organs, occurred when transferring the blood of toxins produced during inflammatory processes. Infection in this case.

But can develop a true inflammatory process as purulent and purulent, hitting the soft tissues of the orbit and its bony walls. Most developed purulent processes, which are accompanied by a slight rise in temperature, swelling of the eyelids, pain in the orbit with pressure and mild headaches.

When purulent inflammation in the eye socket condition of the patients can be extremely severe, with high fever, severe headache, vomiting, impaired consciousness.

With the defeat of the optic nerve visual disturbances occur. Complications of the visual organ is always a danger, because it may cause severe damage to vision and move to the meninges and brain tissue.

 How dangerous sinusitis: Infection risk

Risk number 2 - the spread of infection at the hearing

This risk also exists, sinusitis often gives complications in the form of long flowing inflammation of the middle ear (otitis media), which almost always leads to hearing loss.

Otitis can be purulent and purulent. Purulent otitis flow easier and easier to treat. When purulent otitis fever, pain in the ears and headaches. Often pain in the sinus, ear and head merge with each other, and the patient can not understand where and what was wrong with him. Severe purulent otitis may occur with vomiting and impaired consciousness - signs that indicate reactive involvement of the membranes of the brain.

 How dangerous sinusitis: Infection risk

Risk number 3 - the defeat of the trigeminal nerve

Branches of the trigeminal nerve are in the immediate vicinity of the sinuses, especially the second, the middle branch, which goes to the upper jaw. It is this branch, and is affected most often in the form of neuralgia (with inflammatory processes in the nerve sheath) and neuritis Neuritis - nerve damage  Neuritis - nerve damage
   (inflammation of the entire nerve).

Neuritis of the trigeminal nerve is manifested most often in the form of increased sensitivity of the skin of the upper jaw. But there may be severe pain in the upper jaw, extending to the first and third branches of the trigeminal nerve (in the head and lower jaw), that is, the pain may spread to the entire half of the face on the affected side. Pain has a sharp pungent character, may be constant or in the form of attacks.

Neuritis of the facial nerve is difficult to treat, especially if located next to the site of infection.

 How dangerous sinusitis: Infection risk

Risk number 4, the most rare - intracranial complications

Intracranial complications - an infectious-inflammatory processes in the field of membranes, tissues and blood vessels of the brain occur in sinusitis are rare. If the process has a purulent character, a complication occurs is not very hard, but in purulent lesions of the brain condition of the patients can be very serious: high fever, severe headache, vomiting, impaired consciousness and sepsis with the spread of infection through the blood to all the organs and tissue.

 How dangerous sinusitis: Infection risk

Danger number 5 - infectious and allergic processes in other organs

When sinusitis Sinusitis - when a puncture is required  Sinusitis - when a puncture is required
   formed during inflammation toxins and infectious agents may cause sensitization (hypersensitivity) to them tissues of different organs, which leads to the development of infections difficult to treat.

Particularly affected in this case, the cardiovascular system. For example, an infectious-inflammatory process (myocarditis) may begin in the heart muscle, resulting in a decrease of its contractile capacity, cardiac arrhythmia, etc.

Acute and chronic sinusitis Chronic sinusitis - the effect on health  Chronic sinusitis - the effect on health
   may be the cause of many infectious and inflammatory and infectious and allergic processes in the near and distant organs and tissues.

Galina Romanenko

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  • genyantritis

Chronic tonsillitis - especially diseases

March 28, 2014

 Chronic tonsillitis
 Anyone who has ever suffered from a sore throat, it is easy to imagine how much trouble can bring chronic tonsillitis - a disease that is diagnosed if the patient for the previous year was at least five episodes of tonsillitis.


Causes of chronic angina

It is believed that in most cases, chronic tonsillitis develops due to undertreated bacterial tonsillitis. Its cause may also be a disease or drugs that weaken the immune system and antibiotic resistance. The most common causative agents of this disease are Streptococcus species Streptococcus pyogenes.

Chronic tonsillitis in children Sore throat in children - a common disease  Sore throat in children - a common disease
   It occurs much less frequently than in adolescents and adults. Furthermore, the likelihood of chronic angina increased in people exposed to ionizing radiation.


Symptoms of chronic tonsillitis

Signs by which you can diagnose chronic angina, is the frequency of angina episodes. Typically, the disease is diagnosed in people who have suffered from angina at least five times during the previous year, or at least three times a year for the previous two years.

