Placebo - an effective tool for self-hypnosis - Analysis

September 14, 2013

  • Placebo - an effective tool for self-hypnosis
  • Analysis

 analysis of placebo

An analysis of placebo

Sometimes an organization best fit includes a simulation of possible side effects of the real drug. There is also a class of placebo, known as "active placebo". In this case, too, the patients do not receive the study drug, but taking medication that mimics its side effects. Active placebo contain some active ingredients of the study drug, but not those that help to heal the patient.

Placebo may work in the reverse direction to produce the same effect. If you tell the patient that an inactive placebo - a powerful drug that can cause unpleasant side effects, these side effects do occur. This phenomenon is called the nocebo, which translated from Latin means "I cause harm."

 Analysis | Placebo - an effective tool for self-hypnosis

Placebo and animals

Since, as scientists assume, a major factor in the effectiveness of a placebo in treating the symptoms of a patient's belief in its effectiveness in the scientific community there are discussions about whether there is a placebo effect in animals. It was shown that human contact with a calming effect on many animals, but if it can be regarded as a placebo? In particular, dogs and horses are often reduced heart rate, when they are stroked and caressed. Some alternative veterinary practice, which is usually attributed to the placebo effect in humans, for example, veterinary homeopathy Homeopathy - the placebo effect in the service of medicine?  Homeopathy - the placebo effect in the service of medicine?
 , Conspiracies, or acupuncture Acupuncture - the ancient traditions in the service of modern science  Acupuncture - the ancient traditions in the service of modern science
 , Always accompanied by the soothing caress of animal hosts and other similar actions. It is expected that the mood of the animal, usually improves; It is to be expected that his boss explains this treatment.

So you can bet that it is not necessary to resort to the placebo effect, to explain the improvement in the external manifestations of the condition of the animal. And in many cases this is true. Often overlooked sight of the important external factors that could contribute to improving the state of the animal, or, conversely, make it worse. For example, in one experiment, scientists have studied the effect of the drug in rats and found that anxiety Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?  Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?
   rats received an injection of a drug was higher than the other rats. Using an injection of placebo (saline), the researchers found that anxiety in rats was caused not by the actual preparation and procedure of its introduction.

As faith in the efficacy of the treatment is the most important factor of placebo effects, it seems unlikely that it can occur in animals because they do not realize that they are going to be treated, and what treatment is intended. Another difficulty lies in the fact that many animals can be affected by learned patterns of behavior (conditioned reflexes).

For example, if you work on rats slight discharge of electrical current when they are eating from a bowl left, they gradually learn to eat right out of the bowl. Take them right bowl, causing them to eat from a bowl left and the rats will stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
 Because they formed a persistent association is "right bowl - discharge current." Some scholars argue that this is an example of the placebo effect, since rats realize that this food will cause an electric shock. But such behavior in rats can be found, and more simple explanation - so operates a learned behavior and conditioned reflexes. Therefore, scientists still can not come to the same conclusion as to whether there is a placebo effect in animals.

It is only known that for efficient testing of a drug or treatment on animals is necessary to provide an elaborate control group, placebo preparation, as well as in the case with humans. But it is necessary to rule out other causes of the possible consequences of such treatment (eg, from the terrible stress of injection). No one expects that the animal after administration of the drug-placebo felt better as it can happen to a person.

 Analysis | Placebo - an effective tool for self-hypnosis


You can purchase these placebo pills if you need them for some personal reasons. Some pharmacies pharmacist may sell them to you on request. In other pharmacies to do this, you may need a doctor's prescription. If your attempts to acquire a placebo still not successful, you can buy any homeopathic pills, because in fact they are the placebo.

Understanding the placebo effect is the key to understanding the effectiveness of a particular method of alternative therapy. If the method is developed, well organized and implemented by qualified personnel, even therapy, with no clinical significance, can really help to reduce the subjective symptoms of the patient. To debunk useless alternative therapies do not need to prove that they did not have any effect. It is enough to understand that in certain circumstances, such an approach could, in fact, prove to be very effective; but this action is necessary to explain the placebo effect.

The effects of stress on your health

November 26, 2006

 the effects of stress
 Look around. Every tenth person you met on the street, at work or in the store, subject to stress at any time. Scientists have found that stress causes irreversible chemical changes in the brain, which can directly affect the health.

 The effects of stress on your health

What is stress?

Stress is any deviation from the normal state of health or state of health. Stress arises in a situation of strong disappointment, and in the case of great joy. Stress may equally cause an increase in wages and dismissal.

Waiting misfortune (or pleasant expectation) causes stress not less than the real trouble. Worried you will cause you to the interview? Stress. I am glad that finally found a good job? Again stress.

 The effects of stress on your health

Causes of stress

Women are particularly susceptible to stress caused by hormonal changes. At puberty, the establishment of the menstrual cycle, pregnancy and menopause hormone levels are unstable, which causes stress.

Emotional and physical changes, disease, environmental influences (eg, extreme cold or unbearable heat, high altitude above sea level and toxins) - these common causes of stress. Excessive physical strain and stress quickly lead to depletion of the body. To restore the reserves wasted energy the body needs to take time out and while you are experiencing stress.

 The effects of stress on your health

Diseases caused by stress

Some people believe that all diseases of stress. Is it really so? Continued study of the effect of stress on our health. Stress can contribute (or even cause) the development of almost any disease, from lower back pain and insomnia to cancer and asthenic syndrome Asthenic syndrome - the state of constant fatigue  Asthenic syndrome - the state of constant fatigue
   (many confuse asthenic syndrome with fibromyalgia).

Often it is the stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
   It explains the absence of menstruation or heavy menstrual flow. Stress-induced hormonal imbalances can trigger the growth of fibroid tumors and endometriosis, as well as the difficult birth for couples who have fertility problems.

Heart disease - the most common cause of death. The cause of hypertension, heart attacks, heart palpitations, and stroke is often stressful. As a result of stressful experiences, some women experience sexual behavior disorders and problems in bed (for example, loss of sexual desire and vaginal dryness).

Often the effects of stress manifested in fatigue, fatigue, pain (including the head), emotional disorders such as anxiety Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?  Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?
 , Depression and sleep disorders Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
 . Stress causes and gastrointestinal disease, such as ulcers, cramps in the lower abdomen, colitis and irritable bowel syndrome.

In addition, people are often experiencing stress are more susceptible to colds and infectious diseases, due to weakened immunity. Stress can also cause skin diseases, for example, cause itching and rashes.

 The effects of stress on your health

How to reduce stress and maintain health

Inability to completely banish stress from our lives. However, the use of certain techniques of stress reduction can eliminate some of its negative effects. Stress management includes a healthy diet, regular fitness classes and relaxation in a relaxing atmosphere.

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