Delusional syndromes: a sign of mental disorders

May 15, 2011

 delusional syndromes
 Delirium occurs against a background of mental illness Mental illness - ashamed to ask for help?  Mental illness - ashamed to ask for help?
   and often is the leading or sole manifestation of them. In most cases, delirium combined with other signs of mental disorder, such as hallucinations, various disorders of consciousness.

 Delusional syndromes: a sign of mental disorders

Types delusional syndromes

Delusional syndromes are mental disorders Mental Disorders - when life is fun  Mental Disorders - when life is fun
 In which the primary feature is the delusions - false, is not associated with objective reality and concrete life situation judgment or idea arises in the mind of the patient and fully engross them. Brad can not be dissuasion, because the patient is absolutely convinced of the correctness of their judgments.

Delusional syndromes accompany mental illnesses such as manic-depressive syndrome, schizophrenia and organic (in the aftermath of trauma, infections and tumors), brain disease, its vascular lesions and chronic poisoning (intoxication, such as alcohol abuse).

The main syndromes are paranoid delusional, paranoid and paraphrenic.

 Delusional syndromes: a sign of mental disorders

Paranoid delusional syndrome

Paranoia - this is nonsense, that develops with a clear conscious and often with normal intellectual abilities and skills. At the heart of paranoid delirium is often overvalued idea - the belief that developed under the influence of objectively existing life circumstances. But the patient gives overvalued idea of ​​too much importance, which it does not deserve. Gradually such overvalued idea is cluttered with new speculation and becomes a systematized paranoid delusions, which can be acute or chronic.

Chronic poranoyyalny syndrome manifests itself gradually. Initially, there is the idea of ​​persecution (for example, for some real action). Initially, the patient is usually afraid of harassment at work, trouble with the neighbors, making plans and carries out some action to address the threat. Over time, there is a risk of physical destruction, which requires more than action. Patients turn in on themselves, fenced off from the outside world, or, on the contrary, attack on the "enemies", performing a variety of illegal activities. Sometimes paranoia Paranoia - explicit symptoms are not observed  Paranoia - explicit symptoms are not observed
   manifested delusions of grandeur, of invention, of social transformation.

Patients with paranoid delusions Brad - not only crazy  Brad - not only crazy
   They have certain traits: they are suspicious, circumstantial, vindictive.

Acute paranoid syndrome is most often expressed by the sudden appearance of anxiety, fear, or, on the contrary, against the background of rapturous ecstasy of a fictional judgment. Acute paranoid delusions characterized by strong emotional experiences that often contributes to the appearance of patients a high degree of aggressiveness. Paranoid delusions often occurs, for example, schizophrenia.

 Delusional syndromes: a sign of mental disorders

Paranoid delusional syndrome

Paranoid or hallucinatory-paranoid syndrome - a syndrome manifested by delusions of persecution and sensory disorders in the form of verbal (word), hallucinations and mental automatism ("flood" and impose "alien" thoughts).

When paranoid delusions of persecution syndrome in addition, there may be other delusions - poisoning, causing physical injury, jealousy, spying. Most often associated delusions of persecution and impact. The patient believes that he is under constant surveillance, watching his every move and harm him. Often, the "enemies" are able to manage all of his thoughts and feelings, make him make those or other actions.

Paranoid syndrome often develop chronic, but can also occur acutely. Acute paranoid delusions is a combination of sensual imagery of delirium with hallucinations (the patient sees, hears and feels what is not), pseudohallucinations (patients see, hear and feel something inner eye), and the influx of "foreign" ideas in my head (syndrome of mental automatism ). Patients with the condition are at a loss, unaccountable anxiety. Bred in this case is fragmentary, unsystematic and patients do not even try to delusions some interpretation.

Paranoid syndrome usually occurs in chronic diseases, such as schizophrenia.

 Delusional syndromes: a sign of mental disorders

Paraphrenic delusional syndrome

Paraphrenia (fantaziofreniya, fantastically paranoid syndrome) - a syndrome that is dominated by the fantastic delusions content, often combines the grandiose delusions of grandeur with ideas of persecution or exposure to, and often with auditory hallucinations or pseudohallucinations. The degree of systematization and fantastic delusions can be different.

Often such nonsense combined with verbal (verbal), hallucinations, false recognition. Patients talk about the impact on a variety of fantastic devices, meetings with famous people.

