Sinusitis - difficult to handle alone - nasal sinuses

March 5, 2009

  • Sinusitis - difficult to cope alone
  • Paranasal sinuses

Paranasal sinuses

Sinuses - a pneumatic cavities in the bones of the skull, lined with mucous membrane, communicating with the nasal cavity and non-cavity vote. There are steam maxillary or maxillary sinus (the largest), steam frontal sinus, ethmoid sinus, and a wedge of bone.

Sinusitis - a common name for inflammation of the mucous membranes of one or all of the paranasal sinuses. Sinusitis can be: sinusitis Sinusitis - when a puncture is required  Sinusitis - when a puncture is required
   (inflammation of the mucosa of the maxillary sinus or), sinusitis (inflammation of the frontal sinus), sphenoiditis (inflammation of the sphenoid sinus) and etmoidit (inflammation of the ethmoidal labyrinth). The disease may be unilateral or bilateral, with involvement in the process of a sinus or the defeat of the paranasal sinuses on one or both sides - the so-called pansinusitis. As the incidence of disease in the first place is the maxillary sinus, then the maze grid, frontal and sphenoid sinuses.

Sinusitis can be acute or chronic, exudative (with inflammatory fluid in the sinuses) and productive (with the growth of tissue within the sinuses).

 Paranasal sinuses | Sinusitis - difficult to cope alone

Acute sinusitis

The most common cause of acute sinusitis are acute respiratory infections (ARI), which may be caused by influenza viruses, rhinoviruses, adenoviruses, staphylococci and other pathogens.

In acute inflammation of the sinuses due to swelling of the mucous membranes of the sinuses closes the exhaust opening sinus infection and accumulates in the sinus, having a free exit, which leads to the development of inflammation in the paranasal sinuses.

Acute sinusitis is manifested by headache, fever, congestion and purulent discharge from the nose, swelling of the soft tissues in the area of ​​the affected sinus.

 Paranasal sinuses | Sinusitis - difficult to cope alone

Chronic sinusitis

In chronic sinusitis pathogen is often a mixed infection, there is a combination of bacterial and fungal infection. It appears this "explosive mixture" of infection on the background of irrational antibiotic therapy (often in the process of self), it can be a long time to maintain a chronic inflammatory process.

In the development of chronic sinusitis it is important to have the body of chronic foci of infection (chronic tonsillitis, inflammation of the dental system) and a significant reduction in ventilation sinuses that support the inflammatory process.

Beyond acute patients may be concerned about the severity of head, nasal congestion, persistent isolation mucopurulent nature and unpleasant odor from the nose.

 Paranasal sinuses | Sinusitis - difficult to cope alone

Complications of sinusitis

If sinusitis is not treated (or treated properly), may develop complications of the eye (inflammation of the membranes of the eye, the optic nerve), brain (meningitis, abscess Abscess - why it is so dangerous ulcers?  Abscess - why it is so dangerous ulcers?
   brain), inflammation of the blood vessels of the brain. Sinusitis can also cause the occurrence of osteomyelitis or mucosal polyps.

 Paranasal sinuses | Sinusitis - difficult to cope alone

Diagnosis of sinusitis

Clinical manifestations of sinusitis must be confirmed by laboratory findings (signs of inflammation in the blood, secretions from the nose sowing chronic processes) and radiographic (X-ray signs of inflammation of the sinuses) data.

 Paranasal sinuses | Sinusitis - difficult to cope alone

Treatment for sinusitis

In the treatment of acute sinusitis used general and local therapy. As a general treatment prescribed, strengthens the immune system (for example, echinacea, vitamin-mineral complexes). Antibiotics are appointed only when purulent process after microbiological examination.

Topically applied anti-inflammatory drugs (for example, colloidal silver), held rinsing the sinuses disinfectants. When nonsuppurative processes puncture of the maxillary sinuses are not held. After calming down of the acute effects attached to the treatment of physiotherapy (UHF, paraffin wax, ozokerite).

In exacerbations of chronic sinusitis treatment is carried out as well as acute sinusitis, but most are held puncture of the maxillary sinuses. In addition, great importance is dental health and nose (removal of carious teeth, surgery deviated septum, treatment of chronic rhinitis).

Productive (cystic polypoid), chronic sinusitis is treated mainly by surgery (removal of all growths).

 Paranasal sinuses | Sinusitis - difficult to cope alone

How to prevent sinusitis

Preventing sinusitis should be directed to the correct treatment of diseases such as the flu, a cold, other infectious diseases, dental caries More about caries - take care of your teeth until it's too late  More about caries - take care of your teeth until it's too late
 . Prevent the development of sinusitis can also be timely elimination of congenital malformations of the nose (eg, abnormalities of the nasal septum).

