Removal of birthmarks: a simple matter

December 26th, 2010

  • Removal of birthmarks: a simple matter
  • Nevi

 removal of birthmarks
 Harmless moles are small and large, clearly visible birthmarks often do not require removal: removal of birthmarks may be necessary in cases where there is a suspicion of malignancy or when birthmark spoils the appearance. Whatever the reasons behind the need for the removal of birthmarks, there are many different methods to eliminate these minor defects in skin pigmentation - by cryoablation, removing moles using the "freezing" of the skin to remove the laser.

Choose a method to remove a birthmark Birthmarks: what do they say?  Birthmarks: what do they say?
   only after consultation with the specialist - a dermatologist or onkodermatologu because, depending on the type and condition of the skin, the size and color of a birthmark, the preferred and most effective may be completely different methods of removing moles.

 Removal of birthmarks: a simple matter

In some cases, removes birthmarks

The procedure for removal of birthmarks - is not only an aesthetic need, but also, in some cases, a very important procedure that allows to identify the cause of changes birthmark and eliminate the likelihood of having malignancy. Consult your dermatologist to remove the birthmark is recommended in the following cases:

  • When you change the size of a mole (if birthmark Birthmarks and hemangiomas - the face aggressive treatment?  Birthmarks and hemangiomas - the face aggressive treatment?
   markedly increased in size over time)
  • If you change the color of a mole (darkening, lightening)
  • When changing contours birthmark (in particular, the appearance of puffiness around the edges of inflammation contour birthmark)
  • When other changes birthmark (irritation, peeling).

 Removal of birthmarks: a simple matter

Basic methods

  • Laser mole removal: This procedure involves the complete removal of lightening or birthmark using directional laser radiation flux. Laser removal of birthmarks virtually painless and quite effectively. However, this procedure is not recommended for the removal of deep moles, which with the help of laser radiation can not be repaired. But for small moles - especially those that are located on the face and spoil the appearance - laser removal of birthmarks can be the best option, because the risk of scarring after the procedure - in contrast to the surgical removal of moles Removal of moles - a deadly process?  Removal of moles - a deadly process?
   - Minimal.
  • Removal of moles of liquid nitrogen (cryosurgery): This method involves the exposure of the skin at the location of moles of liquid nitrogen, immediately freezing the tissue, thus causing degradation birthmark. Cryosurgery - a procedure of dubious effectiveness: unlike laser removal of birthmarks, providing point impact, cryoablation methods are less accurate, which is why the impact of the liquid nitrogen could be affected surrounding skin.
  • Mole removal by surgery: the traditional method of removal of birthmarks, quite popular and even today, despite the emergence of new ways to combat various skin defects. Surgery involves the removal of moles on the skin incision and removing the tissue site surgical instruments. This procedure is indicated in those cases where there is a risk of skin cancer. A significant drawback of the procedure - an increased risk of scars after surgery is especially true when performing a deep cut on the skin, followed by surgical stitching thread.

 Removal of birthmarks: a simple matter

Potential risks

The effective elimination of birthmarks and potential risks associated with this procedure, depending on the selected method of removing moles. In some cases (such as when you remove a birthmark surgically) is large enough scarring after the procedure, in some (particularly when removing moles using laser radiation) - The risk of burns. However, many side effects remove birthmarks - and, in particular scarring - quite amenable to correction. The potential risks, as well as the preferred method for removing birthmarks, only a specialist can assess.

Circumcision labia: it is sometimes necessary

October 13, 2011

 cutting of the labia
 Today, circumcision Circumcision - religion against science  Circumcision - religion against science
   labia - it is very common plastic surgery, which is carried out at the request of the woman, with both cosmetic and therapeutic purposes. The need for such an operation occurs when congenital or acquired increasing the labia minora.

 Circumcision labia: it is sometimes necessary

What is the circumcision of the labia and who carried out this operation

Circumcision of the labia minora is carried out when they go beyond the labia majora, thus creating problems of cosmetic or health disorder.

Normally labia should cover small, thus preventing access to the internal genitals infection and preventing hypothermia. But in some cases, the girl is born with too small labia. If a child is not creating health problems, the parents do not pay attention to it. But with the onset of sexual activity becomes noticeable defect (particularly if pigmented labia, which is almost always the case), and sometimes even a significant psychological barrier to marriage and intimate life. The indication for surgery is the elongation of the labia minora to four centimeters or more.

Sometimes it is not only a cosmetic defect, but also affects the health of women. The fact that too large labia rub against each other, the surrounding tissue and underwear. As a result there are small mucosa injury, through which constantly arise in the area of ​​infection foci located in close proximity to the internal genitalia. It is already a threat to the health and reproductive function of women. In this case, cutting of the labia is performed with curative intent.

In some cases, circumcision is carried out and the labia majora, but it is more rare operation and the need for it occurs more often in the elderly, when the stretched fabric labia begin to droop, irritated and be a source of infection.

 Circumcision labia: it is sometimes necessary

How is the circumcision of the labia

Circumcision of the labia is best done immediately after menstruation. The operation is performed under local anesthesia. It is quite possible to be carried out in an outpatient setting. Fully labia are never deleted - this is not a superfluous item in a woman's body.

Before the start of the operation on the surface of the labia minora is applied to the line, which will be cut. Then, in the operation area of ​​applied anesthetic gel and then to inject an anesthetic drug. As a result, the woman did not feel any pain.

The operation can be done in two ways: linear removing excess tissue and using the V-shaped incision and removal of excess tissue. The latter method is long and complicated, but the result is the appearance of the labia is a more aesthetic.

The operation may be carried out in various ways, e.g., using conventional surgical scalpel or other tools, it is replaced (e.g., laser or radionozha). Radionozh - the most modern way to carry out the operation quickly without blood loss (radionozh solders blood vessels), and with the least possible infection (radionozh kills bacteria). On the wound closed with stitches that later dissolve on their own. After this operation is less swelling Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause  Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause
   tissue and faster healing of the wound occurs.

 Circumcision labia: it is sometimes necessary

How is the post-operative period

Immediately after surgery, the patient is about an hour in the day hospital (if the surgery is performed on an outpatient basis), and then let her go home with the recommendation of bed rest for at least two days. This promotes more rapid wound healing. Rest in this region is necessary to reduce the swelling of the tissue, because the labia are very good blood supply, which contributes to tissue edema. Fully swelling takes about a week.

During the first week of the joints twice a day are processed five percent aqueous solution of potassium permanganate. Easily soluble manganese crotch processed after each urination and defecation. On seams overlap sterile wipes, you need to constantly change.

Complications after cutting the labia majora is usually not the case, because it is very good blood supply, which is the prevention of infectious and inflammatory complications.

When disappear swelling of tissues and heal joints, will be seen the final result of the operation, it takes approximately one month after its implementation. Cosmetic defect tends to be completely eliminated, it is often the cause of recovery and mental condition of the woman.

Circumcision labia - an operation that sometimes a woman is absolutely necessary.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • intimate surgery
