The inflammatory process in the ear, which occurs with symptoms of purulent inflammation, can occur in the form of an acute or chronic disease. From that, the form in which proceeds purulent otitis depends on the volume of ongoing remedial measures. Of great importance are the issues of prevention, aimed at strengthening the protective properties of the body and prompt treatment of those diseases that can contribute to the development of inflammation in the ear.
Who is at risk for the development of purulent otitis
The main role as a causative factor in the development of inflammation belong to various pathogens. Purulent otitis media develops in contact with the ear of pathogenic bacteria, viruses or fungi. Early treatment of identified infections prevents its spread, that is, reduces the risk of complications.
Purulent otitis child develops more frequently when compared to the adult population. This favorably contribute to those anatomical features of the structure of the auditory tube, which are children. If a person has various irregularities in the structure of the ear, it can be seen as a predisposing factor for the development of suppurative otitis media.
Based on the established causes of inflammation in the ear were identified risk groups. These include the following categories:
- persons suffering from immunodeficiency
- persons who have undergone surgery on the regions of the nasal cavity, or on the ear
- persons who have enlarged adenoids
- children, especially in the presence of disturbances in the structure of the ear
Symptoms of purulent otitis media can occur after exposure to cold, so as a preventive measure should strengthen the immune system
Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults
As well as to avoid hypothermia.
The volume of diagnostic measures in purulent otitis
Your doctor may decide on how to treat purulent otitis, only on the basis of a complex of diagnostic measures, which includes the various studies and analyzes. The nature of the flow of inflammation is judged by the results of a general or CBC
Blood tests: a mirror of health
As purulent inflammation is accompanied by characteristic changes in blood counts and acute phase indicators. Purulent otitis media
Otitis media - children's problem
It can be confirmed during the following instrumental methods:
- otoscopy
- audiometry
- tympanometry
Treatment of suppurative otitis media in terms of its effectiveness is largely determined by what is carried out antibacterial therapy. It is recommended that prior to prescribing conduct bacteriological study of discharge from the ear. This will determine not only the specific form of the pathogen as well as to determine the spectrum of its sensitivity.
If purulent otitis occurs in a complicated form, when developing intracranial complications, the research methods used radiographic (X-ray of the temporal bone). Complications purulent otitis media can be detected in a CT scan of the brain. In each case, the doctor determines what kind of research should go to the patient, taking into account the individual characteristics of each person.
To suspect that a person has an acute purulent otitis, it can be based on clinical data. The first signs of the disease are the complaints about the appearance of the noise and congestion in the ear, hearing a change to the downside. With regard to the severity of pain, its maximum expression is observed only at the stage that precedes the perforation of the tympanic membrane, and in the early stages of otitis pain can not be pronounced.
What to consider when assigning therapy
The first signs of suppurative otitis require complex therapeutic measures. The presence of purulent inflammation is an indication for antibiotics. At the beginning of the inflammatory process can be strictly applied thermal treatments, heating of the ears, but only up to the moment when there will be pus. As soon as suppuration, discontinue warming.
Regarding the use of drops, it is not recommended to use alcohol-based drops. One might burn the mucous membrane of the ear, which will affect the course of the inflammatory process and recovery as a whole. Drops in purulent otitis
Otitis - than could face an ear infection
assigned in the case where the patient was drained purulent ear and auditory canal produced toilet. The efficiency of the recovery process affects the timely removal of pus from the middle ear cavity, as the pus is a favorable environment for the development of micro-organisms and pathogens connection.
Treatment of suppurative otitis media in adults should be carried out simultaneously with the existing treatment of inflammation in the nose and throat. Causes of suppurative otitis linked with inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx, so be sure to include the treatment regimen nose drops. Purulent otitis media due to the treatment of incomplete gets complicated course. Consequences of suppurative otitis media are the most dangerous, if they become prevalent, and the patient develops sepsis. The symptoms of purulent otitis step complication lies in the fact that, despite treatment, the patient has symptoms of inflammation progresses. The severity of his condition reflects the presence of pathological changes of other organs and body systems.
Favorable spread of infection contributes to improper removal of pus during the processing of the auditory meatus. In this regard, if the patient is diagnosed with ruptured purulent otitis, then make a surgical treatment should be qualified. In some cases, the processing of a special set of procedures for the drainage of washing the cavity of the ear and the simultaneous administration of drugs.
Marina Solovyov