Plastic lower eyelids: a scalpel relieve fatigue

March 10, 2011

  • Plastic lower eyelids: a scalpel relieve fatigue
  • Indications for the procedure

 plastic lower eyelids
 The natural aging process leads to characteristic changes in the appearance of age related, primarily, with the loss of skin elasticity with age and elasticity. In the area around the eyes are age-related changes are most noticeable: because of stretching and gradual weakening of the facial muscles and skin to age the soft tissues of the face start to sag, which in turn leads to the omission of the lower eyelid, the appearance characteristic of the bags under the eyes caused by the movement intraorbital fat. Plastic lower eyelid or lower eyelid blepharoplasty - a procedure designed to correct age-related changes of the age.

Plastic lower eyelids by removing the age-related changes helps to significantly improve the appearance of: tighten the eyelid skin, smooth wrinkles around the eye area, to get rid of bags under the eyes characteristic.

 Plastic lower eyelids: a scalpel relieve fatigue

How is plastic lower eyelids

The basis of plastic surgery for the correction of age-related changes of the lower eyelids is a simple principle excision of excess skin and subcutaneous adipose tissue removal. Duration of treatment depending on the complexity and the individual condition of the skin can be from one to three hours. Running plastic lower eyelids, usually under local anesthesia.

To eliminate excess stretched, loose skin previously performed small-sized incision in the skin - usually it is located so that the post-operative scars appeared less noticeable due to the natural skin folds. Plastic lower eyelid involves incision either under the edge of the lower lashes or on the inside of the lower eyelid. After the incision is performed from the first compartment of the skin located below it the circular muscles of the eye, and then - excising redundant skin and, if necessary, removal or displacement of adipose tissue. As a result, excision of excess skin and tightening her lower eyelid is pulled, fine wrinkles around the less visible. However, just for the correction of wrinkles blepharoplasty does not apply, the main purpose of this procedure - the lower eyelid lift, removal of excess skin.

 Plastic lower eyelids: a scalpel relieve fatigue

Transconjunctival lower eyelid plastic

In some cases, the plastic lower eyelid can be performed without excision of the skin - this procedure is called transconjunctival blepharoplasty .  This type of plastic is applied to the lower eyelid to eliminate bags under the eyes .  The procedure involves performing microscopic size incision or puncture on the inside of the lower lid, through which excess of fat is then removed .  The advantages of this type of plastic lower eyelids are many: first, after surgery on the skin are not visible seams or hems, and secondly, do not suffer from a form or shape of the eyes .  Especially effective this kind of plastic lower eyelids in the performance of the mature, but not old age, when the skin itself is still quite resilient century .  In some cases, lower eyelid plastic assumes no removal and redistribution of adipose tissue to eliminate the typical bags under the eyes - the fat is located at the lower edge of the orbit and the tear trough .  This kind of surgery is called blepharoplasty buccal .

 Plastic lower eyelids: a scalpel relieve fatigue

Postoperative period

The period of rehabilitation after undergoing plastic lower eyelids is, on average, ten to twelve days. This period may be some side effects, which in most cases tested within a few days after the operation. Among these side effects - minor pain or discomfort, swelling and bruising of the skin in the lower eyelid, bruising on proteins (disappear after one or two weeks after blepharoplasty). Remove postoperative edema Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause  Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause
   help regular cold compresses.

While returning to the usual daily routine after plasty of lower eyelids with some restrictions may be on the same day, for several weeks, it is recommended to follow certain precautions - in particular, for two weeks is not recommended to wear lenses, or use decorative cosmetics.

Plastic upper eyelids: a clear view

February 3, 2011

  • Plastic upper eyelids: a clear view
  • How is

 plastic upper eyelid
 Those who are tired of seeing his reflection with overhanging eyelids, may be considered an option to make the plastic upper eyelid. During this procedure removes excess skin, muscle and fat tissue. Although it is mainly a cosmetic procedure, plastic upper eyelid can be an effective way to improve vision in older patients - if the overhanging eyelids prevent them to see normally. During this procedure, do not remove wrinkles around the eyes and other facial wrinkles, but the desire of the patient, these operations can be combined. For example, eyelid often done in conjunction with laser resurfacing or facial skin tightening on his forehead.

 Plastic upper eyelids: a clear view

The aging process age

As we age, the skin loses its elasticity. That, and the constant influence of gravity, resulting in the fact that the eyelids are going to skin folds - there is the most delicate skin and the aging process will influence it. Furthermore, under the eyelid skin collected fat - muscles located around the eye, slack, and can no longer hold the body tissue at the site.

 Plastic upper eyelids: a clear view

Candidates for eyelid

The best candidates for this procedure are people who have a good physical and mental health and have realistic expectations about the upcoming operation. Usually, eyelid make people over thirty-five years, but if the sagging skin around the eyes is a hereditary problem, it may be necessary earlier.

Eyelid surgery can significantly improve the appearance and increase self-confidence, but it will not necessarily provide a person the perfect look and quickly increases its attractiveness. Furthermore, this procedure does not change the structure of the human face. Before be decided on this procedure, you must know very well your face, decide what exactly you want to change it, and discuss it with the surgeon. It helps you understand which of your desires can be implemented, and what - no.

In addition, you need to be aware of the fact that eyelid surgery will not stop the aging process Aging Skin: The three most common problems and their solutions  Aging Skin: The three most common problems and their solutions
 Including - and the eyelids. Nevertheless, the results of the procedure are stored for a long time - an average of five to seven years. If eyelids are starting to droop again, probably will not need another eyelid and skin tightening on his forehead.

 Plastic upper eyelids: a clear view

Preparation for surgery

Make sure to have someone drive you home after the surgery; If this is not possible, you need to call a taxi. It is desirable that the first night after surgery was someone next to you.

Beforehand take a few days off at work (with respect to the doctor can say for sure how long you can go back to their business) and try to limit your activity for several days after surgery to eyelids could heal. Before you go for an operation, check if you have home ice cubes, clean gauze, eye drops Drops for eyes - how to use them properly?  Drops for eyes - how to use them properly?
   (usually fit the so-called artificial tears, but ask your doctor to recommend the ones that suit for you), paper napkins and non-prescription pain medications (those that are advised by your doctor). Preparations containing acetylsalicylic acid after surgery recommended avoided as it may cause bleeding.

 Plastic upper eyelids: a clear view

How do eyelid?

If the plastic upper eyelid makes at the same time removing the bags under the eyes, the procedure takes about two hours; if not, - less. Usually during this procedure uses a local anesthetic and oral sedatives Sedatives - take valerian and be happy?  Sedatives - take valerian and be happy?

First, the surgeon makes an incision in the natural crease of the upper eyelid. Through this incision, he separates the skin from the tissue under it and removes excess fat, skin, and muscle tissue. Then the incision was sutured. Typically, the seam is within three to six days. After one to two weeks will forever have to look normal.

 Plastic upper eyelids: a clear view


Eyelid surgery is a relatively safe procedure, and complications associated with her are rare. However, in some cases, potential problems, such as bleeding, infection, dry eye, abnormal diskoloratsiya eyelid skin, the inability to fully close your eyes. If you got any of these problems, it is necessary as soon as possible to contact your doctor.