Parafrenichesky syndrome occurs in chronic ongoing illness often followed by other mental changes, including paranoid and paranoid syndrome is a sign of disease progression.

Prevention of progression delusional syndromes is their early detection and treatment.

Galina Romanenko

Afobazol - indications for use are wide enough

April 15, 2012

 afobazol readings
 Afobazol - it's an easy day tranquilizer that can be taken in functional disorders of the nervous system. Such disorders often develop not only the stress and high loads, but also against the backdrop of long flowing chronic diseases of internal organs.

 Afobazol - indications for use are wide enough

Afobazol with nervousness

Neurosis - is a functional disorder of the nervous system, which can develop on the background of nervous and mental overload and stress. Very often neuroses develop in people with certain personality traits, such as too hypochondriac, constantly waiting for some bad news. Often these people see in a dark ambient light, it seems that they all pay attention and condemnation, and so on.

So people with anxious-hypochondriac character traits well help cure afobazole. A week later, receiving afobazol relieve increased anxiety Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?  Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?
   and the constant expectation of danger. This will allow people to better adapt to the team and better quality to do their work, especially since afobazol causes lethargy and relaxation, it is, on the contrary, it activates. From what has passed the alarm, normal sleep.

Take afobazol the neuroses of the tablet (10 mg) three times a day. The course of treatment typically lasts four weeks, after which the normal state of the nervous system is kept for a further two weeks.

 Afobazol - indications for use are wide enough

When hormonal disorders in women

Hormonal women closely associated with the work of the central nervous system, in particular with the work of the hypothalamus - part of the brain that "team" the whole endocrine system. In violation of the hypothalamus in women can develop premenstrual syndrome (PMS) - signs of neurosis Neurosis - reaction to the nervous shock  Neurosis - reaction to the nervous shock
   and autonomic disorders in the days before menstruation. A woman who suffers from PMS, knows that before menstruation she becomes a different person: irritable, sometimes angry, aggressive. At work, she constantly have conflicts, at home - family quarrels Family quarrels and their consequences - can skeit broken dishes?  Family quarrels and their consequences - can skeit broken dishes?
 . In addition, concerned different vegetative disorders: sweating, trembling hands, "galloping" blood pressure and so on.

In order to alleviate the symptoms of PMS in a week prior to their appearance at the women prescribed afobazol tablet three times a day for two weeks. These courses can be done a few menstrual cycles in a row. Of course, not afobazol appointed independently and as part of a treatment. But he is able to significantly improve the well-being by removing the stress and irritability Irritability - you try to control my temper  Irritability - you try to control my temper
 . Simultaneously, under the influence of afobazole normal state of the autonomic nervous system.

 Afobazol - indications for use are wide enough

In chronic diseases of the digestive system

Any chronic disease, particularly if they are accompanied by frequent relapses result in the formation of functional disorders of the nervous system. In addition, the activities of all the internal organs are closely related to the central nervous system, and all the excitement and nervous and mental stress cause worsening of such diseases.

For example, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer patients, even recommended to change jobs if it is associated with constant stress. Indeed, this disease is a clear link exacerbations with neuro-psychiatric loads. The same applies to other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, pancreas and biliary tract.

Afobazol in chronic diseases of the digestive system is appointed as part of a complex of anti-treatment twice a year, in spring and autumn. In addition, he was appointed and an exacerbation of the disease. The course of preventive treatment is usually carried out within two to four weeks (at the discretion of the physician), afobazol take one tablet three times a day.

 Afobazol - indications for use are wide enough

In chronic cardiovascular diseases

Yet probably no body responds to stress so quickly and seriously as the cardiovascular system. When stress angina heart pain attacks do more frequent and prolonged. When high blood pressure (hypertension) stress can cause hypertensive crises. They may also be more frequent bouts of cardiac arrhythmias (such as atrial fibrillation episodes).

In cardiovascular diseases afobazol prescribed in the form of courses of varying duration - it all depends on the patient. In any case afobazol capable of improving the quality of life of these patients.

 Afobazol - indications for use are wide enough

Afobazol other diseases

Afobazol widely used in bronchial asthma, chronic skin diseases, cancer, chronic alcoholism and drug addiction. It is prescribed to people who are trying to quit smoking and so on.

Afobazol help improve the condition of patients with many diseases, which are accompanied by a functional disorder of the nervous system.

Galina Romanenko

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  • afobazol
