Puncture or maxillary sinus puncture is a necessary measure to facilitate a serious condition of the patient. This aggressive treatment (ie, associated with surgery), which certainly can give complications. But in some cases the treatment of sinusitis
Sinusitis - the treatment may only be carried out under the supervision of a physician
without puncture indispensable.
Always there when needed sinus puncture?
Of course, not always. Puncture or puncture made in order to derive from maxillary sinus accumulated there purulent fluid, which does not support the inflammation and serious condition of the patient. But first, inflammation in the sinus
Sinusitis - when a puncture is required
is usually catarrhal nature, i.e. proceeds without pus. Swelling of the tissues of the nose that arises in this case, can be easily removed with the help of medication - vasoconstrictor drops and other medicines. Therefore, in this stage of disease puncture is required.
If purulent inflammation occurs not heavy, but delete the contents of the maxillary sinus with the help of medical treatment fails, you can use these little traumatic methods of removing pus, as a method of moving the "cuckoo" or sinus catheter YAMIK based on creating negative pressure in the nasal cavity, which "pulls "purulent contents of the maxillary sinus.
But serious condition of the patient to use such methods are not worth it, because they are associated with the pressure on the nasal cavity, including the blood vessels, which can worsen the condition of the patient. Puncture in this case is a necessary measure, bringing relief to the patient.
Puncture of the maxillary sinus has contraindications. This is an early childhood infectious diseases, some serious chronic diseases such as diabetes
Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease
(it leads to reduced immunity and impaired blood vessel walls), the stable high blood pressure
Blood pressure - dangerous if his swing?
(the threat of bleeding), abnormal development of the maxillary sinus or orbit and so on.
Advantages of the maxillary sinus puncture
Puncture of the maxillary sinus is not only therapeutic but also diagnostic value: laboratory testing thus removed secretions to show the nature of the pathological process and choose the right treatment.
Remove pus from the sinus to reduce the dose and duration of use of modern broad-spectrum antibiotics, which have many side effects. If the puncture is not used, and increase the dosage of antibiotics, that can be translated into a chronic acute process, as in the cavity will still be slightly pus.
In most cases, puncture of the maxillary sinus uncomplicated - a hole in the wall of the sinus bone delayed independently about a month and does not require additional treatment.
Can there be any complications after a puncture of the maxillary sinus
Unfortunately, may (complications can be even after the normal injection), but there are rarely enough.
During puncture of the maxillary sinus because of damage to blood vessels can occur nosebleeds. As a rule, it is not abundant, and stop it is easy.
Sometimes, because of the structural features of the facial bones of the patient takes the puncture wall of the orbit or soft tissues of the cheek. Most of these complications end safely, as the patient receives antibiotics, so the infection to other organs does not apply.
It is also possible such complication as embolism air - from entering the air from the surrounding tissue of the nasal cavity. Together with the air, in this case, the fabric may get pus, causing purulent complications. But it is also extremely rare in the case when a patient is significantly reduced immunity, since modern antibiotics inhibit the spread of the infection.
More severe complications arise in contact with air and pus in the blood vessels, including vessels of the eye socket. Such complications can be serious - lead to the spread of infection (abscesses, cellulitis eye socket), blockage of blood vessels (embolism), and even to blindness and death of the patient.
To avoid such complications, before the puncture is necessary to carry out X-rays of the sinuses - this will allow the doctor to see the individual features of the structure of the maxillary sinus and surrounding tissues, especially the eye socket.
Puncture of the maxillary sinus - it is an effective method of treatment, which is used for severe sinusitis is when disturbed outflow of purulent inflammation of the maxillary sinus fluid. If this is not done, the disease can either be complicated or become chronic.
Galina Romanenko