Diet for diarrhea: basic principles

December 13, 2014

 Diet for diarrhea
 There is hardly on the planet at least one person who has never suffered from diarrhea. Loose stools, even if it is not accompanied by abdominal pain - very unpleasant, but also dangerous symptom. Diet diarrhea designed, on the one hand, to soothe the digestive tract, and on the other - to prevent dehydration.

 Diet for diarrhea: basic principles

Causes of diarrhea

Diarrhea can occur with a variety of diseases. Sometimes the cause of diarrhea Diarrhea (diarrhea) - a familiar nuisance  Diarrhea (diarrhea) - a familiar nuisance
   getting poor quality food, sometimes - bad food combinations. And often diarrhea is one of the symptoms of serious intestinal infections, and in such a situation, self-useless, and even dangerous. Sometimes, loose stools - a sign of internal diseases, and sometimes this symptom occurs during exacerbation of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Cause of the disease affects its flow. And if the diarrhea is caused by improper combination of products, quite harmless, the digestive disorders due to viral or bacterial activity, serious poisoning or disease of the internal organs in need of special treatment. Therefore, if indigestion accompanied by abdominal pain, fever, headache Headache: Causes and Complications  Headache: Causes and Complications
 , Fainting, or confusion, it is necessary to see a doctor, not hoping that diarrhea will pass on their own. Without medical consultation and can not do if symptoms last more than two days.

But whatever the reasons or would be caused by diarrhea, its treatment is necessarily accompanied by a change in diet. In some cases such changes enough to diarrhea ceased. In other situations, a special diet is becoming an important part of the treatment of the underlying disease.


Diet for acute diarrhea

Indigestion - a good reason to revise their menus and make a number of changes in the diet. Meals for diarrhea in children and adults, designed to reduce the burden on the digestive tract, to provide the body with all the necessary nutrients and contribute to the improvement of the functional state of the digestive organs.

Typically, diarrhea accompanied by a reduction in appetite. This is the case when you should listen to your body: it is not necessary to burden the already irritated digestive tract goodies.

Diarrhea is nothing more than a body cleansing Cleansing the body - comprehensive restoration  Cleansing the body - comprehensive restoration
 And not worth roughly interfere in this process, breaking it over.

But to refuse from drinking in any case impossible. Dehydration of the body can be very dangerous, especially for children, elderly and handicapped people. It will not benefit the healthy and so avoid dehydration. This means that special attention should be given to replenish stocks of the liquid, as well as minerals and salts, which are suffering from diarrhea loses body.

Every half hour you should drink one or two glasses of fluid, and the more pronounced the symptoms of diarrhea, the more you need to drink. If diarrhea is accompanied by vomiting, the need to drink in small portions, literally sip, but very often. You can drink normal or slabomineralizirovannuyu water, black tea, raspberry leaf decoction, some herbal teas. Some doctors recommend as drinking apple juice, broth blueberries Benefits and harms of blueberries: the health of the forest  Benefits and harms of blueberries: the health of the forest
   or blackcurrant.

If the body loses a lot of fluids, you should prepare a special solution for a drink of water, salt, baking soda and honey. This drink is not only to restore stocks lost fluids, and salt balance in the body.



The emergence of appetite does not mean that you can now have everything you want. Please include in the diet of a small amount of cooked white rice. For croup can add a little salt, but have to give up sugar. It is useful not only rice but also his broth - slimy soup with rice for a long time considered the ideal food for diarrhea.

In the future, a list of authorized products expanded by savory crackers and nesdobnoe of wheat bread, jelly, omelet steam, lean meat and fish. Introduce new products on the menu should be gradually, in small doses.

Especially important is the diet for diarrhea in young children. Even after the disappearance of symptoms better a few days to give the child a neutral food that will soothe irritable bowel. If we abandon the diet too early, the disease may return.

Diet for diarrhea in elderly and debilitated people, too, is important. Do not rush to return to a normal diet: better to keep your body and give him a chance to recover.


What can and can not diarrhea

Should be excluded from the diet of fresh milk and vegetable diet rich in fiber, especially raw fruits and vegetables. We'll have to give up the "heavy" food - mushrooms, fresh dough, fatty foods. You can not eat spicy, fried, pickled, sour, salty and smoked products and various spices, which irritate the digestive organs.

Admitted porridge cooked in water, weak broth, lean meat and fish in the form of steam cutlets and meatballs. You can eat baked apples, low-fat cottage cheese diet, steam omelettes. Portions should be small, it is necessary to eat a fractional.


