- Habitual dislocation - that kind of attack you pursue?
- Shoulder injury
Sprains - is offset relative to each other of the articular surfaces of bones, which is accompanied by damage to the joint capsule and ligaments. The most common sprains are the result of damage, ie they are traumatic. Habitual dislocation - is a pathology in which the dislocation of the joint is repeated several times.

Why is there a habitual dislocation
The most common habitual dislocation of the shoulder. It is especially common among athletes who are engaged in judo, wrestling, jumping. Gymnastics, volleyball, basketball often lead to dislocation of the elbow joint. Occasionally there patellar dislocation
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Which is common in motorcyclists at constant knee injury.
There are several reasons that lead to the formation of habitual dislocation. These include:
- Later, seeking medical help;
- Severe damage to the joint capsule and ligaments of muscles and tendons that surround it. In such situations, even after a full treatment of sprains in the joint can be repeated;
- Damage to nerves and blood vessels that pass close to the injured joint;
- Inadequate treatment of primary dislocation;
- The absence of anesthesia during reposition the previous dislocations;
- Application of rough ways reposition;
- Lack of immobilization (creating stiffness in the joints) or a failure;
- Early in the joint exercise.
The shoulder joint is thus movable in the human body. Its structure has a number of features that explain the frequent occurrence of dislocations in it:
- Humeral head has a spherical shape and large size;
- Partly glenoid cavity, which is located on the blade, slightly concave;
- The forces of the muscles that surround the joint, is not enough to prevent frequent sprains;
- Stretched joint capsule.
In the primary dislocation under the influence of the head of the humerus injury with great force presses the joint capsule, which is due to this significantly stretched. Humeral head out of the glenoid cavity on the blade. Sometimes the capsule is broken and the articular lip (cartilage, which is located on the edge of the glenoid cavity) comes off the bone. Such damage often leads to the formation of habitual dislocation.
When, during the injury to the edge of the glenoid cavity rests head on this part of the humerus is formed impression. It also contributes to frequent dislocations.
When habitual shoulder dislocation often occurs stretching or tearing of the biceps tendon. The articular surface of the bone degenerative changes occur. There is a tension of the axillary vessels and nerve damage, which are part of the brachial plexus. With each subsequent dislocation of all of these changes continue to progress.

Symptoms and Diagnosis
Most often, the disease manifests itself within six months after a traumatic dislocation was vpravlen. In some patients habitual dislocation occurs several times a year, while others - every day. Gradually, the time intervals between the dislocations become smaller as the pathological changes in the joint increase.
Pain is much weaker than in traumatic dislocation. Sometimes they may not even be.
Habitual dislocation occurs with minimal damage to the joints, and even when performing everyday activities. Weight lifting, sudden movements, grooming, putting on clothes can lead to a significant shift of the articular surfaces of bones relative to each other. Sometimes sprains occur during sleep
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In men, this disease occurs several times more often than women. Patients are usually able to reduce a dislocation themselves, and thus rarely go to the doctor. They protect the hand and try not to do such movements in which there is a pathological condition.
The diagnosis is usually made based on history (the story of man on how the illness). Extracts from history can also help detect abnormalities. These patients are in the hospital, where they reduce a previous sprains.
Sometimes, in the area of the affected joint is reduced sensitivity. This is associated with damage to the nerve fibers. The muscles that surround the joint, may atrophy, i.e. decrease in volume. In this limb on the affected side looks thinner than healthy.
X-ray study provides a lot of useful information about the status of the joint. For example, with the usual shoulder dislocation
Dislocated shoulder - do not try to put everything in place
the picture you will notice a defect in the humeral head and damage to the articular cavity of the blade edge.

There are surgical and conservative treatment of habitual dislocation
Dislocation - Prevention and Treatment
. But treatment without surgery is usually ineffective. In some cases, if the dislocation was repeated two or three times, prescribe massage and physiotherapy. These measures are aimed at strengthening the muscles. During treatment, be sure to limit the movement in the joint.
In most cases, the usual sprains are treated surgically. All operations can be divided into five groups:
- Operations reinforcing the joint capsule;
- Operations in the muscles, ligaments and tendons, which are aimed at reducing the movement in the joint;
- Operations on the creation of additional bundles of local tissue or grafts;
- Operations on the bones. When these reduced bone defects or create additional protrusions, which limit a pathological displacement of the bones in the joint area;
- Combined operation, which include several methods of surgery.
After surgery, the patient's limb is fixed in position by means of special dressings. It is applied for about one month.
To the period of rehabilitation proceeded favorably, the doctor physical therapist recommends specific exercises. To increase the mobility in the joint during the first weeks after the operation can be performed only passive motion. A month later, the patient needs to be done and active exercises to increase strength and muscle elasticity.
Massage and physiotherapy - essential components of rehabilitation. The load on the joint is fully permitted only six months after surgery.
If dislocations in any joint occur too often, you need to seek medical help. Habitual dislocation successfully treated by surgery, allowing patients to continue to maintain a normal life.