Varicose and pregnancy - sleep on your left side

April 8, 2007

 varices pregnancy
 Varicose veins - a disorder in which the veins dilate and often show through on the surface of the skin. Most susceptible to varicose veins of the legs, although it can develop in other parts of the body. For many women, the symptoms of varicose veins appear for the first time during pregnancy.

The blood volume in the body of a pregnant woman is increased due to the load on the veins increases. As the size and weight of the uterus on the veins comes more and more pressure. Due to the increasing level of progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
   the blood vessels relax, which also contributes to the development of varicose veins. Most vulnerable to the violation of those whose close relatives have suffered from varicose veins.

At each subsequent pregnancy symptoms of varicose veins may worsen. Excess weight, multiple pregnancy and labor, because of which you will spend a long time on their feet, increase the risk of varicose veins. The good news is that after giving birth often start to improve - especially for those who have symptoms of varicose veins began to appear only after the pregnancy.

Varicose veins can cause itching and veins look ugly, but in most cases it is not dangerous, and it is recommended to treat only after the end of pregnancy. In rare cases, the result of varicose veins getting blood clots in the superficial veins. This may cause pain and redness in the area of ​​the thrombus. Typically, such thrombi do not cause problems, but they should show the physician.

 Varicose and pregnancy - sleep on your left side

Prevention of varicose veins during pregnancy

To reduce the risk of developing varicose veins during pregnancy, follow these guidelines:

  • Every day, play sports and / or walks. Physical activity improves blood circulation and, hence, reduces the load on the veins;
  • Eat so as not to gain during pregnancy is too much weight. Ask your doctor any weight gain is normal, taking into account your weight and characteristics of the organism, and try not to exceed the maximum. In most cases, it is normal during pregnancy gain 10-15 kg;
  • Do not sit with your legs crossed;
  • Try not to sit or stand for a long time. It's bad for everyone, but during pregnancy the uterus stiffness and pressure is particularly strong increase load on the veins;
  • Wear special compression stockings Compression stockings - check with your doctor  Compression stockings - check with your doctor
 . The material from which made these tights, especially dense in the ankle area, thereby facilitating the movement of blood from the veins of the legs to the heart.

 Varicose and pregnancy - sleep on your left side


Many women most of the symptoms of varicose veins disappear within three or four months after birth, but sometimes they persist for a long time, or do not go at all (most often it happens after multiple pregnancies. In this case, you need to see a specialist. Generally with the help of some drugs manage to alleviate the symptoms of varicose veins, but to get rid of them it is possible only by means of special cosmetic procedures.

 Varicose and pregnancy - sleep on your left side

How can you prevent or reduce varicose veins?

We are able to prevent varicose veins, or at least reduce it. To do this:

Daily sports. Even a short walk in the park or on the street improves circulation.

  • Try to maintain weight normal for your stage of pregnancy.
  • Whenever possible, move your feet up and down, lift the legs and feet higher. When sitting, do not cross your legs and place them on a chair, and when lying down, place them under the pillow of the foot. Try not to stand still for a long time - move!
  • Sleep on your left side, placing a pillow under your feet. In order not to roll over during sleep Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
 , Beneath the back pad. Since the lower hollow Vienna is located on the right side, lying on the left side helps to relieve pressure on the uterus, thus reducing the load on the veins of the legs and feet.
  • Wear special support stockings. Elastic stockings effectively constrict the veins, they can be purchased at pharmacies and stores of medical supplies. These socks twice as dense as ordinary tights. Knee squeeze foot in the ankle and slightly expands upward, which facilitates the promotion of blood to the heart. As a result, they help prevent swelling and further deterioration of the vein. Wear socks in the morning before you get out of bed to prevent blood flow to the legs, and do not remove the whole day. It is possible that in the elastic stockings you will feel discomfort, especially in hot weather, but varicose veins will give you incomparably great inconvenience.

 Varicose and pregnancy - sleep on your left side

How serious varicose veins?

Varicose veins may be accompanied by a burning sensation or pain, in addition, the veins of varicose veins look very unattractive, but the threat to human health are not - if the time to start treatment. In either case, the treatment may be delayed until after delivery. In small percentage of women with varicose veins in the blood formed a small seal near the surface of the skin (called superficial venous thrombosis). In the formation of seals of this type are similar to the veins under the skin taut ropes around the affected area much redness and irritation of the skin, and a touch of hurt.

These seals or blood clots usually are not harmful to health, but to consult a doctor, however, necessary. In some cases of infection in the tissue surrounding the clot (in this case, increased body temperature), and you will need as soon as possible to take a course of antibiotics. Also, see a doctor immediately if the swollen feet or they were wounds or sores, and if you change the color of the skin around the varicose veins.

Do not confuse superficial venous thrombosis with a serious disease with similar symptoms - deep venous thrombosis Thrombosis - the cause of heart attack and stroke  Thrombosis - the cause of heart attack and stroke
 At which blood clots are formed of deep veins, usually in the legs. Pregnancy increase the risk of deep venous thrombosis, regardless of whether you suffer from varicose veins or not. Fortunately, this disease does not spread. The likelihood of developing DVT during pregnancy or after childbirth is 1 in 1000 (subject to a greater risk of women with bleeding disorders, and the woman lying on keeping).

Deep venous thrombosis makes itself felt acutely painful swelling of the ankles, feet, or hips. Prolonged standing or bending the foot pain intensified, as the temperature rises slightly. If you notice at any of these symptoms, contact your doctor immediately.

Article Tags:
  • varicosity

Varicose veins - the operation is inevitable? - Sclerotherapy

September 30, 2006

  • Varicose veins - the operation is inevitable?
  • Diseases of veins
  • Sclerotherapy


Sclerotherapy (sclerotherapy)

Sclerotherapy - effective method of non-surgical treatment of varicose veins, which allows you to "lock" the patient vein, and then the blood normally passes through healthy veins .  Sclerotherapy procedure takes about 20 minutes .  Chemical drug called sclerosis injected into the diseased vein to destroy the lining of the vein, which leads to its blocking .  Injection sklerozita may cause a temporary burning sensation and barely noticeable spasms in the injection .  Varicose leg slightly lifted to allow the outflow of blood, and then put pressure on the foot, which helps prevent blood flow to the veins on rising .  After sclerotherapy leg wear special elastic bandage or compression stocking to be worn without removing a few days .  The most advanced techniques of sclerotherapy provide effective treatment of large varicose veins that have yielded only surgery .

But before you decide on one or the other treatment of varicose veins, all discussed in detail with your doctor. Pregnant women and nursing mothers should avoid sclerosants. If in the past you were treated inflammation or suffering from poor blood clotting, think thrice before deciding on surgical removal of varicose veins. Sclerotherapy may cause discoloration or darkening of the affected area, which will last about a year. Some patients after sclerotherapy Sclerotherapy - the fight against varicose veins  Sclerotherapy - the fight against varicose veins
   scars remain. Recently, this technique of treatment of varicose veins Treatment of varicose veins: a preference - conservative methods  Treatment of varicose veins: a preference - conservative methods
   It has been improved and now it uses foam products that provide the best results.


Elimination of varicose veins

Laser surgery is used to treat varicose veins. In this case, a strong vein of direct light pulse, which is under the influence of Vienna is gradually disappearing. Surgical treatment of varicose veins of this type does not require incisions. After laser surgery of the skin is a little redness or swelling Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause  Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause
 But after a few days, they disappear without a trace. The number of sessions depends on the complexity of the disease and neglect. For the treatment of varicose veins used lasers of yellow, green and other systems of intense light pulses.

Article Tags:
  • varicosity