For episodes of chronic angina characterized by the same symptoms as for normal viral or bacterial sore throat:

  • Severe pain in the throat;
  • Enlarged tonsils;
  • Heat;
  • Weakness;
  • Headache;
  • The redness of the throat and the formation of a light raid on the tonsils.

In patients with chronic angina often appears bad breath even between disease exacerbations .  In addition, people suffering from chronic tonsillitis, may experience constant weakness and fatigue, but it is not linked with the sore throat, and with the weakening of immunity, which was the cause of this disorder .  Reduced immunity makes the body more susceptible to various infections, so people with chronic angina can often hurt the common cold, flu, etc. .  In general, frequent infections are always an alarming sign, which in any case can not be ignored .  It is not necessary to hope that chronic angina pass itself - is much more likely that in the absence of treatment they lead to various complications, cope with the consequences of which would be extremely difficult .  Therefore, if you suspect a chronic sore throat as soon as possible to pass a medical examination .


How to cure chronic angina

In the treatment of chronic angina need professional medical assistance; the use of home remedies in this disease is allowed only as an adjunct to treatment, which is prescribed by a doctor. In particular, it is useful to drink fruit and vegetable juices and take vitamins to strengthen the immune system, eat honey and garlic Garlic health: almost a panacea  Garlic health: almost a panacea
 , Making inhalation and gargle during exacerbations of chronic angina. You can also drink herbal teas medicinal herbs, take non-prescription pain relievers and antipyretic drugs, and use the spray for the throat with propolis, antiseptics and analgesics. However, these tools only help to alleviate the symptoms of a sore throat, but do not eliminate the cause of chronic angina.

There are two main directions in the treatment of chronic angina - conservative and surgical. When deciding how to treat chronic angina in a particular case, the physician based on considerations of efficiency and maximum safety for the patient.

When conservative treatment your doctor may prescribe a lavage of lacunae of tonsils - it can be used substances such as chlorhexidine or boric acid. This procedure allows you to destroy the pathogens of chronic tonsillitis, which often live in the gaps of the tonsils. For maximum effect, it is usually necessary to carry out this procedure several times.

Besides, for the treatment of chronic angina often used antibiotics:

  • Penicillin V - the drug of first choice treatment lasts for ten days;
  • Macrolide antibiotics such as erythromycin and azithromycin - these drugs are prescribed to patients who are allergic to penicillin. The course of treatment lasts for five days.

If conservative treatment is not effective enough, it can be assigned tonsillectomy - operation, during which removes tonsils.

Mention of tonsillectomy have been found in ancient written sources, and this operation has been used successfully to this day. Despite the fact that this operation is quite easy and safe to carry it out by a doctor should be good reasons. Though tonsils and do not belong to the vital organs, they play a significant role in the functioning of the immune system, and their removal can make the body more vulnerable to certain infections.

As a rule, tonsillectomy is appointed only in cases corresponding to all of the following criteria:

  • The presence of the classic symptoms of angina Symptoms of angina - obvious and recognizable  Symptoms of angina - obvious and recognizable
   during exacerbations of chronic angina;
  • The patient had five or more episodes of angina in the previous year;
  • The symptoms of angina appeared regularly, at least for one year;
  • Episodes of angina occur with severe symptoms and interfere with a person to function properly - to study, work, and so on.

Tonsillectomy may also be recommended for patients who have chronic angina led to the development of sleep apnea Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams

In cases where there is doubt as to the need for tonsillectomy, doctors usually monitor patients, at least for six months and is carried out in this time of regular surveys.

During the ten days prior to tonsillectomy should not take aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen and warfarin. Since tonsillectomy is done under general anesthesia in the morning before surgery can not eat and drink. Typically, the operation is fast, without complications, and the patient can go home a few hours after its completion. The recovery period lasts an average of seven to ten days, a sore throat can be stored up to two weeks. At this time, it is important to drink plenty of liquids - the lack of moisture in the cells slows down the recovery of tissues and leads to increased pain in the throat. In some patients a few days after the operation observed bleeding in the throat - how they are not strong, and pass quickly, but with heavy bleeding should see a doctor.

In the first days after the tonsillectomy patients may be needed taking pain medications. Typically, non-prescription analgesics, such as paracetamol and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are effective enough, but sometimes it takes more potent prescription painkillers.

Article Tags:
  • sore throat
