Coxarthrosis - inflammation of the hip joints - Treatment

May 13, 2014

  • Coxarthrosis - inflammation of the hip joints
  • Treatment

 Treatment koksartroza

Treatment koksartroza

As a rule, in coxarthrosis is quite effective conservative treatment. Please use it to relieve the symptoms of coxarthrosis, and then take measures to slow the progression of this disorder.


Weight Loss

Even just getting rid of a few extra kilos helps greatly relieve the symptoms of coxarthrosis. Overweight patients tend to lose weight may themselves with diet and moderate exercise. Those with diagnosed obesity, it is better to seek help from a dietitian - he will advise how to get rid of excess weight without harm to health.


Physical exercise

Contrary to popular belief, exercise does not exacerbate the symptoms of osteoarthritis Osteoarthritis - take care of the joints healthy longer  Osteoarthritis - take care of the joints healthy longer
   hips - unless, of course, the patient in the classroom is not in pain. Performing various exercises, first, helps to improve the support for aching joints by strengthening the muscles. Second, the exercise helps preserve and to a certain extent, to increase joint mobility. Thirdly, they help a person to become more resilient, which means that in the future it will be easier to transfer exercise, and the probability of damage to the joints is reduced.

For patients with coxarthrosis swimming it is very useful - especially during exacerbations: it perfectly strengthens muscles, and stress on the joints in the water is minimal. After koksartroza symptoms become less pronounced, you can take a walk (20-30 minutes to start with, and gradually increase the duration), ride a bike or engage in cycling, perform simple yoga exercises.


Pain relief

In most cases such light analgesics like aspirin and paracetamol effectively relieve the symptoms of coxarthrosis. Studies have shown that in properly selected doses paracetamol is often just as effective as prescription anti-inflammatory drugs that can be used to relieve the symptoms of coxarthrosis. As paracetamol causes less side effects, especially in the elderly, it is usually the drug of first choice for this disorder. In addition, to alleviate the symptoms of coxarthrosis may use different types of NSAIDs.

In some cases - as a rule, if the preparations for oral administration do not help - are appointed by the intra-articular injections of corticosteroids. In general, any type of steroids reduce inflammation by affecting the immune system The immune system - how it works?  The immune system - how it works?
 But corticosteroids are among the most potent drugs of this type. The introduction of drugs directly into the joints allows, first, make sure that the right amount of steroids gets to the right place, and secondly, to reduce the likelihood of serious side effects. As a rule, significant relief comes after one injection - the pain passes quickly, and the functionality of the joints improved. Most patients tolerate this treatment well, and only in rare cases there are side effects such as allergic reaction Allergic reactions: how to understand why you tickle in the throat  Allergic reactions: how to understand why you tickle in the throat
 Infection, tendon rupture, bleeding and diskoloratsiya skin.


Hyaluronic acid

If the pain in the hip joint does not help to alleviate any analgesics or exercise and weight loss, and surgery for whatever reason, do not desired, the physician may prescribe the patient a series of injections of hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid is normally found in the synovial fluid, but in coxarthrosis its concentration decreases. The formulations based on this material is temporarily reduced the density of the synovial fluid, improving joint function. It is also contemplated that hyaluronic acid can act directly on nociceptors.

The action of hyaluronic acid in coxarthrosis is not well studied and raises many questions. The results of studies on this topic have been very controversial. For example, in one study the injection of hyaluronic acid facilitate the symptoms of coxarthrosis is not better than the introduction into the joint space simple saline solution. However, according to the analysis of twenty different studies, this facility is well relieves pain in the hip joints, and restores the functionality. The study, which was attended by about a thousand people, it was found that hyaluronic acid significantly more effective than placebo Placebo - an effective tool for self-hypnosis  Placebo - an effective tool for self-hypnosis
 , And relief of symptoms was observed not only immediately after the injection, but six months later. However, there have been other studies in which the effectiveness of hyaluronic acid has not been confirmed. Scientists say that, apparently, it is less effective in the elderly and in patients with severe osteoarthritis. In other patients the probability that the injection of hyaluronic acid will give a positive result, quite large.

Injections of hyaluronic acid made under local anesthesia, and the entire procedure usually takes no more than ten minutes. After injection, patients are recommended for one or two days to abstain from weight training and lifting weights.

There were no serious side effects associated with the injection of hyaluronic acid, it has not yet been found. Its most common side effect is mild pain at the injection site, which usually takes place a few days later. It is unknown linked to this side effect to the impact of the hyaluronic acid, or by injection.

Article Tags:
  • coxarthrosis

Gouty arthritis: all the pain of the salt - Prevention

February 29th, 2012

  • Gouty arthritis: all the pain of the salt
  • Prevention

 gouty arthritis prevention

Gouty arthritis Prevention

If you are obese, try to lose weight How to lose weight - basic principles  How to lose weight - basic principles
   - It will help reduce the level of uric acid in the blood. This is not to stick to a diet, potentially increasing the level of uric acid - for example, protein diets or fasting.

  • Eat wisely: to reduce the high levels of uric acid Uric acid - a normal level?  Uric acid - a normal level?
   refusal to help a large number of proteins and foods containing purines (substances that break down into uric acid) - liver, kidney, seafood.
  • Reduce the amount of alcohol consumed and drinks with sweeteners such as fructose.
  • Increase the amount of fluids you drink to prevent dehydration of the body, up to two liters a day.
  • Regularly check your blood pressure Blood pressure - dangerous if his swing?  Blood pressure - dangerous if his swing?
   - High blood pressure often provokes attacks of gouty arthritis.

Allopurinol - a drug used to prevent gouty arthritis. This medicine does not help suppress the symptoms of gouty arthritis attack, but gradually reduces the level of uric acid in the blood - usually in order to achieve the first results it takes two to three months, during which it is necessary to take allopurinol daily.

Usually allopurinol for the prevention of gouty arthritis recommended in the following cases:

  • If within one year there are two or more attack of gouty arthritis
  • If the disease has resulted in damage to the joints or kidneys
  • If detected in the kidney stones from uric acid salts
  • If you are taking medications that could provoke gouty arthritis What is arthritis - when it hurts everywhere  What is arthritis - when it hurts everywhere

Article Tags:
  • polyarthritis
