The first pregnancy - a difficult stage in a woman's life

March 2, 2008

 first pregnancy
 The first pregnancy - is an exciting period, which can also bring a lot of stress. The young mother appeared thousands of questions about everything from diet and ending a way of life, work, the ability to travel and medical care. In addition, the first pregnancy brings with him experience concerning the relationship with his second half.

 The first pregnancy - a difficult stage in a woman's life

Do not be afraid

Uncertainty scares many women, but the pregnancy - is the natural state for the female body, which will do everything necessary to prepare for the birth of a child. You just need to be happy in your life originated, and it will go through all the difficulties of the period.

If this is your first pregnancy, you need to get as much information about how the process of carrying a child, as well as about the changes that are taking place in this period in a woman's body. To stay calm, expectant mother needs to know what awaits her. Useful information about the period of pregnancy can provide a doctor. In addition, there are many useful websites where you can get the necessary information.

One of the most important points that need to be aware of, is that healthy children are born to healthy mothers. If a woman smokes or drink alcohol, it is necessary to immediately stop doing it. Smoking leads to insufficient weight in newborns, and alcohol causes fetal alcohol syndrome. Alcohol crosses the placenta and can hinder the development of the fetus. Brain damage, violation of the structure of the facial region of the skull and delayed physical development - these are the symptoms that are typical of children with fetal alcohol syndrome. Understanding what may happen, help the expectant mother to give up bad habits during the first pregnancy.

Nutrition also plays an important role in pregnancy, because the health of mother provides the child's health. During the first pregnancy, expectant mothers often have to listen to the advice of its older relatives still believe that pregnant women should eat for two. But this is not necessarily so. The most important thing - is to ensure sufficient intake of calories and eat a varied and nutritious food that contains a lot of vitamins and minerals that are necessary for the healthy development of the child. It is not necessary to lean on high-calorie foods. This will slow down the process of returning to normal weight after giving birth.

The first pregnancy can be a joyful event for the future mother and the child's father. It is important that the child's father was involved in all important aspects of pregnancy and did not feel unnecessary. You can ask him to think about the name of the child at the time, while the expectant mother is to consult a doctor. This will give the man understand that his participation is important during pregnancy.

 The first pregnancy - a difficult stage in a woman's life

What to expect

During pregnancy, the female body takes a lot of changes. Although during the first trimester is usually around do not notice, expectant mothers without a doubt, these changes feel. Morning sickness, mood swings, breast swelling, appetite or aversion to food, constipation Constipation - Watch out for food  Constipation - Watch out for food
 , Fatigue, or frequent urination - is the most common early signs of pregnancy The first signs of pregnancy to delay: Eyes on intuition?  The first signs of pregnancy to delay: Eyes on intuition?
   in the first trimester. And if in the second trimester nausea Nausea - there may be problems with the nervous system  Nausea - there may be problems with the nervous system
   and fatigue are usually held or weakened, then the stomach starts to increase, and the majority of women can not hide their positions. Also during the second semester of mums often start to feel their baby kicking. By the third trimester, many women suffer from heartburn and pain in the body. The child begins to push, creating a so-called preliminary bout. During the third trimester pregnant women should carefully observe the behavior of the child and, in the case of signs of labor contractions, call your doctor immediately.

 The first pregnancy - a difficult stage in a woman's life

Pregnancy Monitoring

Proper medical care during pregnancy is essential for its safe flow. According to statistics, the vast majority of expectant mothers go to the doctor for more than 8 weeks of pregnancy, but taking special vitamins for pregnant women is best to start as early as possible, including before the first visit to the doctor when you can choose from a pharmacy such vitamins alone. You can not skip routine visits to the doctor, as they not only allow you to control the process of pregnancy and the health of mother and child, but also allows the expectant mother with a specialist to discuss all your doubts and questions.

 The first pregnancy - a difficult stage in a woman's life

Child safety

Security unborn child - this is one of the main concerns of the expectant mother. But women whose first pregnancy, this may not be aware that even ordinary activities may harm the baby. Replacing the cat litter, working with chemicals, the administration of drugs or food supplements Food additives - basic classification  Food additives - basic classification
 Bathing in the jacuzzi or seafood meals - are just a few things that a woman during pregnancy should be avoided. Although the doctor or midwife tells the expectant mother about safety precautions at the first consultation, it will be useful on their own to look for information on this matter as soon as a woman learns of her pregnancy, is not to inadvertently damage the developing baby.

Article Tags:
  • pregnancy problems

The 13th week of pregnancy: the second trimester

December 26th, 2010

 13 Weeks Pregnant
 Obstetricians divide the whole period of pregnancy into three trimesters, or: the first trimester - from conception to the 12th week of pregnancy inclusive, the second trimester - 13-24 weeks, the third trimester - 25-40 weeks. Thus, the thirteenth week of pregnancy - this is the second trimester, that is a new state for mother and child.

