Sinusitis - difficult to cope alone

March 5, 2009

  • Sinusitis - difficult to cope alone
  • Paranasal sinuses

   Infection or sinusitis sinuses - an inflammation of the sinuses and nasal passages. Sinusitis is often accompanied by symptoms such as headache, feeling of pressure in the eyes, nose and cheeks. The patient has sinusitis may experience symptoms such as cough, sore throat, fever, shortness of breath, nasal congestion and a bad cold. Sinusitis can be acute (characterized by sudden onset) or chronic (the most common type).

 Sinusitis - difficult to cope alone

What is sinusitis and how it manifests itself

Sinusitis is very common. Every year, millions of new cases of people in our country - and this figure included only those who go to the doctor.

Sinuses and mucosa cells with thin hairs on the surface. This is in order not to give the bacteria and various substances penetrate into the body.

A man bouts of acute sinusitis cases, as a rule, no more than three times a year and each attack it lasts more than ten days. There are cases where attacks of acute sinusitis lasted up to eight weeks, but usually they end up much more quickly. In acute sinusitis successfully applied medication.

Bouts of chronic or recurrent sinusitis happen 4 times a year and more frequently, and each attack can last for more than twenty days.

Acute sinusitis often follows a viral upper respiratory tract infections, but it can serve as a trigger, and a variety of allergens.

Viral infection damages the cell membranes of sinuses, which leads to inflammation. Mucous membrane begins to thicken, leading to airway obstruction. As a result of obstruction (a phenomenon which is more commonly referred to nasal congestion) breaks the process by which bacteria are removed from the nasal passages. The bacteria begin to multiply and invade the sinuses on the shell. This leads to symptoms of sinusitis. Allergens cause a similar effect.

The most common cause of acute sinusitis following bacteria: Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, and Moraxella catarrhalis. Various fungi lead to an exacerbation of chronic sinusitis, especially in people whose immune system The immune system - how it works?  The immune system - how it works?
   weakened by diseases such as AIDS, leukemia and diabetes.

 Sinusitis - difficult to cope alone

Different types of sinusitis

Symptoms of sinusitis depend on the species.

Etmoidny sinusitis:

  • Nasal congestion and mucus Mucus - what is the norm for a healthy woman  Mucus - what is the norm for a healthy woman
  • Postanazalny drip (mucus running down the wall of the nasopharynx, which is often accompanied by pain in the throat)
  • The pain and the feeling of pressure in the inner corner of the eye
  • Headache in the temples or eyes
  • Increased pain when coughing
  • Increased body temperature


  • Pain in the jaw, under the eyes and around the eyes, around the upper jaw or
  • Soreness, redness, or swelling of the skin on the cheeks
  • Increased pain when the patient holds his head straight or leaning forward; Pain is weakened when a patient takes a horizontal position
  • Runny nose and postnasal drip
  • Increased body temperature
  • Fronts
  • Severe headache in the forehead
  • Fever
  • The pain is worse when the patient lies down and weakened when it gets

Wedge sinusitis

  • Headache, a source of pain, the feelings, is deep within
  • Heat
  • The pain is worse when the patient is lying on his back or leaning forward
  • Visual disturbances (for example, doubling the visible objects)
  • Nasal discharge and postnasal drip

In chronic sinusitis, the pain may be less, but the symptoms persist longer. In some patients, chronic sinusitis is accompanied by a constant toothache Toothache - itself does not take place  Toothache - itself does not take place
   and sensitive teeth Tooth Sensitivity - sudden pain  Tooth Sensitivity - sudden pain

Consequences of angina - may be worse than the disease itself

March 31, 2014

 the effects of angina
 The consequences can be severe sore throat because of the spread of infection to other organs and immunity disorders. That's why angina recommended bed rest, to comply strictly with all the doctor's appointment, and some time after recovery to be examined.


Why angina dangerous?

