Hygroma on foot: how to identify and treat disease

June 16, 2014

 hygroma on the leg
 Hygroma - a cystic neoplasm, which is the filled thick, viscous, colorless, jellylike fluid cavity. Depending on the size and other factors, hygroma may be hard or soft. Hygroma on the leg may appear as one large and several small.

Hygroma is most common among women, and 70% of cases develop in people aged 20 to 40 years.

Most often hygroma appear on the hands. Hygroma of the knee and other varieties hygroma legs are much rarer. In addition, there hygroma brain Hygroma brain - a dangerous accumulation of fluid  Hygroma brain - a dangerous accumulation of fluid
 , Neck, and so on.


Reasons hygroma on the leg

So far, experts are divided over why some people formed hygroma. Some scientists suggest that this is due to the injuries that result in damaged joints, and there are small cysts that gradually transformed into larger tumors. There is also a theory that some people are defects in the articular capsule, which over time can lead to hygroma on foot.


Types hygroma on the leg

Hygroma ankle - it's pretty rare variety hygroma. It grows slowly and initially represent a small lump no larger than a pea, which the patient does not feel and can be detected only by chance. Over time, this can significantly increase hygroma; In some cases, tumors reached a diameter of ten centimeters;

Hygroma the knee is very common, and reaching a sufficiently large size, can cause significant discomfort when walking and sports. There is also hygroma popliteal fossa, which is formed on the rear side of the knee joint;

Hygroma foot can occur on any part of the foot, including - on the soles or toes.


Symptoms hygroma on the leg

Hygroma on the leg looks like a bulge under the skin more or less large. Most often they are soft, immobile, and not more than 1-3 cm in diameter. Most hygromas on the legs cause mild or moderate, at least - a lot of pain that may be present permanently or appear from time to time during exercise. However, approximately 35% hygroma remain small, almost invisible and do not cause any symptoms.

Other symptoms depend on where it is located hygroma. For example, not even the biggest hygroma on the toe can cause severe discomfort when walking and even when wearing very comfortable shoes.

Thigh hygroma often causes pain when performing certain physical exercises, particularly squats. Large, prominent hygroma on the feet can cause not only physical but also psychological discomfort - because these patients may feel embarrassed to wear short skirts or swimsuits, feel extremely awkward when dealing with the opposite sex, and so on.



Often the doctor is enough to talk with the patient and carry out palpation to diagnose hygroma on foot. However, in order to rule out other disorders, including - malignant tumors, requires additional procedures, for example:

  • Aspiration of synovial cysts, or hygroma. Using a syringe doctor takes a sample for laboratory analysis of fluid from the cyst cavity;
  • Ultrasonography;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging - a highly effective procedure for diagnosing hygroma, which is the only drawback is its high cost.


How to treat hygroma on the leg

Since hygroma are not malignant, and usually do not cause damage to the health and quality of life of the patient, in many cases, doctors prefer to observe their growth. Cases when the hygroma with time disappear by themselves. However, because the doctor can not know exactly when this will happen, and will happen whether in general, is sometimes better to remove hygroma.

Treating hygroma of the foot may be required even if the cyst is small, because it often interferes with normal walking and cope with daily activities. Often removal of these tumors carried puncture hygroma - it is pierced, the contents removed, and then injected with steroids. This somewhat reduces the likelihood of re-education hygroma, though, and does not guarantee the result. This procedure is performed under local anesthesia.

Treating hygroma of the knee joint may be necessary not only because it prevents the patient to function normally, but because it is not the best way affects its appearance. Talk to your doctor if hygroma Hygroma when liquid in unnecessary places  Hygroma when liquid in unnecessary places
   you do not interfere, but you still want to remove it.

Surgical treatment of hygroma Treating hygroma - possible methods  Treating hygroma - possible methods
   on foot appointed only in cases when other methods do not give the expected result. Usually hygroma was removed under local anesthesia, and the patient is sent home after a few hours after surgery. Full recovery after treatment takes from two to eight weeks - the exact date depends on the size of the remote hygroma, and the method used to remove it.

Within a few days after surgery, patients may feel pain and stiffness in the operated area; moreover, the feet may appear edema. However, doctors usually recommend as soon as possible to begin to walk and perform simple physical exercises Myths about exercise: do not believe  Myths about exercise: do not believe
   - It helps tissues heal faster, and to restore the full functionality of the joints, which formed hygroma.

After aspiration hygroma appears again at 6-8 in ten patients after surgery - from 1-4 out of ten. The probability of recurrence after open surgery is higher than after laparoscopy.

Article Tags:
  • hygroma

Glucosamine - a building material of an organism

April 8th, 2010

 The active ingredient in the tablets of glucosamine is glucosamine hydrochloride. Glucosamine is present in humans and is used in the joints as one of "building blocks" for the cartilage. When osteorartrite cartilage that protects the joint bones breaks down, causing pain, inflammation and swelling.

Glucosamine is used to relieve mild to moderate arthritic pain and improve circulation. The usual dose - 2 tablets daily, but, depending on the patient's condition, the dosage may be adjusted individually.

 Glucosamine - a building material of an organism

How does glucosamine?

Glucosamine usually begins to act only after a few weeks of starting treatment. If improvement does not occur within two or three months, you need to see a doctor so that he reconsidered his choice of treatment.

