Plantar fasciitis - correct gait - Causes and symptoms

July 11, 2010

  • Plantar fasciitis - correct gait
  • Causes and symptoms

Fascia and their functions

Fascia - a shell formed by dense connective tissue covering the muscles and tendons, organs and some of the neurovascular bundle. They form the housings for the muscles, blood vessels and nerves that hold the muscles and tendons in a certain position, provide food to prisoners in their tissues.

Plantar aponeurosis in the middle section of the sole is thicker soles own fascia. At the edges it becomes thinner and is attached to the bones of the midfoot, and the front is attached to the I and V metatarsal bones, located in front of the respective toes. Plantar aponeurosis has a particularly dense structure in the middle part. Through a small hole in the subcutaneous tissue of the plantar fascia is reported with an average fascial bed soles.

 Causes and symptoms | Plantar fasciitis - correct gait

Plantar fasciitis and its causes

Fasciitis is an inflammation of the plantar fascia, the disease occurs relatively rarely. Inflammation of the plantar fascia is called plantar fasciitis. Developing plantar fasciitis at constant tension ligament that supports the arch of the foot during long and constant exercise. This causes irritation of the periosteum of the calcaneus and the emergence of a very small and practically imperceptible tears of the plantar fascia at the point of its attachment to the heel bone. These reasons contribute to the emergence of aseptic (non-infectious) in the area of ​​inflammation, the appearance of the surrounding soft tissues edema and pain.

What matters is also a genetic predisposition to the disease that is hereditary deficiency of the connective tissue. Men get sick more often middle-aged and elderly.

Factors predisposing to the development of plantar fasciitis are:

  • gait with exposing inwards (pronation) of the foot;
  • wrong arch (very high or, on the contrary, very low), flat feet;
  • constant walking or standing on hard surfaces;
  • excess body weight;
  • Wearing an uncomfortable or worn-out shoes;
  • stress the Achilles tendon or calf muscles (for example, frequent walking on tiptoes or on pointe).

 Causes and symptoms | Plantar fasciitis - correct gait

Symptoms of plantar fasciitis

The main symptom of this disease is a pain in the sole when walking. Most often, the pain from the inner edge of the foot appears in the morning or after a long day of rest after the first steps. There are also a pain in the arch of the foot, the inner and outer ankle and heel, which may be aggravated by physical effort. He suffers from joint of the thumb, it becomes more sensitive to the pressure, which is manifested by pain in this area.

The plantar aponeurosis formed nodules that gradually merge into a bundle. Cord thickens, becomes dense texture, is soldered to the skin, there is a flexion contracture (persistent violation of the joint) of fingers, feet, walking more difficult. Sometimes it affects both feet

The diagnosis of plantar fasciitis is made by medical examination and X-ray confirmed the stop.

 Causes and symptoms | Plantar fasciitis - correct gait

How can I help you

Treatment of plantar fasciitis should be complex. First of all, try to identify and eliminate the causes contributing to the formation fasciitis (abnormal gait, worn shoes and so on). For pain relief prescribed the correct mode walk (with rest pain and the appearance of a maximum reduction of time walking on a hard surface), wearing comfortable shoes. If the patient has excessive walking foot turn inward against the backdrop of flatfoot Flatfoot - help physiotherapy  Flatfoot - help physiotherapy
 , Appointed by wearing orthopedic shoes Orthopedic shoes - how to determine what is right for you?  Orthopedic shoes - how to determine what is right for you?
   with reinforced heel and arch support.

Drug treatment includes painkillers drugs. To reduce inflammation and swelling Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause  Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause
   appointed physiotherapy - ultrasound therapy (phonophoresis with steroid hormones, usually hydrocortisone). Assign also gymnastics and massage.

If conservative treatment is ineffective, the surgery is performed, which consists in excision of the affected plantar aponeurosis. The prognosis for the proper and timely treatment is favorable.

When the plantar fascia importantly - is to understand what caused it. Treatment can be given only after the correct diagnosis, or both treatment and correction of the foot will not bring relief, will only aggravate the problem.

Galina Romanenko

Habitual dislocation - that kind of attack you pursue? - Shoulder Injury

January 1, 2013

  • Habitual dislocation - that kind of attack you pursue?
  • Shoulder injury

 habitual dislocation of the shoulder

Habitual shoulder dislocation

Habitual shoulder dislocations occur and are repeated at various times after the initial dislocation with little violence or even with normal movements. It can cause any domestic movement - dressing, washing, grooming, lifting a small weight and so on. This occurs because the status of injured during the initial dislocation of the joint capsule, muscles and ligaments in his time has not been fully restored, and with each subsequent dislocation is more compounded. Gradually, the joint capsule and ligaments are stretched and can not hold the joint in proper position. Suffer and arm muscles, they begin to atrophy (decrease in volume) and gradually becomes thinner one hand the other. Difficult to passive movements of the shoulder joint (if the patient moves the hand by someone else, such as a doctor).

On radiographs of the shoulder joint picture habitual shoulder luxation (dislocation outside the state) does not differ from the norm. Therefore, the diagnosis is valuable picture taken in the past, in a state of dislocation. Only with disease duration (over 2-3 years) and frequent dislocations on the radiograph can be seen emerging signs of osteoarthritis Osteoarthritis - when the joint loses its function  Osteoarthritis - when the joint loses its function
   - Persistent joint change with the growth of connective tissue.

 Shoulder injury | Habitual dislocation - that kind of attack you pursue?


Treatment of habitual dislocation can be conservative and surgical. Conservative treatment can be effective only if after a traumatic dislocation of a few weeks or months, and dislocation of no more than three times.

In such cases, the reduction of dislocation after immobilization of the joint is carried out and spend treatment aimed at strengthening the muscles surrounding the joint massage courses, physiotherapy, reflexology Reflexology - a policy of non-drug therapies  Reflexology - a policy of non-drug therapies
 . After removing the immobilization - physiotherapy. If all these measures do not help, and habitual dislocation continues, carried out an operation.

Operation - the most effective and radical method of treatment of habitual dislocation. The following types of operations:

  • the strengthening of the joint capsule - suturing and strengthen its walls;
  • plastic surgery on the muscles and tendons that attach to the changes in the joints - cut, move, stretch or contract;
  • operation to create new ligaments that hold the bones of the head in the glenoid cavity;
  • bone grafting - the creation of bone lock, preventing the displacement of the bones of the head;
  • the combined method, which may include all of the various combinations of all of the other methods.

After the operation is superimposed immobilization period which is dependent on the operation and characteristics of the affected joint. After removing the immobilization is carried massage, therapeutic exercises and physiotherapy. It is recommended to limit physical exertion on the joint for six months.

Prevention of habitual dislocation Dislocation - Prevention and Treatment  Dislocation - Prevention and Treatment
   the timely adequate treatment of traumatic dislocations.

Galina Romanenko

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  • sprains
