Signs of pregnancy: how not wishful thinking - as they appear?

September 30, 2006

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 when there are signs of pregnancy

When there are signs of pregnancy?

Many women start to feel symptoms of pregnancy soon after conception, but do not know exactly what they are called. The same symptoms can have many other causes.

If after about 6-12 days after the alleged conception you start weak, smearing bleeding accompanied by cramping pains in the lower abdomen, most likely, it is not monthly, but a sign of the implantation of a fertilized egg. This is one of the earliest signs of pregnancy Early signs of pregnancy: to believe or not to believe?  Early signs of pregnancy: to believe or not to believe?
 Often goes unnoticed.

The first clear sign of pregnancy - delay menstruation. One week after the delay can be made a pregnancy test; if done before, it is likely inaccurate result.

Around the same time the breast becomes more sensitive and touching it - painful. Some women notice this symptom in the first week of pregnancy, that is, to delay menstruation Delayed menstruation - when to sound the alarm?  Delayed menstruation - when to sound the alarm?
 . This is due to increased production of the hormones of pregnancy.

Nausea Nausea - there may be problems with the nervous system  Nausea - there may be problems with the nervous system
   generally appear between the sixth and eighth week of pregnancy and are undoubtedly one of the most unpleasant symptoms of pregnancy. Although they are also called "morning sickness", nausea can be risen unexpectedly at any time of the day, and some moms it pursues all day long. The reason for this is also to increase the level of hormones. This symptom in most cases extends or significantly weakened after 12-14 weeks of pregnancy. However, there are women who are accompanied by nausea during pregnancy, as well as those who are not faced with this sign ever. And then, and another is a variant of the norm.

Aversion to one product and / or desire for others there around the same time as nausea. The smell of grilled sausages or hot coffee can cause retching, and the mere thought of, for example, salt herring, your mouth water.

Frequent urination may appear on the second month of pregnancy. Most women think that it is a sign appears in the second or third trimester when the uterus begins to put pressure on the bladder Urinary bladder - structure and function  Urinary bladder - structure and function
 . However, even at the sixth week of pregnancy, the fluid volume in the body are increased, due to which the bladder is filled faster. In the following months, the urge to urinate will be increasingly more frequent.

How to increase the probability of conception: the first steps to improve reproductive function

October 1, 2011

  • How to increase the probability of conception: the first steps to improve reproductive function
  • Herbal preparations, vitamins
  • Eat right
  • Diet for conception
  • Plants improving fertility

 the probability of conception
 If you want to improve reproductive function and improve their chances of conceiving a child, start with determining the period of maximum fertility. Many couples can not get pregnant because sex only during the period when a woman does not ovulate, which makes it almost impossible to conceive.

There are several ways of predicting ovulation and, therefore, the peak of fertility in women .  Doctors recommend starting with the method of basal body temperature (BBT) .  Basal body temperature is measured in the rectum, and at the same time every morning before getting out of bed, and recorded in a special card .  Fertility (favorable for conception) period - the period from the beginning of the menstrual cycle as long as the basal temperature will be raised for 3 days (because the egg 3 days after ovulation loses its ability to fertilization and pregnancy is impossible) .  So if you measure the temperature every day and build the schedule, you can quite accurately determine the day of ovulation .  Try to fill the map constantly basal body temperature to predict the time of ovulation .  It is important that sexual intercourse took place just before the release of the mature egg from the ovary - it will help increase your chances of conceiving .

There are also a number of natural methods of family planning, which can help you get pregnant, for example, cervical method (cervical mucus). This method involves checking vaginal mucus just before ovulation which Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?  Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?
   and during ovulation becomes sparse, transparent and stretchy like raw egg protein .  If this mucus to rub between your thumb and forefinger, and then push the fingers, it will break at once .  The best way to use natural methods of determining the favorable days for conception - it is their combination that has been called the method Symptothermal .  Symptothermal method includes: measurement of basal body temperature, daily monitoring of the state of mucus and orderly conduct of a calendar of menstrual cycles .  Experts also recommend to purchase tests for ovulation, which operate on the same principle as pregnancy tests: after contact with urine on such a test, too, there are two cross lines .  One says that the test load, the other indicates an increase in the level of luteinizing hormone .  The sharp increase in the rise of luteinizing hormone stimulates maturation of the egg, which occurs in a day - and a half after the peak .  On the peak of luteinizing hormone levels indicated by the appearance of two bands stained with equal intensity .  This means that it is time optimal for conception, it will last 2-3 days .


Sexual posture

If you can not get pregnant, perhaps you and your partner should experiment with different sexual postures? In order to become pregnant (ie fertilization), sperm must be as close as possible to the cervix. Some poses greatly facilitate this task. If you want to get pregnant, do not have sex standing up, sitting in a pose rider, as in this case, a sperm can leak out of your body. Refer to the classics - the good old missionary position ensures deeper penetration. Also effective posture, "the man behind" - it allows the partner to "deliver" the sperm as close to the canal of the cervix. To prevent "leakage" of sperm after sexual intercourse, lift hips tucked under their pillow, and lie so for fifteen to twenty minutes.


Proper nutrition

Do not underestimate the importance of good nutrition Proper nutrition - the basic precepts of healthy food  Proper nutrition - the basic precepts of healthy food
   and its effect on fertility. A balanced diet helps to regulate levels of hormones and nourish your reproductive system. Nutrition, provides the body with all the necessary proteins, fats and carbohydrates, it helps maintain a healthy weight, which can greatly affect fertility. Women suffering from insufficient or excess weight, often have difficulty conceiving because fat affect the production of sex hormones.

It is especially important to include in the diet of certain vitamins and minerals, in particular:

  • Vitamin C and antioxidants Antioxidants: the truth about the notorious benefits  Antioxidants: the truth about the notorious benefits
 : These vitamins prevent sperm defects and improve sperm motility. They also reduce the burden on the eggs and female reproductive organs.
  • Zinc: Zinc deficiency doctors associated with decreased levels of testosterone and spermogeneza (formation of sperm) in men.
  • Calcium and Vitamin D: it is proved that a daily intake of calcium and vitamin D at therapeutic doses helps increase fertility in men.

Those who have difficulty conceiving, it is recommended to limit the consumption of certain products and to minimize contact with certain chemicals, such as:

Alcohol: alcohol can reduce fertility by 50%. Alcohol also helps to reduce the number of active sperm, and abnormal increase in the formation of sperm.

Caffeine: Caffeine is found in coffee, tea, cola and chocolate. It proved that caffeine reduces fertility in both men and women. Even a single cup of coffee a day can reduce your chances of conceiving twice.

Xenoestrogen: xenoestrogens - estrogens is of external origin, disrupting the hormonal system of man. When ingested, xenoestrogens molecules can activate the functions that are normally under the control of hormones, as well as beginning to show biological activity. Furthermore, these compounds have the ability to accumulate in the organism and influence on the reproductive function, which is the most dangerous.



Moderate exercise - another effective natural method of dealing with infertility. In conjunction with a balanced and rational nutrition, fitness will help you maintain a healthy body weight. Excess body fat increases the amount of estrogen Estrogen - the key to bone health  Estrogen - the key to bone health
   in the body, which disrupts the menstrual cycle in women and reduces the likelihood of conception. Sports (or other physical activity) to help burn excess fat, thus stabilizing the levels of sex hormones. It ensures the recovery of the normal cycle. But do not overdo it - excessive exercise are not less harmful to the reproductive function than total passivity. Engage in aerobic sports that do not require much effort: walking, swimming and cycling.
