- Dislocated shoulder - do not try to put everything in place
- Traumatic dislocation
What is the cause of the dislocation, and dislocation of the shoulder
Dislocation - a persistent shift articular ends of bones forming a joint, beyond their physiological mobility that leads to disruption of the joint. Dislocations are full (with a complete loss of contact between the articular surfaces) and incomplete (partial loss of contact). Sprained considered peripheral bone, the title of which is denoted by a dislocation. Thus, when a dislocation of the shoulder joint suggests a dislocated shoulder.
Due to the occurrence of traumatic dislocations are divided into, the usual (sometimes develop after the initial dislocation in the wrong, or untimely assistance provided), congenital (the result of improper fetal development) and pathological (occurring in various diseases of the joints, which leads to a change in the articular surfaces of the bones).
Traumatic dislocation of the shoulder
Traumatic dislocation of the shoulder are much more likely dislocation
Dislocation - Prevention and Treatment
due to the fact that the shoulder joint has a pronounced discrepancy between the surfaces of the bones forming the joint, between the quantity and the shape of the humeral head and the glenoid surface of the scapula. The appearance of traumatic shoulder dislocation is most often associated with indirect injury or fast strong violent movement in the joint.
Traumatic dislocation, usually accompanied by rupture of the joint capsule over a large area, damage to the muscles and ligaments in the form of tears and sprains, intra-articular hemorrhage, detachment of muscles, ligaments and bones. Also can damage nerves and blood vessels. All this is accompanied by severe pain and can further give a complication in the form of arthrosis
Osteoarthritis - when the joint loses its function
- Proliferation of connective tissue in the joint limiting its function.
Depending on the time elapsed since the injury, a dislocated shoulder is divided into fresh (since the injury was not more than 3 days), stale (3-4 weeks) and chronic (over a month), and depending on the condition of the skin on closed and open.
When dislocation of the humeral head may move anteriorly, posteriorly or downward from the glenoid cavity, so share the front (most common), and lower back sprains.
Signs of traumatic shoulder dislocation
Dislocation of the shoulder is always accompanied by severe pain and a complete disruption of the hand. The head of the victim is usually tilted down and turned into the damaged side, shoulder girdle is omitted, good hand it supports the injured arm. The injured arm is usually bent at the elbow, take aside (it can not lead to the body) and looks longer than the healthy. Movement in the injured arm sharply violated, the victim can not touch the fingers of the hand of his abdomen. If you try to lift the other person, or take the side injured hand, there is a spring resistance. The muscles that surround the shoulder joint, tense.
Released from the joint head of the humerus can compress blood vessels and nerves, which in turn will cause a discoloration of the skin (pallor or cyanosis), especially in the fingers injured hand, the weakening or absence of a pulse in the traditional measurement site (the wrist, below the thumb) and various sensory disturbances in the area.
The contours of the shoulder joint, instead of the normal rounded, flattened. When the feeling his hands the head of the humerus in the glenoid cavity of the blade is not, moving forward, backward or down.
First aid
If you suspect a dislocated shoulder in any case can not reduce a dislocation of their own, this can lead to additional injury: damage and even bone fracture
A bone fracture - the scourge of children and the elderly
, Damage to blood vessels, nerves and soft tissues.
It is necessary to fix the arm in a position in which it is located, attach to the cold area of the joint, if the surface of the skin has an open wound, then it is better to apply a sterile bandage, and then as quickly as possible to bring the victim to the emergency room. Secure the arm can be using any available material, giving it the shape of gussets (triangle) and fasten around the neck.
Diagnosis and treatment
The diagnosis of shoulder dislocation can be delivered immediately after the examination, it is confirmed by X-ray examination.
Reduction of dislocated shoulder held by a physician under general or local anesthesia. There are many ways to reposition the shoulder (Hippocrates-Cooper, Kocher, Janelidze, etc.) - all of them can only be carried out by the doctor. After repeated reduction of dislocation do an x-ray to make sure that the dislocation vpravlen, and on the injured limb is applied in two or three weeks, plaster bandage, fixing his hand to his chest. A week later appointed physiotherapy, massage and physiotherapy. The work of the joint is reduced by 1-1, 5 months. To engage in heavy physical labor and lifting weights is not recommended for three months.
Dislocated shoulder - it is a serious injury, so the victim must be as fast as possible to deliver to the traumatologist.
Galina Romanenko