 The 13th week of pregnancy: the second trimester

What changes occur in a woman during the second trimester of pregnancy

The most important change is that the temporary endocrine gland - the corpus luteum, which was formed at the time on the site emerged from ovarian egg, it ceases to exist. Now, the entire load to ensure the pregnancy hormones undertakes fully matured placenta.

The placenta - a temporary organ formed during pregnancy and in communication the fetus and mother. It is a disc bounded by two plates, one of which grows into the uterine wall, and from other waste umbilical cord to the fetus. Between the plates there are many blood vessels.

The functions of the placenta:

  • exercise metabolism and gas exchange between mother and fetus; through the blood vessels of the placenta into the baby's blood from the mother receives nutrients and oxygen, and are derived metabolic products and carbon dioxide; the structure of the placenta is not constant: it changes, adjusting to the development of the fetus;
  • full maintenance of the mother's body and the baby hormones necessary for development of pregnancy;
  • protective function - through the placenta from the mother to the baby come ready-made antibodies to various diseases that protects the baby from infection.

Due to the fact that, with the functioning of the mother's placenta better cleaned of harmful metabolic products, her condition improved significantly. Most of the women at the thirteenth week of pregnancy no longer feel the sweltering nausea, vomiting and other symptoms of early toxicity. It appears appetite improved and the nervous system: the woman is not so irritable, it is less concerned about the change of mood.

Thirteenth week - this is a great time for a woman of peace and awareness of her pregnancy. It does not have heaviness and fatigue, as the stomach is small and does not cause unpleasant sensations, a new energy and a desire to make best use of time to improve family relationships and life, to practice myself.

The woman begins to blossom. She appears nice round shape, it is becoming more and more sexual. This is despite the fact that the stomach is nearly invisible. Many women are concerned, it will not cause any harm to the child sex. It is not, sex during pregnancy is not contraindicated, on the contrary, it helps to improve the condition of both mother and child, of course, if sex is accompanied by positive emotions Emotions and culture: how to decipher the emotional code  Emotions and culture: how to decipher the emotional code
 . A child at this time already captures the emotional state of the mother, he is happy, happy when she catches her in a bad mood, especially the state of stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
 . Therefore, a woman should do more themselves, including afford entertainment and hobbies. With the baby is already quite possible to talk. Of course, he still does not understand the words, but gentle and calm tone of voice his mother very much.

 The 13th week of pregnancy: the second trimester

What is it, baby, at the thirteenth week of pregnancy?

Baby continues to grow, its growth reaches 10 cm or more, weight - '25 If a week ago among his hryaschik were isolated foci of ossification, today this process is the most active way. Successfully formed and baby teeth Milk teeth - how they are formed?  Milk teeth - how they are formed?
   deep in the gums.

Develops muscular system, which allows the child to make quite complex and diverse movement: it moves limbs, flexing them, puts pen in his mouth and so on. Mobility provides the proper development of the fetus further muscular system.

They work all the organs: digestive system processes food (proteins and fats of amniotic fluid), the liver produces bile, and the pancreas digestive enzymes and insulin, a four-chambered heart provides the blood system, bronchi and lungs develop.

 The 13th week of pregnancy: the second trimester

Intimate hygiene Pregnant women

A feature of female genitals is that they are characterized by a special microflora, which protects their surface from harmful or reproduction of pathogenic microflora. The normal vaginal flora consists mainly of lactobacilli, which are created in the place of his habitation acidic environment. A conditionally pathogenic likes an alkaline environment. If a woman is constantly washes genitals with soap and water, then this can destroy the acidic environment of the vagina and cause an accelerated proliferation of pathogens. Such a state, when the "bad" bacteria more than "useful", called dysbiosis vagina Dysbacteriosis vagina - how to fight?  Dysbacteriosis vagina - how to fight?
   or vaginosis. In this selection appear with a smell of fish. This is not a disease, but under adverse conditions (e.g., with a cold) in the wall of the vagina may begin the inflammatory process. That is why intimate hygiene Pregnant women should be especially careful.

Intimate hygiene Pregnant women should be carried out under the following rules:

  • daily use of specific tissues, napkins, soap gel;
  • cleaning the twice daily with warm water without soap; special soap or gel for intimate hygiene is necessary to wash only the skin (but not mucous membranes);
  • while cleaning the water movement and hands should be directed from front to back, and not vice versa, so as not to bring an infection on the genitals of the anus;
  • in any case it is impossible to wear thong panties - they injure the mucous membrane of the external genitalia and facilitate the penetration of these infections.

Enjoy your pregnancy - the thirteenth week is entirely possible!

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • second trimester
