Varicose veins of the legs - if the legs become heavy

June 29, 2008

  • Varicose veins of the legs - if the legs become heavy
  • Symptoms and treatment

 Varicose veins of the legs
 Varicose veins - this is a very common disorder that affects about three out of ten adults. It does not disturb the blood circulation and often does not require treatment.

 Varicose veins of the legs - if the legs become heavy


The main symptom of varicose veins are dark purple or blue veins protruding on the surface of the skin.

Other symptoms of this condition can be:

  • Pain, heaviness and discomfort in the legs;
  • Swelling of the feet;
  • Burning sensation in the feet and ripple;
  • Muscle spasms in the legs, especially at night;
  • Dry and itchy skin on the sick veins.

These symptoms are usually aggravated in the warm weather and / or when you have to stand for a long time.

Varicose veins usually develop in the veins of the legs, but can affect other parts of the body, such as:

  • Esophagus;
  • Uterus;
  • The vagina;
  • The pelvis;
  • Rectum.

 Varicose veins of the legs - if the legs become heavy


Inside the veins are tiny valves which permit blood, and then closed for some time that blood could flow in the opposite direction. Sometimes the walls of the veins are stretched and lose their elasticity, because of which the valves are also weakening. If the valves do not perform their function, blood begins to stagnate in the veins and the veins themselves are increasing.

 Varicose veins of the legs - if the legs become heavy

Risk factors

There are several factors that may increase the likelihood of developing varicose veins:

  • Paul

Women are more likely to suffer from varicose veins than men. Studies show that this may be due to the female sex hormones, have the property to relax the walls of blood vessels and valves.

  • Genetics

The risk of developing varicose veins increases if you have a close relative of a violation.

  • Years

With the aging of the blood vessels and valves lose their elasticity and the likelihood of developing varicose veins increases.

  • Overweight

More overweight puts additional pressure on the veins and valves, causing them to gradually become less elastic.

  • Job

If the work you have to spend a lot of time standing, it greatly increases the risk of varicose veins Varicose veins - the operation is inevitable?  Varicose veins - the operation is inevitable?

  • Gestation

During pregnancy increases the volume of blood in a woman's body - it is necessary to maintain the developing baby. It also creates an additional burden on the circulatory system. In addition, increased levels of hormones in pregnant relax the blood vessel walls. Both of these factors, as well as the pressure of the growing uterus on the pelvic area, may increase the risk of developing varicose veins.

 Varicose veins of the legs - if the legs become heavy


For most people, varicose veins do not cause serious health problems. However, in some cases it causes the following complications:

  • Hemorrhage

If foot injuries may start bleeding close to the surface of the varicose veins that can be difficult to stop. It is necessary to lay down, lift his leg higher, and make the wound gauze and / or cotton to stop the bleeding. If this does not help, seek immediate medical attention.

  • Thrombophlebitis

Thrombophlebitis - an inflammation of the veins in the legs caused by blood clots formed in the veins. Swollen veins often cause pain, and the skin over them may become red and unusually hot.

  • Chronic venous insufficiency

Impaired blood flow in the veins may disrupt the process by which the skin and other tissues receive oxygen and nutrients and remove toxins. If the condition persists for a long time, develop chronic venous insufficiency Venous insufficiency - rapidly Youthful disease  Venous insufficiency - rapidly Youthful disease
 Which in turn can lead to problems such as varicose eczema Eczema - is difficult to treat  Eczema - is difficult to treat
 , Lipodermatosclerosis and ulceration in the veins.

Dicynonum - use of the drug, stops bleeding

October 21, 2012

 Dicynonum use
 Dicynonum - is an effective drug that stops the bleeding and reduces bleeding. This Dicynonum has few side effects and contraindications, so it is widely used both in the provision of emergency medical care for bleeding, and in the treatment of diseases associated with increased bleeding.

