Drawing pain in the heart - and that hurts you, really?

December 19, 2011

 heart pain
 Drawing pain in the heart Pain in the heart - always consult a doctor  Pain in the heart - always consult a doctor
   - A phenomenon very often. A feature of this pain is that they may occur in perfectly healthy heart. In this case, examine the patient to rule out diseases of other organs near the heart. Most often, the pain of the heart taken pains in the stomach or in the thoracic spine.

 Drawing pain in the heart - and that hurts you, really?

What can be confused heartache

If pain occurs in one side of the chest, where the heart is situated, it is commonly believed that they have a cardiac origin. But this is not so for the heartache you can take the pain in the stomach, the intestines, the pain associated with the disease of the spine, intercostal neuralgia, pain in the left shoulder-blade joint, chest muscles, pain arising from respiratory diseases and so on.

Pain in any organ located in the chest or abdomen, can be localized in the heart, as most of these organs are innervated by the same spinal roots, in which structure them depart branches of the autonomic nervous system. Distinguish what hurts, it is difficult even doctors, so there are different methods for further study.

 Drawing pain in the heart - and that hurts you, really?

Drawing pains in the heart of cardiac origin

Heart pain may also occur in the heart, they are mostly associated with diseases of the heart muscle. In contrast, pain arising from spasm of the coronary vessels (angina), pain associated with diseases of the heart muscle (myocardium) can wear pulling, aching, not too intense.

The heart muscle may occur foci of inflammation (myocarditis), or metabolic disorders (myocardial dystrophy) that cause such pain. Pain can be a lengthy, permanent or appear only on the background of physical activity. From nitroglycerin and sedatives such pain usually does not pass, but the patient gets better at rest.

Pain in the heart may occur in violation of the activities of the autonomic nervous system innervating blood vessels and heart muscle, a condition called cardioneurosis. There is, as a rule, against neuroses - functional disorders of the central nervous system. Pain may be very different in nature, be both long and short. They may be acute, similar to the pain of angina and blunt, pulling resembling the pain of the defeat of the heart muscle. Pain in cardioneurosis pass from sedatives, for example, or korvalola validol.

In any case, with such pain should see a doctor and perform a full examination.

 Drawing pain in the heart - and that hurts you, really?

Drawing pain in the heart diseases of the musculoskeletal system

Pain in the heart often associated with diseases of the spine, of shoulder joint and chest muscles.

The main cause of back pain that occur in the heart, is osteochondrosis Osteochondrosis - learn how to properly distribute the weight  Osteochondrosis - learn how to properly distribute the weight
 In which the spine there are metabolic disorders, including the joints, thus destroyed special elastic gasket Feminine pads - talk about wings  Feminine pads - talk about wings
   between individual vertebrae (intervertebral discs), cartilage and bone. As a result, infringed upon exiting the spinal cord spinal nerve roots.

When osteochondrosis pain aching or pulling character may occur in the back or chest. Much the same kind of pain occurs when inflammation of the left shoulder-blade joint, but they differ in that the pain intensified while moving his left hand.

Pain in the chest muscles are also often drawing the character, they often occur after heavy physical (including sports) loads. All the pain that occurs in diseases of the musculoskeletal system, are when taking anti-inflammatory drugs.

 Drawing pain in the heart - and that hurts you, really?

Drawing pain in the heart when diseases of the digestive

Drawing pain, localized in the heart, are often the result of diseases of the stomach, intestine or pancreas. Such pains periodically arise in chronic diseases of these organs - chronic gastritis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, enterocolitis, colitis and pancreatitis. In some cases, heart pain may be associated with inflammation or stones in the biliary tract.

The pain is often localized only in the heart and the patient is confident that hurts really the heart and even offended by the doctor, if he suggests a disease of the gastrointestinal tract.

A distinctive feature of pain from the digestive organs is that they are removed by means of spasmolytic drugs causing relaxation of smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract. The most popular are antispasmodics Nospanum and papaverine Papaverine - for pain caused by spasms of smooth muscles  Papaverine - for pain caused by spasms of smooth muscles

Drawing pain in the heart may have different reasons, but they are often very similar, so a correct diagnosis and appropriate treatment can only physician.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • heart pain

Shoulder pain when picked up arms - and why there is what to do

November 28, 2014

  • Shoulder pain when picked up arms - and why there is what to do
  • Treatment

 shoulder pain when lifting your hands
 On an issue like the pain of a show of hands, many people face: often it occurs in the elderly, but sometimes painful sensations occur in young athletes and people engaged in heavy physical labor. What causes this problem and how it can be overcome?


