Professional dental care - see your dentist-hygienist
April 20, 2008
- Professional dental care - see your dentist-hygienist
- Oral hygiene
Basic rules of dental care, most of us have explained so long ago that we hardly remember when I first heard that the teeth should be cleaned twice a day, which is sweet - harmful to the teeth, and that the language also live bacteria, and therefore it needs to be clean.
Brushing teeth
Today in the open market are toothbrushes and toothpaste approved by experts, so much to make a mistake with their choice difficult. The most popular brands of toothpaste about equally good, and many people prefer the taste and price, not other characteristics. More expensive pharmacy paste suitable for people with sensitive teeth and gums, or with some other problems, but it will never replace the care professional. When choosing a toothbrush
Toothbrushes - make no mistake in choosing
should pay attention to the hardness of the bristles. Most experts recommend a soft bristle brush, but some preferred medium hardness. Do not use the same toothbrush for more than three months. This - the maximum term, but it is better to change the brush more often.
Brush your teeth in a circular motion careful, try not to hurt the gums. In addition, it is necessary at least once a day, flossing. It also should be used with caution. Since the spaces between the teeth mineralized dentin is not full, very intense movements of the thread is likely to damage the teeth.
Many experts recommend every six months to do a professional cleaning of the teeth in the dental office. This helps prevent the formation of tartar
Plaque - why it should be removed?
and avoid many other problems.
What destroys teeth
For proper dental care is important not only to clean them regularly, and avoid what could hurt them.
Methamphetamine is one of the illegal drugs, can quickly ruin your teeth (or one of its ingredients are hydrochloric acid). As a rule, however, people taking methamphetamine, care little about the state of their teeth and overall health.
However, even some legal drugs can be very harmful to the teeth. These include, for example, tetracycline
Tetracycline - a natural broad-spectrum antibiotic
and certain other antibiotics. The children who took them under the age of ten years, they can cause permanent teeth diskoloratsiyu. Some antibiotics used for acne treatment, have the same effect.
As has long been known, nicotine causes the formation of stains on the teeth, so smoking cessation is recommended to all those who take care of their teeth.
Frequent consumption of acidic foods and carbonated drinks probably even more harmful to teeth than nicotine.
Incidentally, the sugar itself does not pose a big problem for the teeth. The important thing is how long it stays on the teeth. In this sense, it is particularly dangerous variety of candies, toffees - fragments stick to the teeth and remain there as long as you do not use a brush. So after eating a meal, try as soon as possible to brush your teeth
How to brush your teeth: interesting facts
. If this is not possible, at least rinse your teeth and chew gum with water.
Healthy eating is very important for dental care - as well as for maintaining good health in general. From nutrients to the teeth are particularly important calcium and vitamin D, which helps calcium absorbed. However, for best results, a person needs the whole complex of nutrients and minerals. If necessary, you can take vitamin supplements, vitamins, but ideally should come from food.
Stagger teeth - a dangerous signal
July 20, 2011
If teeth stagger the child during the replacement of milk teeth
Milk teeth - how they are formed?
the constant, it is a normal physiological phenomenon. If you stagger your teeth in the adult, it is often said that the wrong gums and other periodontal tissue - a condition that requires the help of a dentist and long-term treatment.
Why can stagger teeth adult
Such a condition can be caused by or in violation of metabolic processes in periodontal tissues (periodontal disease), or inflammation (periodontitis). Often there is a combination of these processes, when the disease begins with metabolic disorders, resulting in impaired immunity and joins the inflammatory process. Previously, it was generally considered a single disease. And periodontal disease and periodontitis proceed very long time and are an obstacle to any prosthetics and implantable titanium tooth roots, which subsequently underwent prosthetics.
Periodontitis is a complex of tissues surrounding the root of a tooth and having one with him genetic origin. It gums, mucous membrane covering of the alveolar jaw bone alveoli, periodontal (ligament that holds the tooth in the cell).
The reason that stagger teeth - periodontitis
It called periodontitis inflammation of periodontal tissues. This disease is characterized by progressive destruction of the periodontal tissues and jaw bones, which are tooth rows.
It starts with gingivitis periodontitis usually - inflammation of the gums. Gradually between the tooth and the periodontal tissue tartar deposited, thereby forming a pocket or space between the tooth and periodontal tissue. Gradually, in the pocket of accumulated food debris, bacteria and their waste products that cause inflammation, destroying the periodontal tissues and loosening teeth. Eventually destroyed interdental bony septum that hold teeth in the cells, which further weakens the teeth, and they begin to fall.
The disease usually takes a long time, with exacerbations and remissions. Exacerbations are accompanied by such common disorders as fever and malaise. The acute course of the disease almost never occurs, but chronic periodontitis - quite common, it can be mild, moderate and severe degrees of severity:
- easy periodontitis - gum bleeding
How to prevent bleeding gums: important rules
when brushing your teeth, itching and burning in the gums, a rapid formation of dental plaque, redness and swelling of the gums, formation of small (up to 3 mm) periodontal pocket;
- periodontitis of moderate severity - significant bleeding, tooth sensitivity
Tooth Sensitivity - sudden pain
, Redness and swelling of gums, gum reconfiguration, gapping gingiva to the tooth, the periodontal pocket of 4 mm;
- severe periodontitis - pain, difficulty in biting and chewing, tooth mobility, the gap between them, suppuration, putrid breath, deformation gums, periodontal pockets of 6-7 mm or more.
Treatment of periodontitis should be comprehensive and individualized. Here are different types of surgical treatment to eliminate the periodontal pocket and the stimulation of regenerative processes in the jaw bone. With orthopedic treatment eliminates shakiness teeth. In addition, all identified and being treated carious teeth, removes dental plaque, including tartar between the gum and tooth. The treatment takes a long time, while the patient is required to teach proper oral hygiene.
The reason that stagger teeth - periodontal disease
Periodontal disease - an exchange-dystrophic (ie, with a decrease in the amount of periodontal tissue) disease. This inflammatory process in the tissue is missing, exposed necks of the teeth (the place of transition in the crown of the tooth root), and sometimes part of the roots. Tartar can be a little while so periodontal pockets usually does not happen, but the jaw bone can be reduced in volume due to metabolic disorders. This characteristic bone lesions symmetric and uniform reduction of the height mezhalveolyarnyh bony partitions. Periodontal disease is often associated with diseases of the cardiovascular system.
The cause of periodontal disease may be hormonal disorders
Hormonal disorders - oversupply and a lack of equally dangerous
Diseases, blood circulation (hypertension, atherosclerosis, vascular dystonia). It contributes to the emergence of periodontal disease, and a sedentary lifestyle.
Treatment of periodontal disease begins with identifying the root cause of its appearance, that is, from a comprehensive survey. Therefore, periodontal disease is usually treated with two specialists: a dentist and a doctor whose specialty is to detect diseases.
Dentist primarily eliminates tooth sensitivity, detects and cures all of their disease, eliminates sharp edges of teeth with their increased abrasion, makes recommendations for oral hygiene. Required appointed treatment aimed at restoring or improving the blood supply to the periodontal tissues.
If you stagger teeth, it is necessary to prepare for a full examination and duration of treatment.
Galina Romanenko