Diet for gallbladder removal: meal as a medical procedure - Sample menu

March 1, 2013

  • Diet for gallbladder removal: eating like a medical procedure
  • Sample menu

 Diet for gallbladder removal exemplary menu

Sample menu

The gallbladder - a very important organ that plays an important role in the digestive process. The operation to remove it - is a necessary measure, whose purpose - to prevent serious complications. Without a gallbladder to live, of course, possible, but the rest of my life will have to follow a diet.

 Sample menu | Diet for gallbladder removal: eating like a medical procedure

The reasons that can be removed the gallbladder

The gallbladder - a final division of biliary tract, which is a hollow organ with sprawling walls. Availability allows gallbladder bile, which is produced in the liver, to flow freely into the tank and accumulate there until the next meal, which takes place during emptying.

In some cases, the gallbladder Gall bladder: structure and function  Gall bladder: structure and function
   formed stones. The cause of stone formation - especially hereditary metabolic Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things  Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
 , Incorrect (with long intervals in suhomyatku) diet, a sedentary lifestyle, which contributes to the stagnation of bile, and so on. As a result, the formation of stones gallbladder wall are stretched, injured, they formed bedsores. Often, such a process associated infection, causative agents of which fall into the gallbladder through the bloodstream or the gastrointestinal tract. It creates a threat of perforation of the gallbladder wall. This is the reason for its removal (cholecystectomy).

After removal of the gall bladder in some cases of patients developing postcholecystectomical syndrome - a set of features in the form of varying intensity pain, diarrhea, constipation and signs of defeat of the common bile duct in the form of periodic jaundice. The cause of the syndrome may be postcholecystectomy as the effects of the operation (for example, narrowing of the common bile duct), and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

 Sample menu | Diet for gallbladder removal: eating like a medical procedure

The basic principles of the diet, which must be maintained after the removal of the gallbladder

After removal of the gallbladder is required regularly to release bile duct from accumulated bile, because there are no more of the gallbladder, where bile could freely accumulate. The bile duct, which opens into the duodenum is opened only in response to the arrival in the gastro-intestinal tract of food. Hence, the basic rule for patients after cholecystectomy: meal should be frequent (at least 5-6 times a day) and a fraction (ie small portions). In this case, the meal is a medical procedure that allows you to remove the stagnation in the gallbladder.

If this rule is not respected, bile stasis, stone formation and inflammation begins in the biliary tract.

Another, no less important principle of the diet is to reduce the irritant effect of food on the gastrointestinal tract, thus reducing the activity (and thus stimulation) other digestive organs. Therefore, all food is prepared only for a couple, boiled or stewed. From the diet removes all the products that can irritate the stomach and intestines.

 Sample menu | Diet for gallbladder removal: eating like a medical procedure

Sample menu for patients after gallbladder removal

  • On the first and second breakfast recommended cereals (buckwheat, oats, rice), vegetable salads, vegetable soup, soaked herring, boiled vegetables, low-fat cheese, cottage cheese, sugar, eggs boiled or scrambled eggs, pasta with low-fat cheese and low-fat sour cream, weak tea , fresh fruit juice from non-acidic fruits.
  • At lunch as first courses are recommended vegetable and cereal soups, milk soups, seasoned noodles, borscht on vegetable oil or butter. Main dishes are prepared with lean meats and fish by boiling or baking after boiling. For example, meatballs or stuffed boiled meat with rice. Boiled meat can also be cut into pieces and prepared on its basis stroganoff. Dessert - jelly, juice, fruit juice.
  • Snack - dry non-fat cookies, milk drinks, slightly dried bun, low-fat cottage cheese.
  • For dinner served milk porridge, casseroles, steamed vegetables, cottage cheese, dairy products.
  • At night you can drink an additional glass of kefir.

 Sample menu | Diet for gallbladder removal: eating like a medical procedure

What should be excluded from the diet after gallbladder removal

If the patient's state of health after removal of the gallbladder is satisfactory, it is sufficient to adhere to the basic principles of the diet: Part of fractional power and exclusion from the diet of certain foods.

These products include: all fried, spicy, sour, smoked, canned and cold (such as ice cream) dishes, fatty meats and fish, sweets (candy, cakes, sweet pies, etc.), sodas, spices, onions garlic Garlic health: almost a panacea  Garlic health: almost a panacea
 , Radishes Radish: useful properties and rules of use  Radish: useful properties and rules of use
 , Radishes, sorrel, peas, beans, sour berries and fruit, wholemeal bread, strong tea, coffee and alcoholic beverages.

If properly adjusted regime meals and eliminate all harmful products, life will go quickly on track, and the patient's condition after cholecystectomy practically will not differ from the state of human health.

Article Tags:
  • gall bladder

Diet for heartburn - go on a six-meals - what to avoid

February 10, 2008

  • Diet for heartburn - go on a six-power
  • What should be avoided

From what is heartburn?