Why do I get pain when picked up Hands

The most likely causes of such pain are:

  • Poor posture

Bad posture can lead to many health problems. Sometimes it causes shoulder pain, occurs when a person raises his hand. In such cases, it is enough to correct posture Posture - a few helpful tips for those who want to walk straight  Posture - a few helpful tips for those who want to walk straight
 To get rid of the pain.

  • "Frozen shoulder," or frozen shoulder syndrome

It is a disorder in which the shoulder joint range of motion is reduced, and many hand movements can cause pain. In this disease, soft tissue surrounding the shoulder joint to become more dense, they appears swollen and / or they lose their elasticity. In any case, it affects the mobility of the hands and the simple actions can cause pain - from mild to very severe. Often one of the first signs of the disease is the pain of show of hands, but gradually the human condition significantly deteriorated. Some patients with so-called frozen shoulder can be difficult to put on, drive a car, cook and even to find a comfortable position to sleep Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
 . Most often it is a violation occurs in people older than forty years. Women suffer from it more often than men.

The exact cause of frozen shoulder is unknown, but risk factors associated with it include:

  1. Injuries and surgeries of the shoulder joint;
  2. Diabetes. In diabetes, the risk of frozen shoulder syndrome increases dramatically, although it is unclear what is the relationship between these disorders;
  3. Hyperthyroidism.
  • Damage to the rotator cuff

Rotator cuff is a group of muscles and tendons located around the shoulder joint. She holds a joint in the correct position and allows a person to control the movement of arms. Various damage to the rotator cuff can lead to symptoms such as pain when raising the arm, which is particularly strong when the arm is raised above the shoulder joint (for example, when you comb), and pain in the shoulder at night, and pain in the circular hand movements;

  • Tendonitis and bursitis Bursitis - if you have trouble walking  Bursitis - if you have trouble walking

Tendinitis - an inflammation of the tendons, busit - an inflammatory disease of the bursa, a small cavity located in the area of ​​the joint, or between tendons and bones. Damage to the rotator cuff can be associated with these disorders.

Tendonitis and bursitis usually develop because of injury or wear and tear of tissues located in the area of ​​the shoulder joint. For example, they can develop in a person who at work often have to lift heavy loads or people who engage in sports that involve throwing a ball or, for example, a spear. The inflammatory process can begin even from minor injuries that can result from a relatively small loads. This does not always lead to the emergence of severe pain, but due to inflammation of the space for movement of the shoulder joint is reduced. If a man does not rest, to give time for tissue recovery, compounded by tissue damage and inflammation is becoming stronger. In the end, it can cause weakening and even tendon rupture.

  • Muscle or tendon rupture

Muscle or tendon rupture can cause severe pain when picked up arms, and also performing other movements. Most often these tissues breaks occur in people older than 40 years; at a younger age, they are usually the result of serious injury. According to rough estimates, about half of people over the age of 60 years suffer from ruptures of the rotator cuff, and some other muscles and tendons - this is due to the natural aging process. Regular exercise and a healthy lifestyle can reduce the likelihood of such health problems.

  • Shoulder Instability

This disorder can cause relatively minor problems, such as discomfort when performing certain actions with your hands or moderate pain when picked up arms, and in some cases it leads to a complete dislocation of the shoulder. The signs of shoulder instability may be discomfort or pain when a person raises her hand or she performs other movements, tingling in the arm and / or hand weakness, numbness, shoulder pain after minor physical activity, clicking sounds when moving the shoulder joint. At full dislocation Dislocation - Prevention and Treatment  Dislocation - Prevention and Treatment
   Shoulder occur symptoms such as severe pain in the shoulder and arm, unnatural hand position, well visible to the naked eye, hand limited mobility, muscle spasms.

The causes of instability of the shoulder joint can be both injury and the gradual deterioration of tissue.

  • Damage to the joint acromioclavicular

This joint is situated above the shoulder joint. Possible causes of damage are open or sprain, located around the acromioclavicular joint, partial or complete dislocation of the joint. Damage to this joint are the most common among men between the ages of twenty to fifty years, especially among those involved in contact sports.


When you need to see a doctor

Quite often, the pain in the shoulder when lifting your hands slowly goes away on its own or with the help of home remedies, which we discuss below. Many people are counting on it not immediately go to the doctor and, as a rule, it does not lead to any adverse health effects. However, you should go to the doctor if the pain does not pass in a week or two, if it becomes stronger and appears even when you are at rest, if you have recently been injured, and if because of the pain you can not cope with their daily responsibilities.

The doctor will examine the patient arm and shoulder, will ask you a series of questions relating to your symptoms. Besides, for the diagnosis can be made X-ray or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

A blood test can help detect some diseases that increase the likelihood of developing frozen shoulder, such as diabetes. In rare cases, shoulder pain is caused by tumors, including malignant. If the doctor suspects that the patient has a tumor, it may assign additional diagnostic procedures, such as biopsies.
