Is it harmful to teeth whitening: beauty is not to the detriment - Tips and Tricks

March 14, 2013

  • Is it harmful to teeth whitening: beauty is not to the detriment
  • Tips and Tricks
  • Effects

 Teeth Whitening Tips Secrets

Tips and Tricks

Even in ancient times it was considered beautiful white teeth. What is not only used to whiten them: solutions with nitric acid, chlorine, ammonia, sulfuric acid. But they only destroy teeth. And only in the second half of the last century to find acceptable ways to whiten teeth. However, they are not very safe for teeth.

 Tips and Secrets | harmful to teeth whitening: beauty is not to the detriment

How can you make your teeth lighter

The color of the enamel, usually genetically programmed. But teeth often darken and yellow from bad habits (such as smoking), frequent use of coloring substances (coffee, red wine). Finally, a darkening of the enamel of the teeth resulting in a lack of hygiene.

Make your teeth several shades lighter than you can with the help of professional cleaning - removal of hard and soft plaque .  It is necessary for the dental hygienic procedure, which usually brings not only beautiful, but also benefit .  Removal of soft plaque - prevention of dental caries, as the enzymes of bacteria erode tooth enamel - this is the beginning of caries .  In addition, on the basis of soft plaque is formed first solid plaque, tartar and then .  The latter is often delayed between the tooth and the gum, forming pockets in which bacteria accumulate .  A large accumulation of pathogenic bacteria contributes to top-purulent inflammation in the periodontal tissues (periodontal) .  Therefore, dentists recommend periodic professional tooth cleaning .  It can be carried out with the help of dental instruments, or using special ultrasound equipment, a well-cleaning enamel surface .

But today came into vogue bright white teeth. To achieve the same color with only professional cleaning is not possible. Therefore, there are different methods of teeth whitening Teeth whitening - which option is right for you?  Teeth whitening - which option is right for you?
 . Any method of whitening is certainly harmful to the enamel, which would not speak about this advertisement. The mechanism of bleaching teeth based on the fact that a substance (hydrogen peroxide, urea) in the chemical reaction is decomposed with the liberation of free oxygen which acts on dental hard tissue, turning them pigments in transparent substance that causes bleaching of the teeth. Over time, these teeth darken again (they can become even darker than before), and need a new whitening. Of course, this has a negative impact on the state of the enamel - it becomes less strong, since it formed pores. These pores can penetrate infection (start caries) or any mechanical or chemical (sour, sweet foods) stimulation will cause discomfort - on edge.

 Tips and Secrets | harmful to teeth whitening: beauty is not to the detriment

Secrets of proper teeth whitening

Improper teeth whitening Teeth whitening - which option is right for you?  Teeth whitening - which option is right for you?
   It could not get the result that we would like to have. For example, it is possible to get the effect pereotbelivaniya - with the teeth become dull and chalky. This feature disorders of mineral metabolism in tooth enamel (demineralization) that occurs due to the fact that, along with a dark pigment is removed from the surface of teeth useful mineral salt strengthen the enamel. Such a condition requires rehabilitation treatment (remineralization therapy).

Whitening procedure includes not only the process of bleaching .  Proper tooth whitening procedure includes mandatory training in the form of detection and treatment of dental caries, the replacement of old fillings with new (old fillings can be slit through which to penetrate the tooth whitening agent that destroys the tooth from the inside), the treatment of inflammatory diseases of periodontal tissues .  Then, a thorough professional cleaning of teeth, their grinding, polishing and fluoridation, which prevents the development of caries .  Only then held whitening .  According to a special scale colors dentist determines the natural color of the patient's teeth and tells him what they become after whitening .  A good specialist will not only whiten your teeth in order to please the patient as a result of bleaching mainly depends on the natural color of teeth .  It is also impossible to make a completely white teeth become yellow due to smoking .

 Tips and Secrets | harmful to teeth whitening: beauty is not to the detriment

Contraindications for tooth whitening

A dentist who values ​​its reputation, carefully consider the following contraindications for tooth whitening: pregnancy, breast-feeding Breast-feeding: feed - and no nails!  Breast-feeding: feed - and no nails!
   baby, children who are allergic to various chemicals, caries, any disease periodontal tissue (periodontal), a large number of teeth with fillings, wearing orthodontic appliances (eg brackets - in this case the teeth whiten unevenly), any defects of dental hard tissues (for This increases the sensitivity of the enamel).