Gastroesophageal reflux disease affects not only adults but also children, and even infants, so it is very important to know the symptoms and be able to prevent the attacks of heartburn.

Heartburn is the consumption of different foods, such as chocolate, citrus, spicy, fatty and salty foods. In conjunction with the adoption of the wrong food (too early or too late), and overeating contributes to unhealthy eating weight gain and obesity. Thus, to avoid heartburn due to gastroesophageal reflux disease, it is necessary to change the diet.

 What must be avoided | Diet for heartburn - go on a six-power

Proper nutrition for heartburn

Proper diet rather quickly eases heartburn. Finding the right balance of food consumed, you will cope with heartburn. Make a diet with a sufficiently high content of lean protein and a small fraction of starch and sweets.

Consumption of large amounts of sugar aggravates heartburn.

Sugar irritating the epithelium of the esophagus and stomach, and also stimulates the secretion of gastric acid. In the fermentation of sugars formed stomach gas and high sugar content promotes the growth of gastric bacteria that, according to medical research, can cause the development of chronic gastric ulcer Gastric ulcer - such dangerous snacks  Gastric ulcer - such dangerous snacks
 . Stop or drastically reduce the consumption of sugar and all products thereof.

Alcohol is one of the few substances that are absorbed directly into the stomach; Most components of the power absorbed in the small intestine. Alcohol, like sugar, has a direct impact on the traumatic lining of the stomach and also stimulates an increased secretion of gastric acid. Furthermore, it loosens sphincter in the lower esophagus, resulting in reflux of gastric acid into the esophagus becomes more likely. Stop or drastically reduce the consumption of alcoholic beverages.

 What must be avoided | Diet for heartburn - go on a six-power

What should be avoided?

  • Essential oils of peppermint Mint and its useful properties: aromatic freshness  Mint and its useful properties: aromatic freshness
   also relaxes the esophageal sphincter. Avoid foods (beverage, chewing gum and so forth), these aromatic oils.
  • Chocolate almost immediately reduces the closing force of the esophageal sphincter. Here culprit apparently is caffeine-like substance contained in the chocolate. Stop or reduce drastically the consumption of chocolate in all its forms.
  • Because they contain caffeine as coffee and tea can relax the sphincter and cause gastric reflux of acid into the esophagus. Gradually get rid of the addiction to caffeine. Do it slowly enough to avoid caffeine abstinence symptoms: sleepiness, irritability Irritability - you try to control my temper  Irritability - you try to control my temper
 , Severe headache Headache: Causes and Complications  Headache: Causes and Complications
  • Fatty foods almost immediately leads to a relaxation of the sphincter of the esophagus and threw acid at him. Try to limit your fat intake so that they accounted for 30% of total calories to the diet, and their absorption was distributed throughout the day.
  • Although it appears that the milk has a calming effect on upset stomach in fact it only temporarily neutralize gastric acid, and then its content is increased even more than before. Dairy products can really need you as a source of high quality protein, but to use them in combination with other foods and do not use as a remedy for heartburn.
  • Orange juice can disturb the coordination undulatory motion esophageal muscle that leads to a spasm, especially in those cases where the lining of the esophagus is already irritated acid. No matter how pleasant this product, cut its one-time consumption of up to 50 ml.
  • Spices, in particular such as peppers or pepper powder contain corrosive acid, which directly irritate the lining of the stomach and leads to heartburn. Avoid spices, especially in acute heartburn.
  • Tomato products - juices, pasta, sauces - can irritate the walls of the stomach and esophagus directly, as well as coordinated action to break the muscles of the esophagus, guide food into the stomach.
  • To quickly eliminate heartburn, doctors recommend consuming milk, although dairy products stimulate the production of stomach acid, thereby aggravating reflux disease.
  • Also, when it is important to systematically heartburn regularly split meals so lunch should be as scarce, but a few hours for it must follow the dinner, for example, unsweetened tea with cookies.
  • Heartburn diet should be rich in complex carbohydrates, which are found in bread, rice and pasta; complex carbohydrates regulate the production of stomach acid, helping to avoid heartburn.
  • Chew, eat without haste, and remember that one meal should take an average of at least 20 minutes - this time is necessary for the absorption of all contained in the food nutrients.
  • During meals and immediately after a need to keep the body upright position, for at least 45 minutes.
  • We also recommend eating small fractional portions, as frequent meals helps to normalize the production of stomach acid.
  • Doctors and nutritionists also recommend enrich the diet with plant proteins, such as beans and lentils, which should replace animal proteins.
  • In addition, to reduce heartburn, you need to monitor not only what you eat but also when and in what quantities. It is advisable to eat at least six times a day, that is to divide the usual breakfast, lunch and dinner in half.

For more information on diet for heartburn can be obtained from your doctor, gastroenterologist or nutritionist. The doctor will make an individual diet that meets your needs and state of health.

Article Tags:
  • heartburn