 Dicynonum - use of the drug, stops bleeding

Application Dicynonum emergency to stop bleeding

To stop bleeding, apply a solution of Dicynonum Dicynonum - help with bleeding and increased bleeding  Dicynonum - help with bleeding and increased bleeding
   in vials for intravenous and intramuscular administration. One vial contained 2 ml solution (1 ml - 125 mg Dicynonum).

The need for emergency application Dicynonum may occur after injury, while there are bleeding, both external and internal. Some diseases can also be accompanied by internal bleeding, such as stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer, tuberculosis Tuberculosis - a full recovery is not guaranteed  Tuberculosis - a full recovery is not guaranteed
   lungs, some gynecological disorders. Bleeding may occur during childbirth.

In all these cases is administered to stop bleeding Dicynonum. When administered intravenously, the effect occurs in 5-10 minutes and lasts for 4-6 hours. If necessary, re-enter Dicynonum. Under the effect of increasing the amount of thromboplastin Dicynonum and platelets in the blood, improves blood circulation, which leads to rapid hemostasis.

 Dicynonum - use of the drug, stops bleeding

Application Dicynonum in surgical interventions for the prevention of bleeding

To prevent bleeding Dicynonum applied in the case where an operation on fabrics, rich in small blood vessels - capillaries. Capillary bleeding is difficult to stop surgical methods, as may bleed a large surface. To operate in such tissues often have to otolaryngologists, ophthalmologists, urologists, gynecologists, plastic surgeons.

In order to prevent capillary bleeding Dicynonum administered before surgery and after surgery intravenously or intramuscularly. It strengthens the walls of blood vessels, reducing their permeability and fragility, as well as contributes to the rapid start-stop capillary bleeding and prevents the formation of postoperative hematomas.

 Dicynonum - use of the drug, stops bleeding

Application Dicynonum haemorrhagic diathesis

Haemorrhagic diathesis - these are diseases that are accompanied by increased bleeding. Causes of increased bleeding may be different, for example, increased permeability of blood vessels in the capillary toxicosis or Henoch's disease, a lack of platelets in the blood Platelets - what they are for the body?  Platelets - what they are for the body?
   when thrombocytopathy and so on.

When a moderate course of disease Dicynonum appointed tablets. But often begin treatment with intramuscular or intravenous administration Dicynonum, and then move on to receive it inside. Dicynonum often applied in such diseases as part of a treatment, because it has a positive effect on the condition of the walls of blood vessels, reducing their permeability and fragility, and also stimulates platelet production.

 Dicynonum - use of the drug, stops bleeding

Application Dicynonum kidney diseases

Infectious and allergic diseases of the kidneys (glomerulonephritis) often accompanied by the release of blood in the urine. Sometimes there are significant blood loss. In such cases, part of the complex treatment of acute and chronic glomerulonephritis introduced Dicynonum.

In acute glomerulonephritis, when significant blood loss, Dicynonum is administered intramuscularly or intravenously, and then go for the prize of the drug inside. In chronic glomerulonephritis when blood loss is not so significant, but continue for a long time, Dicynonum usually prescribe a course of tablets for oral administration.

 Dicynonum - use of the drug, stops bleeding

Application Dicynonum in obstetrics and gynecology

During delivery can always be a risk of bleeding, since the separation of the placenta from the uterus wall violated the integrity of the blood vessels. Therefore Dicynonum during childbirth is usually required on an emergency basis and administered intravenously. But sometimes slight bleeding persists after birth, and to stop it is also used Dicynonum, but in the form of treatment - intramuscular injection or the pills inside.

Dicynonum also used in gynecological practice in the menstrual cycle, which are accompanied by prolonged heavy menstrual or intermenstrual bleeding. Uterine bleeding can occur when gynecological diseases such as endometriosis Endometriosis - a serious problem with serious consequences  Endometriosis - a serious problem with serious consequences
 , Uterine fibroids, and others.

In all these cases in the complex treatment includes Dicynonum. Depending on the condition of the woman it is administered by injection or as tablets.

Dicynonum - a drug widely used to treat a variety of injuries and diseases accompanied by hemorrhage and bleeding disorders.

Galina Romanenko

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  • Dicynonum
