How to increase the chances of getting pregnant after 35 years - when the biological clock sounding the alarm - Natural methods to improve fertility

September 10, 2009

  • How to increase the chances of getting pregnant after 35 years - when the biological clock sounding the alarm
  • Natural methods to improve fertility

Natural methods to improve fertility

  Healthy eating

Nutrition plays an important role in enhancing fertility since influences hormones. For normal operation, the body requires minerals and vitamins, particularly fiber, iron, vitamin C and zinc. These nutrients reduce the risk of miscarriage. Try to reduce the consumption of semi-finished products and sugary foods. Forget about fast food.

These products contain toxins that affect fertility. Replace them with fresh fruit and vegetables. Vegetables contain a variety of vitamins, minerals and fiber necessary for health and wellness. Nuts, grains and legumes should be included in your daily diet. It is also recommended to increase the consumption of seafood, especially fish, and poultry.

 Natural methods to improve fertility | How to increase the chances of getting pregnant after 35 years - when the biological clock sounding the alarm

Regular exercise

Consult your doctor and discuss what exercises you can do with the weight of the body and health. Unhealthy or overweight can cause problems with conception. Fitness helps to balance the levels of insulin and testosterone, thereby increasing the probability of normal ovulation and conception. But be careful - excessive stress can negatively affect fertility.

 Natural methods to improve fertility | How to increase the chances of getting pregnant after 35 years - when the biological clock sounding the alarm

Clean the body of toxins

For many years you bullied every day your body toxins in food, cosmetics and so on. Some of the toxins accumulate in the body and disrupt organ systems. They affect our health and the ability to conceive and carry a child. In addition, under the influence of toxins quickly running out of vitamins and minerals in the body, which also contributes to fertility. Consult your doctor to professionally perform the detoxification of the body.

 Natural methods to improve fertility | How to increase the chances of getting pregnant after 35 years - when the biological clock sounding the alarm

Normalization of sleep

If you think that the dream has nothing to do with fertility, you are wrong. Sleep affects the content in the body of the hormone leptin, which suppresses appetite. It inhibits the feeling of hunger, making you eat less, move more and burn more calories. If lack of sleep and insomnia leptin decreases, which often leads to disordered eating. Medical experts concluded that some women infertile, very low levels of leptin.

 Natural methods to improve fertility | How to increase the chances of getting pregnant after 35 years - when the biological clock sounding the alarm

Avoiding alcohol and caffeine

Alcohol consumption affects the level of estrogen Estrogen - the key to bone health  Estrogen - the key to bone health
   (reduces it), which in turn can interfere with the normal implantation of a fertilized egg. If you are trying to conceive a child, give up alcohol altogether or limit a glass of wine on holidays. Caffeine also increases the likelihood of miscarriage. If you can not live without coffee a day, drink no more than one cup a day.

 Natural methods to improve fertility | How to increase the chances of getting pregnant after 35 years - when the biological clock sounding the alarm

smoking cessation

Smoking directly affects a woman's ability to conceive and carry a child. Smoking women to get pregnant, you need two months longer than non-smokers. But giving up this habit immediately beneficial impact on the health and helps to quickly get pregnant. Cigarette smoking is very harmful to the ovaries, increasing the risk of miscarriage and genetic abnormalities in the child.

 Natural methods to improve fertility | How to increase the chances of getting pregnant after 35 years - when the biological clock sounding the alarm

Reducing stress

There is ample evidence of how the mind affects the body. The psychological effects of stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
   may have a negative effect on fertility. Excessive stress can greatly affect the menstrual cycle and lead to a breach. Likely effects of stress 0 irregular ovulation, moving gametes violation of fallopian tubes and so forth. The stress increases the hormone levels of cortisol and adrenaline, which can have a variety of negative consequences. Learn relaxation techniques and pick suitable. Yoga and massage 0 effective means of relieving stress.

 Natural methods to improve fertility | How to increase the chances of getting pregnant after 35 years - when the biological clock sounding the alarm

Monitoring the menstrual cycle

You have to know when ovulation occurs, ie, when the probability of conception is highest. Two hormones produced by the ovaries, estradiol and progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
 , Is produced during ovulation. At this time the body is most prepared to conceive, so the chances of pregnancy are high. The period of increased fertility begins 4-5 days before ovulation and ends in 24-28 hours after its completion. Monitor your menstrual cycle to determine the optimal time. Try to notice the physical changes that occur to you at this time to understand when ovulation begins.

 Natural methods to improve fertility | How to increase the chances of getting pregnant after 35 years - when the biological clock sounding the alarm

Stimulation of intimacy

Your sex life should not become a routine, or conception is unlikely, because the child - is the fruit of love. Find new ways to excite and give pleasure - and myself and partner. Spend more time with each other. Both partners need to treat sex as pleasure, not guilt. Especially enjoyable sex during ovulation - use it! Intimacy at least once a week increases fertility. It is also useful to experiment with different postures, the most favorable for conception.

 Natural methods to improve fertility | How to increase the chances of getting pregnant after 35 years - when the biological clock sounding the alarm

Herbal treatment

Many women overcome infertility helped herbal therapy. This is a natural remedy for infertility. Only to qualified herbalists, who can impose suitable herbs. By the way, the grass not only improve fertility, but also help to balance hormone levels and bring the body of harmful toxins. Herbs also help to normalize the menstrual cycle, eliminates symptoms of PMS and regulate ovulation.

 Natural methods to improve fertility | How to increase the chances of getting pregnant after 35 years - when the biological clock sounding the alarm

Disclaimer douching

Regular douching is harmful to the female body. The vagina has the property of self-purification of natural and beneficial bacteria it needs that we are often washed out when we do douching. In this case, the pH balance is disturbed, which can lead to inflammation and allergic reactions, resulting in sperm can "die" in the vagina.

 Natural methods to improve fertility | How to increase the chances of getting pregnant after 35 years - when the biological clock sounding the alarm

Caring for the health of men

Sperm health is of paramount importance for a successful conception. Take your partner's health, his diet, lifestyle, habits and so on. Remember that to produce new sperm the male should be 90 days, so do not expect instant results

 Natural methods to improve fertility | How to increase the chances of getting pregnant after 35 years - when the biological clock sounding the alarm

How to increase the probability of conception in polycystic ovaries

Women with polycystic ovaries, in addition to the above methods to increase fertility naturally, have to take additional measures.

Women who have not helped these methods and medications are often forced to resort to surgery to improve ovulation and artificial insemination and other innovative methods.

Polycystic ovarian sometimes exacerbated by the action of some fats and oils, however, doctors need to abstain from the use of vegetable oils, particularly corn oil Corn oil: the good and the harm to human  Corn oil: the good and the harm to human
 And synthetic fats, such as trans fats, which are contained in fatty meat and dairy products. Replace them with olive oil and fish oil.

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  • how to get pregnant
