How to cope with the grief of loss and move on: it is impossible to engage in self-destruction - Seek support

June 25, 2012

  • How to cope with the grief of loss and move on: it is impossible to engage in self-destruction
  • Seek support
  • Depression

 how to cope with the grief of loss of live further support

Seek support

One of the most important factors that help to cope with their grief - support of other people. Even if you normally do not like to talk about their feelings at this time to express them is extremely important. So it will be much easier to bear the pain. Take any support and do not experience grief alone.

 Seek support | How to cope with the grief of loss and move on: it is impossible to engage in self-destruction

  • Contact your friends and family. Now is the time to be closer to the people you road, even if you have always been proud of his strength and self-sufficiency. Do not miss their loved ones, do not turn in on themselves. Very often, people want to help but do not know how, so tell them what you need - help with the funeral arrangements, or shoulder on which to lay your head and tell you how hurt you.
  • Seek solace in faith. If you practice any religion, refer to the traditional rituals of mourning for the dead. Do what's important to you and brings inner peace - pray, meditate, go to the service in the church. If, after you have begun to experience the loss of doubt in their faith, try to talk about it with members of your church or a priest. Do not be afraid of condemnation. After severe stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
   People often begin to revise its system of beliefs about the world, including their beliefs.
  • Join a support group. Experiencing grief, we often feel very lonely, even if the next closest. You may be easier if you talk with someone who is experiencing similar grief. Ask at a local hospital, funeral home or a psychologist about support groups that exist in your city.
  • Talk to a doctor or psychologist. If you think that you can not cope with grief themselves, seek professional help. The specialist will help you to cope with strong emotions Emotions and culture: how to decipher the emotional code  Emotions and culture: how to decipher the emotional code
 , Tell you how to overcome bouts of despair and live.
  • Take care of yourself. When you experience the mountain, it is important to take care of themselves as ever. Bitter loss can quickly deplete your energy and emotional reserves. Therefore, at this time you need to pay special attention to your physiological and psychological needs.
  • Acknowledge their feelings. You can try to suppress grief, but you do not get to avoid it all the time. To overcome it, we must recognize the pain. Attempts to avoid the feeling of anguish from the loss of only prolong the process of grieving. Suppressed grief can cause complications such as depression Depression - a little more than a bad mood  Depression - a little more than a bad mood
 , Anxiety Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?  Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?
 , Substance abuse and physical health problems.
  • Express your feelings in different ways. Write about your grief in a diary. If you have lost a loved one, write him a letter and tell everything they wanted, but did not have time to speak; make an album about the life of a loved one; Engage in activities that were important to him.
  • Monitor your physical health. Mind and body are inextricably linked. If your body feels good, you too emotionally getting better. Get enough sleep, eat right and get exercise. Do not drink alcohol, do not take antidepressants (if it does not insist doctor) and the more drugs to numb the pain artificially.
  • Do not let anyone tell you what and how you should feel. Including myself. This is your grief, and no one knows how much time you have to deal with it. Allow yourself to feel what you feel, not appreciating it, and certainly not condemning. Angry, howl, cry or not to cry - absolutely fine. As well as the normal laugh and feel joy and release their feelings when it comes time for that.
  • Think in advance about triggers grief. Anniversaries, holidays, major events can again awaken the memories and feelings associated with them. Be ready for it. If you are going to celebrate something with the family, talk to them in advance about how to honor the memory of the departed loved one. It's much better than if someone suddenly stand up and propose a toast to the one with you no more.

Time Management - manage time, but do not be a perfectionist - Diary time

April 15, 2007

  • Time Management - manage time, but do not be a perfectionist
  • Diary time

Get "time diary"

Carefully (in minutes), record all their business within one week. Be honest. If you watch television 30 hours a week and make a note.

For most people this experience turns out to be quite painful, they are currently experiencing an epiphany. In the diary need to record all the details, down to the smallest detail - time spent in the gym, meal times, time spent behind the wheel, while meeting friends or going to the cinema, all without exception. The results of these observations often cause annoyance - because so much time we waste! But it is necessary, otherwise we will be able to more effectively manage time, if you do not know how we are accustomed to aimlessly spend.

 Diary time | Time Management - manage time, but do not be a perfectionist

Learn to say "no"

Turn off the cell phone and pager. If someone asks you to do something that you do not have the time, firmly but politely refuse. And in any case, do not feel guilty!

One of the reasons for our constant lesson is that we can not say "no." To learn how to give up, we must be able to focus on your goals. In this regard will be very useful "time diary". Discard the important but not planned cases - and will be able to find time for family, friends, care about their health. When you prioritize and know exactly what are willing to set aside time to abandon the superfluous and unnecessary much easier.

 Diary time | Time Management - manage time, but do not be a perfectionist

Make a list with specification of time

Make a detailed list indicating the start and end of the session. Planning Minister always effective, but if you add to the usual schedule the exact time of the beginning and end of a class, you will be able to evaluate its success in saving time and better understand the priorities. When you select a main class, you naturally choose those that can be done immediately.

 Diary time | Time Management - manage time, but do not be a perfectionist

Computer help

If high technology consuming our time, why do not they help in reverse? Use a computer program scheduler which provides calendar. This system can be used as a notebook - to make lists of scheduled cases, addresses, phone numbers.

According to experts, good organization of work and rest makes life easier. The more your life is cluttered with junk - scraps of paper with phone numbers, business cards, calendars, notebooks - the higher the likelihood that you will have to allocate time to periodically restore order.

 Diary time | Time Management - manage time, but do not be a perfectionist


Is there a used word in the lexicon of modern business person? We constantly have to juggle multiple activities. This multi-tasking can be dangerous. Talking on the phone while driving - thus dramatically increase the chances of getting into an accident or an accident. However, some lessons can be combined safely and without risk to life. For example, on the way to work (especially if you use public transport) is useful to listen to the audiobook. When watching TV, try to pay bills or plan a business the next day.

Women cope with the implementation of several things at once better than men. Even if the husband and wife work full time, a woman, but work may think about the children, household responsibilities, grocery shopping and cooking. Men are able to concentrate on just one session at once - that women can learn from them.

 Diary time | Time Management - manage time, but do not be a perfectionist

Do not be a perfectionist

There is nothing bad to be like the others. Perfectionism, that is too thorough approach to business and working of each part, it will inevitably lead to a shortage of time.

Set a rational purpose. Of course, you should always strive for better and work on themselves. However, the pursuit of the ideal of the opposite effect - the works are stretched to impossible, and discontent is growing.

 Diary time | Time Management - manage time, but do not be a perfectionist

Reward yourself

Finally, do not leave without encouraging any, even the most insignificant achievement.

To learn how to better manage time, use the "diary of the time." Do not blame yourself if you have to give up work - have fun. No need to make itself great gifts - just a massage or visit the beauty salon. It is important to celebrate your success and get pleasure from it.

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