Another trend is the systematic prevention of hardening of the body and strengthen the immune system Strengthening the immune system - help the immune system  Strengthening the immune system - help the immune system

Inflammation of the sinuses - a serious disease, it can only treat an audiologist.

Article Tags:
  • sinusitis

Laryngitis - deadly - Causes and types

January 18, 2009

  • Laryngitis - deadly
  • Causes and types

Causes and types

Laryngitis - an inflammation of the larynx and vocal cords. Laryngitis may be acute or chronic.

Acute laryngitis occurs most often in the background of a general weakening of the body from hypothermia, and the addition of a bacterial or viral infection. The reason may be as trauma, burns. Contributing factors are dusty, hot, dry air, over-voltage vote, the presence of chronic foci of inflammation in the nasopharynx, nasal breathing disorders.

Chronic laryngitis often develops on the background of frequent and not dolechennyh acute diseases, chronic foci of inflammation of the respiratory tract, allergic disorders, as well as occupational hazards (chemical irritants, dust, overvoltage votes, and so on).

 Causes and types | Laryngitis - deadly

How is acute laryngitis

Acute laryngitis usually begins against the backdrop of a viral infection. At first appear dry throat, sore, dry cough Dry cough - whether to worry about it?  Dry cough - whether to worry about it?
 . Then, the voice becomes harsh, hoarse, and sometimes disappears altogether. The vocal cords take the form of thick reddened rollers. The disease lasts for about a week, but with a constant violation voice mode and wrong treatment can become chronic.

In infants laryngitis can be severe, as they have a smaller lumen of the airways, which predisposes to the appearance of complications such as acute stenosis (narrowing), larynx or false croup. At the same time the child showing signs of respiratory distress, ie He starts to choke. Some children have a clear family history, as well as a tendency to recurrent disease.

 Causes and types | Laryngitis - deadly

How is false croup

Against the background of colds at the child (usually from 2 to 5 years) may start an acute swelling of the tissues in the area of ​​the glottis. Glottis narrows, and almost does not pass air. At the same time the child appears Moderate "barking" ringing cough, shortness of breath with increasing breathing difficulties, the child's nostrils flaring, become visible retractions intercostal spaces during breathing. The child prefers to sit up in bed or in an upright position. In the future, there is first the excitement, shouting, and then severe weakness, against which the child may die. Most often this phenomenon occurs at night, does not last long, but can then be repeated several times. Development of false croup can contribute to contaminated dry air, tobacco smoke, sudden weather changes.

 Causes and types | Laryngitis - deadly

Symptoms of chronic laryngitis

Chronic laryngitis slowly formed and separated into catarrhal, hypertrophic and atrophic forms. Sometimes one of the other forms of switches.

At catarrhal form of redness and thickening of the mucous membrane of the larynx and vocal cords. It appears dry, scratchy, foreign body sensation in the throat, cough, hoarseness of voice becomes.

Hypertrophic form of chronic laryngitis Chronic laryngitis Disease teachers  Chronic laryngitis Disease teachers
   It may arise from bluetongue, but may develop independently. There is a proliferation of the mucous membrane of the larynx, the most pronounced in the area of ​​the vocal folds. The larynx is covered with viscous mucus due to the dysfunction of the glands of the mucous membrane of the larynx.

When atrophic form of the disease the main symptoms are dry, scratchy, foreign body sensation in the throat, cough with phlegm difficult to departing. In this form of laryngitis thinning occurs laryngeal mucosa.

 Causes and types | Laryngitis - deadly

Treatment of laryngitis

Acute laryngitis is treated with an alkaline abundant drinking, hot foot baths, anti-inflammatory drugs (such as antibiotics Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?  Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?
   - Prescribed by a doctor). Prescribers, relieves swelling Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause  Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause
   fabrics (antihistamines such as diphenhydramine, suprastin). Connection of physiotherapy (inhalation). Patients are advised to observe the voice mode (not to strain his voice) and diet (eliminate spicy food)

Treatment of chronic laryngitis more complicated. Appointed restorative treatment, local treatment and physiotherapy. Local treatment involves injection into the larynx of various drugs, as well as the lubrication of its mucosa.

 Causes and types | Laryngitis - deadly

First aid for a false croup

If your child appeared "barking" cough, and he began to choke, then you should immediately call an ambulance, but by making the following:

  • give the child semi-sitting position;
  • open the window, release the chest from the garter dress;
  • make alkaline inhale (breathe over the steam - 1 tablespoon of baking soda to 1 quart of water);
  • put the legs of the child to the maximum warm water (blood hath ebbed from the inflamed larynx and prihlynet to the legs, swelling to star - distracting procedure).

Article Tags:
  • laryngitis
