Toothache - folk remedies: what is at hand? - Household Magic toothache

May 29, 2011

  • Toothache - folk remedies: what is at hand?
  • Prevention
  • White magic against toothache

White magic against toothache

Appliance magic Methods traditionally used in the treatment of various diseases, including relief of toothache Toothache - itself does not take place  Toothache - itself does not take place

  • changing the right side to the left: note which hand the patient the main, right or left, and ask him to all his normal job to do mostly the other hand are not the main (dressing, eating); can be put on the other hand a ring or a watch;
  • on Monday at the growing moon to choose a young tree linden or walnut, growing away from the village (it is desirable that it has not been touched), notching its bark, raise it, cut or break off the inside of the wood stick the size of a matchstick, stick it in the gum sick tooth before the blood; then put the stick into place, close the crust, cover up or tie the bark so that it once again has grown to a tree;
  • at the growing moon to turn his back on her and read the prayer "Our Father."

 White magic against toothache | Toothache - folk remedies: what is at hand?


It helps with toothache and acupressure Acupressure - Eastern practices in the service of modern science  Acupressure - Eastern practices in the service of modern science
 Which should be done at least five minutes, applying the "screw up cog" finger movements:

  • if you have a toothache Toothache: what to do?  Toothache: what to do?
   on the lower jaw, then you need to massage the affected side index finger point located in the angle of the mandible; Massage will also help point on the back of the hand in the hole between the first (thumb) and second (index finger) metacarpal bones (metacarpals form a brush) on the hand;
  • if it hurts the upper tooth, you need to massage the point located at the intersection of the lines from the hearing of extended opening towards the nose and on the angle of the mandible up; and massage will help point on the boundary of the temple, forehead and hairline.

Removing toothache folk remedies in any case should not delay the visit to the dentist.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • toothache,
  • folk remedies

Wisdom Tooth - remove and not to suffer - What is the wisdom tooth, and when he cut through

March 15, 2009

  • Wisdom Tooth - remove and not to suffer
  • What is the wisdom tooth, and when he cut through

What is the wisdom tooth, and when he cut through

Wisdom Tooth - a permanent tooth (third and last in a series of large molar tooth or molar), which erupt after 18 years and often causes a variety of complications, they are called - shortness of eruption of wisdom teeth.

A feature of a wisdom tooth is that it is situated in the last row, and therefore, the neighboring tooth is supported only on one side, which enables it to smoothly deflect aside. This tooth generally falls hard to make their way in the first place, because at the point of eruption was no milk tooth (and hence, the place was not prepared), and secondly, - the time of its eruption jaw bone already formed and punching them much more difficult. All of this contributes to the fact that the tooth often "leaves aside" and erupt properly.

In some cases, the teeth erupt earlier or later date. Delayed teething Teething: hard times  Teething: hard times
   It called retention, and a tooth "stuck" in the jaw - impacted. When erupting wisdom teeth sometimes deviates to one side, a wrong location called dystopia. Sometimes some of the teeth are formed cysts cause inflammation of the surrounding tissue and pain.

Often erupting wisdom teeth he just did not have enough space in the dentition, and it causes a variety of complications of its eruption.

 What is the wisdom tooth, and when he cut through | Wisdom Tooth - remove and not to suffer

Complications erupting wisdom teeth

Incorrect eruption of wisdom teeth is often accompanied by inflammation of periodontal tissues, since the injury of soft tissue they can always get an infection, which is always "live" in the mouth. First, there is inflammation of the gums (gingivitis), then this inflammation can go on deeper tissues surrounding the tooth, then there is periodontal disease, and in the defeat ligament that holds the tooth in the socket, - periodontitis Periodontitis - a serious complication of pulpitis  Periodontitis - a serious complication of pulpitis
 . A sign of inflammation in this area is redness and swelling of the gums around wisdom teeth, bad breath, with the defeat of periodontal - severe pain.

If the cause of inflammation is an impacted wisdom tooth, it is usually removed, after having treated the inflammation.

Already cut, but incorrectly positioned wisdom teeth can also lead to the development of inflammation, since in some cases it is difficult to carry out daily oral hygiene Oral hygiene - not only in the dentist's chair  Oral hygiene - not only in the dentist's chair
   and this occurs when plaque is often the source of infection. In such cases also removed wisdom tooth.

Sometimes erupting wisdom teeth may begin inflammation of the trigeminal nerve, then there is a strong pain along the branches of the nerve.

 What is the wisdom tooth, and when he cut through | Wisdom Tooth - remove and not to suffer

Diagnosis incorrect eruption of wisdom teeth

Diagnosis is based on a thorough examination of the patient and X-ray examination of data that can fully confirm the location of the tooth, its root hard tissue (jaw bone) surrounding the tooth and its degree of immersion in the cell (in the jaw, specifically for the tooth). All of this allows us to solve the question of the need to remove the tooth.

 What is the wisdom tooth, and when he cut through | Wisdom Tooth - remove and not to suffer

Indications for the removal of wisdom teeth

The indication for removal is the presence of inflammatory phenomena around the wisdom tooth. But if a tooth is the right direction of growth or growing with a slight shift in the direction of a nearby, propped his tooth, the tooth is usually maintained, have treated the inflammation. Sometimes, if the neighboring large molar tooth is defective and disturbs the normal eruption of wisdom teeth, it is removed.

When neuritis trigeminal wisdom tooth usually also removed.

 What is the wisdom tooth, and when he cut through | Wisdom Tooth - remove and not to suffer

Surgery to remove impacted wisdom tooth

If the need for the removal of wisdom tooth resolved, the operation is conducted removal of impacted tooth. To do this, under local anesthesia separated mucosa together with the periosteum, removed part of the bone, which is located above a wisdom tooth, and then remove the wisdom tooth itself (if it can not be removed completely, then remove piece by piece). Then the mucosa and periosteum reduced with sutures, and the hole (the place where the extracted tooth) tamponiruyut special swabs How to use sanitary pad - basic precautions  How to use sanitary pad - basic precautions

 What is the wisdom tooth, and when he cut through | Wisdom Tooth - remove and not to suffer

Complications that may arise after the removal of wisdom teeth

After the removal of wisdom teeth in the hole should form a blood clot. If not, then a so-called "dry hole" which may be the cause of severe pain a few days after tooth extraction. To remove the pain caused by nerve injury, topically applied anesthetic swabs.

Sometimes Field wisdom tooth removal there numb lip, chin and tongue that do not go away within a few days. This is due to injury to the nerve endings of sensory nerves. Such a violation is sometimes difficult to treat and is a long time.

Remember: If wisdom teeth begin to erupt incorrectly, than before to remove, so it is easier and less cause all sorts of complications.

Article Tags:
  • wisdom teeth
