Liposuction of legs: Oh, those slender legs ...

June 22, 2011

 Liposuction of legs
 Liposuction of legs - this is common enough, because all women want to have slender legs. But before such an operation necessarily Policy Pay Survey, as the reason too voluminous legs may not be fat, and problems with the violation of the outflow of blood from the veins or lymph. In such cases blood or lymph vessels stagnates in the liquid exudate through their walls and swelling appear are easily mistaken for fat.

 Liposuction of legs: Oh, those slender legs ...

Liposuction of legs

If determined that the foot area is deposited fat, it can be removed using a liposuction. Today, liposuction may be done in various ways, as by the operation, and without it. During the consultation the plastic surgeon will tell you which way is best to do your liposuction.

 Liposuction of legs: Oh, those slender legs ...

Indications and contraindications for liposuction legs

The indication for liposuction legs are "breeches" on the outside of the thigh, a large amount of fatty deposits on the inner thighs, which causes sagging tissue in this area, the overhang of fat over the knees, shins and ankles massive.

Contraindicated during liposuction legs general obesity (in this case, you should start with an endocrinologist), varicose veins Varicose veins - the operation is inevitable?  Varicose veins - the operation is inevitable?
   in the area of ​​operations and other violations of blood circulation and lymph flow, severe diseases of the cardiovascular system, lungs, liver and kidneys in violation of their function, severe diabetes Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease  Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease
 Too loose and stretched skin at the site of the operation (in this case it is required follow-lift).

 Liposuction of legs: Oh, those slender legs ...

How is liposuction legs

Liposuction can be performed feet operating and non-surgical methods. If liposuction legs is operating in a manner that will require anesthesia, it usually is local, because fat in the legs a little bit. Then make small cuts or punctures in the skin through which using special cannulas fat is sucked by vacuum or ultrasound.

With liposuction vacuum in subcutaneous fat is injected with epinephrine saline to liquefy the fat, followed by a small (2 cm) incisions in the skin of the doctor inserts a special tube (cannula) through which the sucked fat. This method can suck quite a large amount of fat.

With ultrasonic liposuction is not made in the skin incisions and punctures, and then injected with saline, epinephrine, an impact position on sonicated (with fat cells are destroyed) and fatliquor removed via cannula. Ultrasonic liposuction is well suited for inner thigh with a loose fat.

If very little fat, it is sometimes aspirated by the syringe when. For this purpose, the operated region is first input saline, and then sucked fat. This method is often used in the field of "breeches" and knee.

Today, liposuction of the legs more likely to make non-surgical methods, which do not require anesthesia. In this case, the influence of fat cells with ultrasound or radio waves, without compromising the integrity of the skin. The cells are destroyed, the fat emulsion enters the intracellular space and displayed in a natural way through the kidneys and intestines. When this effect occurs only on fat cells without affecting other cells of tissues: connective tissue (collagen fibers of the skin, ligaments), cartilage and bone. Non-surgical liposuction is more often used for contouring the legs.

 Liposuction of legs: Oh, those slender legs ...

After surgery, liposuction

After operating liposuction generally takes some time to wear special elastic underwear, which helps to keep the soft tissues of the feet in position. Over time, there will be their full recovery and such support is no longer required.

Non-surgical liposuction is good because it simultaneously with the removal of fat by ultrasound or radio waves is a reduction of the skin by reducing the activation and collagen fibers arranged in the middle layer of the skin. That is happening simultaneously with liposuction and skin lifting. Thus the effects of lifting and removing the fat will grow within a few days after the procedure.

Effect after liposuction conducted in any manner is for life: in this area will not have the fat never accumulate. But it requires constant maintenance of proper weight, or fat will accumulate in other areas, disrupting the contours of the figure.

Today, a woman may make your legs slim, while she has a choice, how to do it better.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Liposuction

Canthopexy - age can be seen in the eyes

February 11, 2010

 The common saying that the eyes - a mirror of the soul, is always relevant: it is in the eye area the first signs of skin aging are always most noticeable. This is because the skin around the eyes is particularly thin and delicate, it is the first to suffer from the damaging effects of ultraviolet rays and quickly loses all the necessary moisture. As a result, the skin around the eye area quickly the first signs of aging, "crow's feet" wrinkles around the eyes. Another characteristic feature of aging - the omission of parts of the eye, give the face a tired, sad look. This phenomenon is due to the inevitable and natural process of aging, and helps them to deal with a particular plastic surgery - the so-called canthopexy.

 Canthopexy - age can be seen in the eyes

The area around the eyes: risk zone

The appearance of the characteristic signs of aging Aging Skin: The three most common problems and their solutions  Aging Skin: The three most common problems and their solutions
   due, primarily, with the specific structure of the face. Under the skin around the eye area is so-called circular muscle of the eye - reducing it "controls" the closing and opening the eyelids. The circular muscle of the eye is constantly working, it cuts the number of the day more than a few hundred times, so the skin in this area is gradually covered with "mesh" of small wrinkles or folds, which are known as "crow's feet". The constant reduction of the circular muscles of the eye leading to a gradual stretching of the skin, loss of elasticity it - and as a result of fine wrinkles around the eyes are visible even when the muscle is in a relaxed state.

