Preparing and conducting a colonoscopy: the risks and alternatives

December 26th, 2010

  • Preparing and conducting a colonoscopy: the risks and alternatives
  • Alternatives

 Preparation colonoscopy
 Colonoscopy - a procedure that allows you to inspect the inside of the colon. The procedure is performed using a colonoscope - a flexible instrument with a thick finger at the end of which is the camera and lighting. The tip of the colonoscope is introduced into the anus and slowly pushing it further into the rectum and colon.

 Preparing and conducting a colonoscopy: the risks and alternatives

Why spend a colonoscopy

Colonoscopy may be done for many reasons. Most often it is necessary to ascertain the reasons for the presence of blood in the stool, abdominal pain, diarrhea, changes in intestinal motility, or abnormalities found with the help of X-rays or computed tomography (CT). People with polyps and colon cancer Colon cancer: creeps imperceptibly  Colon cancer: creeps imperceptibly
   in the personal history and / or certain cancers family history can be recommended for a regular colonoscopy. The frequency of inspections depends on the degree of risk and the results of the previous colonoscopy. Many experts recommend that all healthy people over 50 years of colonoscopy every 10 held. This increases the likelihood of early detection of various cancers.

 Preparing and conducting a colonoscopy: the risks and alternatives


Before the colonoscopy the patient should be thoroughly cleaned intestines. Patients receive detailed instructions on the preparation for the procedure. As a rule, for several days prior to colonoscopy patient must drink a special cleansing solution and / or go on a liquid diet, laxatives or enemas to do. You must precisely follow the instructions of doctors for bowel cleansing Colon Cleansing - How to put an enema?  Colon Cleansing - How to put an enema?
 Otherwise the survey results may be inaccurate and have to repeat the colonoscopy or be assigned to an alternative, less accurate diagnostic procedure.

During the preparation of the patient is not required to give up most of the drugs, but some medications can interfere with the survey. These medications include drugs that contain aspirin, blood thinners (eg, warfarin), drugs for arthritis, insulin The principles of action of insulin - the science of saving lives  The principles of action of insulin - the science of saving lives
 And iron supplements.

 Preparing and conducting a colonoscopy: the risks and alternatives

How is colonoscopy

Immediately prior to the procedure, the patient is connected to a monitor, which will be continually displayed his heart rate, blood pressure and blood oxygen levels. The patient is doing intravenous sedatives that during the procedure, he was relaxed and less susceptible to pain. Colonoscopy often causes a feeling of pressure, cramps and bloating Bloating - if you are bursting inside  Bloating - if you are bursting inside
 But with the help of sedatives, it is easily tolerated and rarely causes much pain.

Colonoscopy usually takes 15 to 60 minutes. If for any reason you can not view the entire colon, the doctor may prescribe additional colonoscopy or use another method of diagnostics, such as X-ray and / or CT.

The most frequently used alternative to colonoscopy is a barium enema. During this procedure, most experts do not replace abnormal growths, and if they are found to determine their nature may need a colonoscopy.

If during colonoscopy detected abnormal growths, doctors immediately biopsy - a sample of tissue sampling, which is sent for further study in the laboratory. If you suspect an infection of the intestinal microflora sample is taken for analysis.

If during the procedure revealed polyps (benign tumors that can become cancerous), they are almost always immediately removed. Removing polyps is very important to prevent colon cancer, although most of them are benign.

The patient remains in the hospital for one to two hours after colonoscopy. During this time, the action is over sedation, but get behind the wheel that day is not recommended. Some reflexes and mental functions can be slow during the day after a colonoscopy.

Before a patient go home, your doctor will discuss with him the results of the colonoscopy, although the results of some tests will be known only after a few days.

 Preparing and conducting a colonoscopy: the risks and alternatives


Complications associated with colonoscopy are rare, and usually they are minor. After removal of polyps can be observed weak and short-term bleeding; very rarely occurs as a result of colonoscopy perforation of the intestinal wall. More rarely observed various adverse reactions used in colonoscopy sedation.

Hydrotherapy (purgation) - it is better not to abuse

September 7, 2008

  • Hydrotherapy (purgation) - it is better not to abuse
  • How is the procedure

 hydro purgation
 Many people have prejudices with respect to colon hydrotherapy. Until relatively recently, the procedure used in hospitals, until it was replaced by a strong laxative. Today, it is usually used as an additional treatment.

Before the procedure the patient hydrotherapy requires no special training. Before the first treatment specialist examines the patient's history and explains to him how to take care. In most cases, bowel cleansing is simply used clean water, but sometimes used herbal teas; sometimes after the procedure is recommended to take probiotics.

The average per procedure hydrotherapy uses 60 liters of water, but at the same time in the intestine gets only a small amount. The water pressure during the procedure is carefully monitored. The entire procedure usually takes no more than 30-45 minutes.

How many treatments are necessary to the patient, the doctor decides in each particular case.

 Hydrotherapy (purgation) - it is better not to abuse


Hydrotherapy can be recommended for disorders such as chronic constipation, inflammatory diseases of the colon, diseases of the urinary system; drugs, alcohol, narcotic intoxication; phlebeurysm Varicose veins - the operation is inevitable?  Varicose veins - the operation is inevitable?
 ; food poisoning Food poisoning: how to avoid becoming a victim of its own stomach  Food poisoning: how to avoid becoming a victim of its own stomach
 ; diabetes, goiter, some allergic reactions, skin diseases, particularly psoriasis, acne, seborrhea and oily. In addition, hydrotherapy can be useful in patients with severe disease, those who have been treated with antibiotics or chemotherapy; it is used in preparation for colonoscopy. This procedure is also used as a means of cleansing the body Cleansing the body - comprehensive restoration  Cleansing the body - comprehensive restoration
   It has generally healthy people, but the benefits of such use hydrotherapy controversial.

Hydrotherapy is contraindicated in cancer of the colon and rectum in the later stages, severe blood loss; acute hemorrhoids, anemia, acute colitis, liver cirrhosis and renal failure. In most cases, it is also not recommended for pregnant women at a gestational age of 16 weeks.

 Hydrotherapy (purgation) - it is better not to abuse


In a healthy human body has mechanisms that derive from it a variety of waste and, with the exception of preparation for colonoscopy Preparing and conducting a colonoscopy: the risks and alternatives  Preparing and conducting a colonoscopy: the risks and alternatives
 In hydrotherapy unnecessary. So many experts believe. Purgation in this way may disrupt the natural balance of bacteria and chemicals.

In rare cases, colon hydrotherapy is serious complications such as perforation of the intestine, amebic infection and electrolyte imbalance. Too frequent bowel cleansing may develop anemia and other disorders associated with deficiency of different nutrients.