Angina - is an acute general infectious disease with severe local inflammatory changes in the lymphoid tissue of the tonsils. Palatine tonsils - a cluster of lymphoid tissue (connective tissue permeated by lymphocytes and macrophages - cells that are the basis of immunity) in the thickness of the mucous membrane on the border of the nose, mouth and throat. Palatine tonsils are part of a single limfoepitelialnogo (immune) system of the human body, whose main function - to protect against infection.

All the human lymphatic system is connected to a network lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes Lymph nodes - what keeps our immune system  Lymph nodes - what keeps our immune system
 . Therefore, an infection that affected one of the links of the chain (in this case the tonsils) through the lymphatic vessels can spread to any other organs and tissues. Since the lymphatic system is closely related to the circulatory system, the infection may spread to the bloodstream.

Another danger lies in angina overactive immune system, when in response to infection the immune system produces antibodies not only to them, but also to the organism's own tissues. In this case, developing the so-called autoimmune disease that can occur very hard.

Complications of a sore throat can be divided into local, which develop at once, sometimes in the background is not over yet angina, and common - they develop some time after the end of the disease.


Local complications of tonsillitis

Local complications from angina - is the inflammation of the surrounding organs. Such complications include acute otitis media, acute laryngitis laryngeal edema (thus there is a threat to the life of the patient in the form of suffocation), acute paratonsillar or retropharyngeal abscess Abscess - why it is so dangerous ulcers?  Abscess - why it is so dangerous ulcers?
 Acute cervical lymphadenitis (inflammation of the lymph vessels in the neck), the neck abscess.

All local complications begin during or immediately after a sore throat and are characterized by a new round of fever, pain in the affected tissues and require immediate, often surgical care.


Consequences of angina general nature of the heart

The traumas of angina can be various heart diseases, both infectious and autoimmune nature. Affected are all lining of the heart: the inner (endocarditis), the middle (muscle - myocarditis) and external (serous - pericarditis).

Myocarditis develops within 2-3 weeks after suffering tonsillitis. There are aching pain in the heart, abnormal heart rhythm, shortness of breath, weakness, malaise. Pain is not removed nitroglycerin, but reduced when taking NSAIDs - ibuprofen, movalis, Naiza and so on.

Pericarditis - an inflammation of the outer membrane of the heart, consisting of two sheets, between which is a pericardial. Pericarditis is often a sign of rheumatic fever and rheumatic combined with myocarditis. When dry (without the presence of inflammatory fluid in the pericardial cavity) pericarditis appear dull aching pain in the heart of the permanent Pain in the heart - always consult a doctor  Pain in the heart - always consult a doctor
 . If pericardial fluid accumulates but worried about the growing pains of the patient short of breath.

Endocarditis is a sign of rheumatism Rheumatic fever - are possible complications of heart  Rheumatic fever - are possible complications of heart
   - An autoimmune disease that affects the connective tissue in the heart and joints. The consequence of endocarditis are acquired heart diseases due to changes in heart valves.


Consequences of angina after a general nature on the part of the kidney

They may also be worn as a purely inflammatory (pyelonephritis) and autoimmune (glomerulonephritis) character. Recent proceed very hard and often end with impaired renal function. For pyelonephritis and glomerulonephritis and characterized by fever, malaise, weakness. If glomerulonephritis often develop swelling, especially on the face. But in some cases complications of kidney are asymptomatic.


Analyses after angina

In order to timely detect complications of angina, two weeks after the recovery is recommended to hand over analyzes: common blood and urine tests. The presence of some complications may indicate accelerated erythrocyte sedimentation rate, elevated blood leukocytes (including neutrophils, eosinophils). If the blood test shows a sore throat after these changes, the patient is completely examined (blood chemistry, ECG, ultrasound of the kidneys, and so on). Protein in the urine after angina is often a sign of glomerulonephritis, although small amounts can be pyelonephritis.

Rehabilitation after a sore throat should last at least a month. It includes a sparing mode with limited physical activity, avoidance of hypothermia, fortifying agents (vitamin-mineral complexes, broth hips, fresh juices). Sport is only possible after a sore throat after the date of analysis.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • sore throat