Chronic diarrhea

Chronic diarrhea is a symptom is always a disease of the digestive tract. Accordingly, the diet in chronic diarrhea is assigned depending on the underlying disease. In any case it is recommended to eat a fractional, small portions have to choose products that will not irritate the digestive organs.

All recommendations regarding food during acute diarrhea and used for the treatment of chronic forms of the disease. Particular attention is paid to compensate for the loss of fluid, minerals and vitamins.

Article Tags:
  • diarrhea

Egg-orange diet - a low-carb trend

December 1, 2014

 orange-egg diet
 Egg-orange diet - this is one of the varieties of low-carb diets. As is known, the main source of energy for our body are carbohydrates. When a person consumes enough carbohydrates, the body is forced to burn fat in order to provide themselves with energy to sustain life.

Eggs are a staple in the diet because they contain a lot of protein and a number of vitamins and minerals, in addition, they quickly lead to saturation, which is stored a fairly long time. Oranges - a source of vitamins C, B1, B2, B9, PP, E, iron, manganese, potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc: substances that one should get from your diet every day. Besides, they are pretty sweet, and help to overcome cravings for different calorie desserts, which occurs during the diet for most people.

Egg-orange diet can last from one to four weeks; a week of such a diet can lose weight by two to five kilograms. Below the menu diet for two weeks. Those who want to stick to the egg-orange diet longer can make a meal plan for the third and fourth week, based on the menu.


First week

Daily breakfast for the duration of the diet: half an orange or a whole orange, and one or two boiled eggs. You can drink freshly squeezed orange juice, black coffee without sugar, tea without sugar, low-fat milk. As a snack between meals you can eat oranges, apples, pears and plums.

First day

  • Lunch: one orange and other fruits in any number (except bananas).
  • Dinner: Baked or boiled meat (choose the pieces that do not have visible fat), a cucumber or tomato.

Second day

  • Dinner: boiled or baked chicken breast garnished with fresh low-calorie vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, greens).
  • Dinner: two boiled eggs, salad (cucumber, lettuce, tomatoes, peppers, carrots), one piece of whole-wheat bread, one orange.

Third day

  • Lunch: 80-100 g of any low-fat cheese, whole wheat toast one, two tomatoes.
  • Dinner: Baked or boiled beef with fresh vegetable salad.

Fourth day

  • Lunch: any amount of fruit or fruit salad with dressing 100g low-fat yogurt without flavorings.
  • Dinner: roast beef or lamb with a salad of lettuce and tomato.

The fifth day

  • Lunch: two boiled eggs, a cup of cooked green beans, carrots, one medium size.
  • Dinner: 150 grams of grilled salmon or tuna, one orange.

The sixth day

  • Lunch: salad of fruits and berries (oranges, grapes, plums, blueberries Benefits and harms of blueberries: the health of the forest  Benefits and harms of blueberries: the health of the forest
 Strawberries), and 100 g nonfat yogurt or cottage cheese Low-fat cottage cheese - a popular product among athletes and slimming  Low-fat cottage cheese - a popular product among athletes and slimming
  • Dinner: 150 grams of boiled or baked chicken breast, green salad (parsley, celery, lettuce, cucumbers) and one orange.

The seventh day

  • Lunch: two boiled eggs or baked chicken breast, two tomatoes, half a cup of cooked brown rice, one orange.
  • Dinner: one cup of cooked beans or the same amount of baked sweet potato, green salad.


The second week

This week involves more stringent dietary restrictions, and much much harder it is given first. Those who are not in a hurry to losing weight can be done after the first week break of two or three weeks, and then spend the second part of the diet, the menu of which is given below.

  • On Monday

After breakfast, which, as you recall, includes orange and boiled eggs for lunch and dinner you can eat only fruits and berries (other than bananas Bananas: the benefits and harms health  Bananas: the benefits and harms health
 Mango and grapes - they should be excluded because of the high caloric content), in any amount.

  • Tuesday

Any cooked or baked vegetables (except potatoes), vegetable salads and grain cereal all day.

  • Environment

Any fruits and vegetables listed above.

  • Thursday

Boiled, fried (in a small amount of oil - less than one tablespoon) or baked fish in any quantity, a salad of green vegetables.

  • Fri

Boiled or baked red meat or chicken, cooked vegetables, vegetable salad.

  • Sat

One kind of fruits (except oranges, which still need to eat for breakfast), such as apples, peaches Peaches: benefits and harms of sun fruits  Peaches: benefits and harms of sun fruits
 , Nectarines, pears, plums or apricots, throughout the day, in any quantity.

  • Sunday

Throughout the day - one type of fruit and cottage cheese or low-fat yogurt.

Article Tags:
  • egg diet