If you have any risk factors for cardiovascular disease (eg, you have high blood pressure, obesity, or if you smoke), throughout the course of treatment you will need to regularly check the level of cholesterol in the blood. In some cases, glucosamine can cause increased cholesterol levels, especially if the patient has a predisposition to it.

Furthermore, glucosamine can increase blood sugar level Blood sugar - a very important indicator  Blood sugar - a very important indicator
 . If you have diabetes, you also during the course of treatment will need to measure the blood sugar level Blood sugar - one of the main indicators of human health  Blood sugar - one of the main indicators of human health

People diagnosed with asthma should also take glucosamine with caution. The probability of complications is quite small, but you need to pay attention to any changes in your health.

 Glucosamine - a building material of an organism

How to take glucosamine

Glucosamine should be taken with food, otherwise there is a high likelihood of irritable bowel. It is believed that it is more effective when used in conjunction with other drugs, such as:

  • Chondroitin sulfate
  • Niacinamide
  • S-adenosylmethionine

In some clinics, doctors give glucosamine hydrochloride in patients who had undergone surgery. It is believed that taking it in just a few days is enough to significantly speed the recovery process of the organism, and even reduce scarring. While it's not a very common practice, but it is the action of glucosamine actively investigated.

 Glucosamine - a building material of an organism

Glucosamine should not be taken:

  • People who are allergic to shellfish (glucosamine hydrochloride is obtained from shellfish)
  • Pregnant and lactating women
  • The drug is not recommended for children and people under 18 years, as long as there is sufficient information about its safety for such patients

 Glucosamine - a building material of an organism

Side effects

When receiving glucosamine patient may experience the following side effects:

  • Sickness
  • Stomach ache
  • Indigestion
  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation
  • Headache
  • Causeless tiredness
  • Skin rashes and itching
  • Sensitivity
  • Reinforced nail growth
  • Fluid retention in the body
  • Drowsiness
  • Lack of appetite and weight loss
  • Elevated blood pressure

Some researchers say that glucosamine could contribute to the development of cataracts, but it is not yet confirmed.

 Glucosamine - a building material of an organism

Drug Interactions

Before you start taking glucosamine, tell your doctor about all medications you are currently taking, including supplements Food additives - basic classification  Food additives - basic classification
 , Herbs and non-prescription medicines.

Glucosamine may slightly increase the effect of blood thinners (anticoagulants). Furthermore, glucosamine reduces the effect of some diuretics. If you need to take diuretics, you may want to slightly increase the dose to get the former effect.

 Glucosamine - a building material of an organism

The origin of the product

In its origin Glucosamine is a complex carbohydrate and amine compound, however, in contrast to all other sugars, glucosamine is not spent on the energy needs of the body and accumulate in the connective tissues of the musculoskeletal system. Later glucosamine used by the body as a building material, participating in the formation of cartilage, articular ligaments, heart valves and nail plates. In addition, glucosamine is a key component to preserve youthful skin: a decrease in the concentration of the substance in the thickness of the skin inevitably leads to loss of elasticity and turgor, that outwardly manifests the formation of wrinkles and sagging skin.

As the loss of connective tissue glucosamine more and more increases the risk of an inflammatory or degenerative joint diseases: arthritis and arthrosis .  This is facilitated not only the natural age-related changes of connective tissue, and excessive exercise (eg, during intensive strength training athletes), neuro-emotional stress, other concomitant diseases of bone and cartilage .  The development of the disease due to the fact that the exposed mechanical load cartilaginous surfaces and other elements of the joint are restored worse due to lack of necessary for this "raw material" - the so-called proteoglycans synthesis that glucosamine takes a direct part, as is the basic "building block" for their formation .  Due to its hydrophilic (water holding capacity) proteoglycans provide the cartilage surface of a high degree of elasticity and resistance to mechanical damage .

The fact that in the pathogenesis of various diseases of the joints is a huge role for glucosamine, has been repeatedly confirmed by various medical studies and observations, as well as practical experience in the relevant specialist areas. As a result of the accumulated knowledge of experts concluded that the additional intake of glucosamine significantly reduces the severity of clinical symptoms in patients suffering from diseases of the joints. So, a few weeks disappear pain, including the feeling of the affected joints. Instrumental skeletal tissue studies indicate the positive dynamics of the recovery of the pathological focus healthy functional structures. Furthermore, glucosamine normalizes metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
   in the connective tissues, which further accelerates the regenerative processes in the "affected" cells.

The result of these findings has been the widespread appearance of drugs in pharmacies, synthesized on the basis of glucosamine (glucosamine sulfate, glucosamine Place and others) .  The advantage of these products is a naturally occurring component of the primary current and its biological affinity for connective tissues of the body, whereby their use does not result in allergic reactions nor any other side effects and complications .  In addition, higher efficiency confirmed treating diseases arthrologic glucosamine preparations compared with conventional antiinflammatory, vitamins and analgesics .  Besides the therapeutic effect of glucosamine preparations stored for another one and a half months after their withdrawal, whereas treatment with standard drugs should be substantially constant .  However, some experts recommend regularly take drugs and glucosamine: Reliability for the therapeutic effect, and prevention of other lesions .

Article Tags:
  • Glucosamine