With the work of circular muscle and indirectly related to such age-related changes in appearance, as the omission of the corners of his eyes. This is due to the gradual stretching of the so-called Cantus. Under the circular muscles located cartilage upper and lower eyelids, they are held in place by tendons running from the side surface of the century to the corner of the eye. One end of the tendon connects to the corner of the eye with a tendon opposite century. This compound forms two angles - external and internal. They are called Cantus - respectively, the inner and outer. The tendons that attach to the cartilage of the upper and lower eyelids, long enough and thin, so over time they increasingly stretched. Stretching, weakening external Cantus leads to a gradual drooping corners of the eyes. In some cases, external Cantus weakened from birth - if there is a congenital ptosis of eye corners.

 Canthopexy - age can be seen in the eyes

Canthopexy: change the shape of the eye

If premature skin aging and the appearance of wrinkles can be, to some extent prevented with careful care of the face, the weakening of the canthus prevent, by and large, it is impossible. In such cases need canthopexy, suggesting lifting and pulling the outer canthus with a corresponding correction of the eye shape. The procedure for the correction of impoverished corners of the eye and may require excision of the canthus - in such cases to say any more about canthopexy and about kantoplastike.

Canthopexy not only lift the drooping corners of the eyes, but also strengthen the lower eyelids - for this reason, the procedure is often tension Cantus is becoming one of the stages of blepharoplasty, eyelid complex. In addition, as the procedure, by and large, aesthetic, canthopexy allows you to change the shape of parts of the eye in accordance with the individual wishes of the patient - for example, to lift the corners of the eyes so that the almond-shaped eyes acquired.

 Canthopexy - age can be seen in the eyes

The procedure

By itself, the procedure canthopexy quite subtle and complex, requiring little jeweler's precision work of a plastic surgeon. Under local or general anesthesia in the crease of the upper eyelid is performed horizontal section of small size, through which runs the tension tendons and sewing them to the periosteum of the orbit. For sewing Cantus use special surgical threads that dissolve on their own after a certain period of time. After that previously made the cut stitched - because of the location of the incision in the crease of the upper eyelid surgery canthopexy it remains virtually invisible. The results of the operation can be estimated on average a week after canthopexy.

 Canthopexy - age can be seen in the eyes

Indications and contraindications for canthopexy

Canthopexy shows:

  • congenital or age lowered corners of the eyes;
  • the appearance of "bags" under the eyes (or fat hernias) - in this case canthopexy is one of the stages of blepharoplasty (eyelid), it helps to get rid of the sagging eyelids;
  • tensile skin of the lower eyelids;
  • when eversion of the lower eyelid, which is the result of age-related changes is the result of paralysis or poorly performed blepharoplasty;
  • with myopia Myopia - when visual acuity falls  Myopia - when visual acuity falls
   - Removed "the effect of bulging eyes";
  • to create the effect of "cat's eye" (optional patient).

Canthopexy, like other plastic surgery is contraindicated:

  • for any acute illness and exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • in violation of blood coagulation (may be bleeding during the operation);
  • for patients with diabetes Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease  Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease
   (impaired immunity Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults  Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults
 May occur postoperative suppuration);
  • acute and chronic inflammatory diseases of the eyelids and conjunctiva.

 Canthopexy - age can be seen in the eyes

Technique of canthopexy

Canthopexy performed under general anesthesia (but it is possible under local) using different techniques. Most often it is performed by a small horizontal incision in the crease of the upper eyelid (a postoperative scar incision is made invisible). After the plastic surgeon gets access to the outer canthus, he pulls it and sews using absorbable thread to the periosteum of the orbit, and then the wound is applied cosmetic seam (if carried out only canthopexy) or continued operation if canthopexy was one of the stages of blepharoplasty.

 Canthopexy - age can be seen in the eyes

After canthopexy

As after any plastic surgery after kantoplastiki tissues need time to recover. Immediately after surgery the skin eyelids swelling, bruises (the skin on the eyelids especially many small blood vessels), marked conjunctival irritation of eyes. After post-operative wound heals, there is a slight scar which is hidden in the natural crease of the upper eyelid. Status soft tissues in the eye restored for about ten days, after which the clearly visible result of the operation: the outer corner of the eye rises, the lower lid is aligned.

Canthopexy can be performed and fails, in which case the result will be insufficient or excessive rise over the eyes and change their shape. Complication canthopexy may be inflammation of the tissues (which is why any plastic surgery are contraindicated for patients with diabetes), and severe scarring, which may be the result of not only a malfunction of the surgeon, but also the individual patient.

Canthopexy rarely performed alone, usually it is one of the stages of the age of plastic surgery (blepharoplasty).

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • types of plastic surgery