Teeth after whitening always acquire a special sensitivity (this alone suggests that the procedure is not harmless). A good specialist will not hide that fact, on the contrary, he will give a series of tips on how to deal with the problem. For example, to brush your teeth How to brush your teeth: interesting facts  How to brush your teeth: interesting facts
   special soft toothbrush, do not eat sour and sweet foods, and so on. To teeth longer retained its color, it is recommended to give up coloring products (tea, coffee, red wine, vegetables, fruits and berries with strong coloring properties), as well as use special whitening toothpastes.

If you decide to whiten your teeth, it is best to consult a professional.

Toothache - folk remedies: what is at hand? - Prevention

May 29, 2011

  • Toothache - folk remedies: what is at hand?
  • Prevention
  • White magic against toothache

When a toothache

Tooth ache in case ruined his crown, and opened access to soft tissue (pulp) of the tooth that has many nerve endings. The initial stages of dental caries affect only the hard tissues of the tooth and are usually painless. If the pulp becomes inflamed (pulpitis), the pain increases.

If you do not treat the pulpit, it becomes periodontitis - an inflammation of the connective ligament that holds the tooth in his cell. If and when this tooth is not treated, the inflammation can go to the jaw bone, there osteomyelitis - a serious illness that affect the state of the whole organism.

Such a large number of complications on patient tooth suggests that any folk remedies can only temporarily ease the pain, but do not solve the problem. If the tooth began to hurt, that without the help of a dentist can not do.

But folk remedies - this is what is always at hand, and they should use to remove or at least to reduce toothache Toothache - itself does not take place  Toothache - itself does not take place

 Prevention | Toothache - folk remedies: what is at hand?

Rinse toothache

For ease toothache can rinse the mouth following infusions and decoctions of herbs:

  • infusion of onion peel: medium onion peel, pour a glass of boiling water for fifteen to twenty minutes, strain, wring out and rinse your mouth with infusion;
  • infusion of chicory root (or sage Sage - cvyaschennaya grass  Sage - cvyaschennaya grass
 , St. John's wort): tablespoon dried minced raw pour a glass of boiling water for fifteen to twenty minutes, strain, wring out and rinse your mouth;
  • infusion of thyme or lemon balm: two tablespoons of chopped dry grass pour a glass of boiling water for fifteen to twenty minutes, strain, wring out and rinse your mouth;
  • chopped fresh raspberry leaves pour apple cider vinegar, infuse for three days, strain and use for rinsing, diluting two tablespoons in a glass of water;
  • decoction of oak bark or the bark of aspen: two tablespoons dried minced raw pour a glass of cold water, bring to a boil and cook for ten minutes, cool, strain, used for rinsing;
  • Rinse the mouth with strong alcohol solutions - of vodka or cognac.

 Prevention | Toothache - folk remedies: what is at hand?

Other remedies for toothache

Popular folk remedies, which are applied to the tooth for pain:

  • tooth to the gum to attach a piece of salty bacon;
  • a small portion of onion grate, wrap in a clean cloth and put in the ear on the opposite side, where the aching tooth;
  • the destroyed tooth caries can put a drop of clove oil, it will remove the inflammation and pain;
  • attach the tooth to the gum cotton wool soaked in tincture of birch buds, which is prepared as follows: Pour a tablespoon of the kidneys half a glass of vodka, insist week, strain;
  • breath of his mouth over by burning dry leaves mother and stepmother;
  • put on the aching tooth a piece of raw beets;
  • rub the gums near the aching tooth garlic Garlic health: almost a panacea  Garlic health: almost a panacea
  • on the skin side of the cheeks patient to make a compress of turpentine;
  • at the bottom of a small saucepan pour a thin layer of liquid honey; then take the rusty nail, to heat it in the fire and put in a hot honey; honey around the nail turns black, they lubricate the gums;
  • chop the onion and garlic, take a teaspoon, add a teaspoon of salt, stir, put a small amount in a napkin and attach to the tooth;
  • a small piece of propolis attach to the tooth, covering the top with cotton for 15 minutes;
  • chopped garlic bandage to the inside of the opposite wrist aching tooth;
  • cut a small piece of leaf aloe Aloe - its amazing healing properties  Aloe - its amazing healing properties
 Make it a longitudinal section and attach to the sore tooth.
