Discus compositum - recommended for diseases of the musculoskeletal system

November 12, 2009

  • Discus compositum - recommended for diseases of the musculoskeletal system
  • Homeopathy in the treatment of problems of the musculoskeletal system

 Discus compositum
   Discus compositum is a homeopathic drug. It has antispasmodic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory and sedative properties. In addition, it promotes detoxification and regeneration, as well as improvement of metabolism Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things  Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
 . Discus compositum also improves the functioning of the locomotor system.

 Discus compositum - recommended for diseases of the musculoskeletal system


Discus compositum used to stimulate protective mechanisms in diseases of the joints, including chronic arthritis Arthritis - a variety of forms and complications  Arthritis - a variety of forms and complications
   and arthrosis Osteoarthritis - when the joint loses its function  Osteoarthritis - when the joint loses its function
 And neuralgic or rheumatic disorders in the spine.

 Discus compositum - recommended for diseases of the musculoskeletal system

How to take Discus compositum

The optimal dose of the drug is listed in the instructions on the package, but can be selected individually. Adult patients are usually recommended one injection a day for acute conditions, or use 1-2 ampoules 1-3 times a week. Children from 2 to 6 years of age should be given Discus compositum twice less and less often than adults. Injections can be made intravenously, intramuscularly, subcutaneously or intradermally. The required dose of medicament must first dial from the vial into the syringe and then rapidly shake the syringe. If one injection does not need all the contents of the vial, the remains should be discarded.

Despite the fact that Discus compositum is sold without a prescription, it is not recommended to be taken without prior consultation with the doctor.

If you've never done before injection, it is necessary to obtain detailed instructions on the matter.

 Discus compositum - recommended for diseases of the musculoskeletal system


Discus compositum As a homeopathic remedy, it can not pass as close monitoring as medicines. Before use, you need to carefully inspect the vial of medicine. Discus compositum - is a clear colorless liquid. If any changes to the color or the presence of small particles in a liquid, do not use the drug.

On the influence of the drug Discus compositum health of pregnant women and the fetus, as well as its safety during lactation has too little validated data. Before using the drug is strongly recommended to consult a doctor.

 Discus compositum - recommended for diseases of the musculoskeletal system

Side effects

Some patients taking Discus compositum, there is increased salivation (hypersalivation), skin rash, itching. There are itching and the appearance of edema Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause  Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause
   on the skin area where the injection was given. Should you have any other symptoms that could be signs of an allergic reaction to the drug, contact your doctor.

Discus compositum interaction with other drugs is not well studied. If you are taking any medications, including non-prescription, ask your doctor or pharmacist if it is safe to take them together with Discus compositum.

Information about the overdose of this drug is also missing. If you exceed the recommended dose, watch out for your health. At the slightest sign of deterioration seek medical attention.

Do not let us take Discus compositum other people, even if their symptoms are very similar to symptoms of your disease.

Do not try this drug to treat any other disease.

Keep medicine syringes and needles out of reach of children. Do not re-use needles, syringes and any other materials used for injection.

Discus compositum Storage Temperature should not exceed 25 degrees Celsius. There is evidence that electromagnetic radiation can adversely affect this medicine, so keep Discus compositum at a maximum distance from them.

How to bring the salt from the body - recommendations for all

July 7, 2014

  • How to bring the salt from the body - recommendations for all
  • Methods

 how to get salt from the body
 How to bring the salt from the body, because salt deposits The deposition of salts - a disease of old men?  The deposition of salts - a disease of old men?
   may cause the development of osteoarthritis, kidney stones Kidney stones: identify and treat  Kidney stones: identify and treat
 And certain other disorders. What to bring salt from the body without harming your health at the same time?


Reduce your intake of salt

It is obvious that excrete salt if you eat on a daily basis an excessive amount of salt. Sodium chloride - salt is not the only one that is potentially dangerous for the body; urate, oxalate and other salts in large quantities is also harmful to health, and the following recommendations will help to clear them from the body. However, we are starting to talk about it with salt excretion of sodium chloride, as they - familiar to every table salt, according to statistics, every day abuse the vast majority of the northern hemisphere.

By itself, the salt - this is not a white poison, as it is sometimes called; In contrast, the sodium contained in it - one of the substances necessary for the person. Sol becomes only if a person consumes it in excessive amounts.

For the body to work properly, a man needs quite a bit of sodium - 180 to 500 mg per day. Experts say that the optimal daily dose of sodium intake is 1,500 mg per day, and the maximum permissible dose - 2300 mg. Exceeding this norm it is associated with the risk to human health. In most developed countries of the northern hemisphere people over the age of two years of daily consume more than 3,000 mg of sodium. According to the observations of scientists from the 1970s, sodium intake has increased significantly; This was not least because people in general, began to consume more food. Before you take action to remove salts from the body, begin to carry out the following guidelines to help you reduce your sodium intake:

  • Do not cook out of semi-finished products - they usually add a huge amount of salt;
  • Buy ready-made products with low sodium content (which should be indicated on the label);
  • Avoid fast food - this is useful in many ways, and not just to cleanse the body Cleansing the body - comprehensive restoration  Cleansing the body - comprehensive restoration
   from salts;
  • In restaurants, ask that your food is not salted. Add salt themselves, according to their own taste;
  • Do not buy fast food (porridge, noodles, etc.) - they usually contain a lot of sodium.


How to bring salt from the body with the help of citrus?

Citrus fruit - one of the most useful products for cleansing the body. Within a week, every day on an empty stomach, drink half a glass of fresh juice mixed with the same amount of lemon juice. Eat breakfast in 20-30 minutes.

This cocktail outputs excreted salts, toxins, with vitamins (especially - vitamin C), and also improves mood - citrus fruits are known to possess some of the most lively flavors. People who have stomach problems should not drink citrus juices without first consulting your doctor.


Most eat organic foods

Of course, eat only organic products is not easy (they are not always available), and quite expensive, but try to keep them in your diet was as much as possible. No organic vegetables and fruits should be, if possible, peeled - so you reduce the amount of harmful salts and other substances that enter into your body.


How to bring the salt from the body with water?

There are several ways to demineralized water. Firstly, you can (and should) daily drink 8-10 glasses of water, or more if you are doing physical labor or exercise a lot. In general, drinking should be so that you do not feel thirsty, as thirst is a signal that you will not have enough liquid and this can not be tolerated.

Second, you can arrange one or two unloading days, during which you can only drink water and eat small amounts of fresh fruits and vegetables. Remember that the fasting days should be used only as a means to remove salts from the body, but not as a way to rapid weight loss. You should not restrict your diet of fruit and water for more than two days - it will bring more harm than good.
