- Sinusitis - difficult to cope alone
- Paranasal sinuses
Paranasal sinuses
Sinuses - a pneumatic cavities in the bones of the skull, lined with mucous membrane, communicating with the nasal cavity and non-cavity vote. There are steam maxillary or maxillary sinus (the largest), steam frontal sinus, ethmoid sinus, and a wedge of bone.
Sinusitis - a common name for inflammation of the mucous membranes of one or all of the paranasal sinuses. Sinusitis can be: sinusitis
Sinusitis - when a puncture is required
(inflammation of the mucosa of the maxillary sinus or), sinusitis (inflammation of the frontal sinus), sphenoiditis (inflammation of the sphenoid sinus) and etmoidit (inflammation of the ethmoidal labyrinth). The disease may be unilateral or bilateral, with involvement in the process of a sinus or the defeat of the paranasal sinuses on one or both sides - the so-called pansinusitis. As the incidence of disease in the first place is the maxillary sinus, then the maze grid, frontal and sphenoid sinuses.
Sinusitis can be acute or chronic, exudative (with inflammatory fluid in the sinuses) and productive (with the growth of tissue within the sinuses).
Acute sinusitis
The most common cause of acute sinusitis are acute respiratory infections (ARI), which may be caused by influenza viruses, rhinoviruses, adenoviruses, staphylococci and other pathogens.
In acute inflammation of the sinuses due to swelling of the mucous membranes of the sinuses closes the exhaust opening sinus infection and accumulates in the sinus, having a free exit, which leads to the development of inflammation in the paranasal sinuses.
Acute sinusitis is manifested by headache, fever, congestion and purulent discharge from the nose, swelling of the soft tissues in the area of the affected sinus.
Chronic sinusitis
In chronic sinusitis pathogen is often a mixed infection, there is a combination of bacterial and fungal infection. It appears this "explosive mixture" of infection on the background of irrational antibiotic therapy (often in the process of self), it can be a long time to maintain a chronic inflammatory process.
In the development of chronic sinusitis it is important to have the body of chronic foci of infection (chronic tonsillitis, inflammation of the dental system) and a significant reduction in ventilation sinuses that support the inflammatory process.
Beyond acute patients may be concerned about the severity of head, nasal congestion, persistent isolation mucopurulent nature and unpleasant odor from the nose.
Complications of sinusitis
If sinusitis is not treated (or treated properly), may develop complications of the eye (inflammation of the membranes of the eye, the optic nerve), brain (meningitis, abscess
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brain), inflammation of the blood vessels of the brain. Sinusitis can also cause the occurrence of osteomyelitis or mucosal polyps.
Diagnosis of sinusitis
Clinical manifestations of sinusitis must be confirmed by laboratory findings (signs of inflammation in the blood, secretions from the nose sowing chronic processes) and radiographic (X-ray signs of inflammation of the sinuses) data.
Treatment for sinusitis
In the treatment of acute sinusitis used general and local therapy. As a general treatment prescribed, strengthens the immune system (for example, echinacea, vitamin-mineral complexes). Antibiotics are appointed only when purulent process after microbiological examination.
Topically applied anti-inflammatory drugs (for example, colloidal silver), held rinsing the sinuses disinfectants. When nonsuppurative processes puncture of the maxillary sinuses are not held. After calming down of the acute effects attached to the treatment of physiotherapy (UHF, paraffin wax, ozokerite).
In exacerbations of chronic sinusitis treatment is carried out as well as acute sinusitis, but most are held puncture of the maxillary sinuses. In addition, great importance is dental health and nose (removal of carious teeth, surgery deviated septum, treatment of chronic rhinitis).
Productive (cystic polypoid), chronic sinusitis is treated mainly by surgery (removal of all growths).
How to prevent sinusitis
Preventing sinusitis should be directed to the correct treatment of diseases such as the flu, a cold, other infectious diseases, dental caries
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. Prevent the development of sinusitis can also be timely elimination of congenital malformations of the nose (eg, abnormalities of the nasal septum).
Another trend is the systematic prevention of hardening of the body and strengthen the immune system
Strengthening the immune system - help the immune system
Inflammation of the sinuses - a serious disease, it can only treat an audiologist.