Hypoallergenic diet - the salvation for the stomach - If eczema and dermatitis

August 12, 2014

  • Hypoallergenic diet - the salvation for the stomach
  • Savings
  • When eczema and dermatitis

 hypoallergenic diet for eczema

Hypoallergenic diet for eczema

Scientists have not yet managed to come to a consensus on how nutrition affects - and affects it at all - on the symptoms of eczema. However, there are data that allow a high degree of probability suggest that adjusting the diet, you can make the symptoms of the disease less severe. People suffering from eczema, it is recommended to exclude from the diet:

  • Products containing saturated fats, such as red meat and fat dairy products. It is believed that saturated fats can induce inflammation, and this can lead to aggravation of the symptoms of eczema Eczema - is difficult to treat  Eczema - is difficult to treat
  • Cordials, for example, coffee and tea;
  • Products that contain gluten. They often cause deterioration in patients suffering from eczema. What to understand exactly how they work for you, you can spend elimination diet for a few weeks, abandoning any products containing gluten. If their re-introduction in the diet does not cause unwanted reactions can be eaten without fear otherwise have to abandon them.

The safest and most beneficial for patients with eczema are the following products:

  • Bananas. They include potassium, magnesium, vitamin C, as well as substances possessing antihistaminic properties;
  • Chicken or beef broth contains Glycine - an amino acid that stimulates the regeneration of the skin;
  • Potatoes. This root vegetable is rich in dietary fiber, potassium, vitamin C;
  • Green onions contain quercetin - a substance having antihistamine and anti-inflammatory properties. It is also a rich source of vitamin K is needed for healthy skin;
  • Rice milk - one of the most hypoallergenic products that are safe for patients with eczema and a variety of other disorders.


Hypoallergenic diet in atopic dermatitis

For quite a long time in the treatment of atopic dermatitis is widely used special diets, however, have appeared in recent years, data show that although the link between diet and the disease does exist, its character is still misunderstood.

Previously it was thought that the disease (atopic dermatitis) is caused by food allergies, but in fact just the opposite .  The symptoms of atopic dermatitis usually appears in infancy, even when a child, there is usually no food allergy .  The likelihood of developing allergies in the future of these children is above average, but it develops in only 15% of patients, that is, the vast majority of patients with this disorder do not have food allergies .  Testing for food allergies can be assigned to patients with atopic dermatitis in only two cases: if the treatment of the disease for a long time does not give tangible results, and if the patient has ever had an immediate and severe reaction to certain foods .  For example, if a child has a permanent skin rash, which occasionally becomes more or less visible, and sometimes it occurs soon after a meal - this is not an immediate reaction to the product .  If the rash (or other symptoms, such as swelling) appears only after eating it - a reason to be tested for food allergies .

However, even if the patient is found food allergies, a hypoallergenic diet is not necessarily help relieve the symptoms of atopic dermatitis.

Until now, it has been found that they can actually worsen due to an allergic reaction Allergic reactions: how to understand why you tickle in the throat  Allergic reactions: how to understand why you tickle in the throat
   for food. Several studies in patients with allergies to egg after giving up eggs itch caused by atopic dermatitis becomes less severe or even completely disappeared. Other evidence that the correction of the diet may help in atopic dermatitis Atopic dermatitis - allergic inherited  Atopic dermatitis - allergic inherited
 , Not yet, but doctors still often recommend that patients be excluded from the diet of their allergens - if any.

Remember that the menu hypoallergenic diet for children with atopic dermatitis Atopic dermatitis - the unpleasant legacy  Atopic dermatitis - the unpleasant legacy
 Must be a doctor; Otherwise to the already existing health problems may be added violations related to the lack of nutrients in the body. Adult patients better and make a meal plan with your doctor.

Article Tags:
  • diet for allergies

Hypoallergenic diet - the salvation for the stomach - Savings

August 12, 2014

  • Hypoallergenic diet - the salvation for the stomach
  • Savings
  • When eczema and dermatitis

 excluding diet

Elimination diet

This diet is generally similar to the diet by Ado. Their main differences are that the diet excluding applied for a limited time (three to four weeks, in most cases - 23 days) and the diet by Ado adhere sometimes for several months. In addition, at the elimination diet is no list of products that must be eliminated. Strictly speaking, there is one rule: exclude products which, as you might think, cause you have an allergy, and after three to four weeks begin to introduce them into the diet one at a time two or three days. Again, if after eating the product appears skin rash, itching, runny nose, swelling and other symptoms of an allergic reaction Allergic reactions: how to understand why you tickle in the throat  Allergic reactions: how to understand why you tickle in the throat
   - This is your allergen.

Why not just do the test for allergies? These tests are quite expensive and, moreover, do not always give very reliable results. Therefore, the gold standard for the detection of food allergens for many years considered the elimination diet. When using this method, too, can be a mistake, but this diet has obvious advantages - simplicity, low cost, and the results obtained from the patient's own feelings, rather than laboratory tests.

At its discretion, can be eliminated from the diet as one product, and a couple dozen .  The first option is usually selected patients who have good reason to believe that they have an allergy, for example, fish .  It's all quite simple: you need at least three weeks to give up fish, then it has to start again .  If the "suspect" products are not usually recommended to exclude the most common allergens such as milk, eggs, nuts, wheat, soy .  For three weeks, the patient will need to carefully read the labels of all the products he buys, and to abandon all what contains soy, eggs, and so on .  For example, if you can eat chocolate and can not eat nuts, it is necessary not only to choose the chocolate without nuts, and avoid those on the packaging which indicates that they may "contain traces of nuts" (This information is designed specifically for people with food allergies, and it should not be ignored) .

In some cases, the list of excluded products can be very extensive.

Quite often used rigid hypoallergenic diet edema Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause  Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause
   Angioedema (angioedema), especially if the swelling was so severe that the patient required hospitalization. It should be as soon as possible to identify allergen to the extent possible, to avoid future angioedema. For example, sometimes the list simultaneously includes all citrus fruits, tomatoes, eggplant, potatoes, wheat, corn, barley Barley - a clear sign of impaired immunity  Barley - a clear sign of impaired immunity
 , Rye, oats and other foods containing gluten, all beans, all the seeds and nuts, beef, pork, chicken, sausages, shellfish, all dairy products, eggs, margarine, mayonnaise, all oil Hot break, alcohol, caffeine, chocolate , ketchup, mustard, vinegar, white and brown sugar, honey, maple syrup, a variety of desserts. Eat while you can fresh fruits (except citrus), vegetables, except for the above, rice, buckwheat, fish, turkey, lamb, rice, almond and coconut milk, cold-pressed vegetable oils, herbal teas, fresh herbs. Sometimes patients who have had angioedema, doctors prescribe for a few weeks even tougher diet consisting of black bread, rice, buckwheat, pasta and, sometimes, certain types of vegetables.

Obviously, such a hypoallergenic diet for a child may be too rigid; in most cases it is assigned only to adults who suffer from severe allergic reactions, although sometimes it may still recommend and children. Whatever it was that gave the result of a diet which excludes, it must comply with very strict; if the patient "goes wrong" and eat something from the forbidden foods, the results will not be very reliable.


Hypoallergenic diet for breastfeeding

Women who know that their infants found a food allergy, a lot of questions, most of which, as a rule - whether the mother can continue to breastfeed your baby? In most cases, the answer is - yes.

The substances contained in the food, come into breast milk 3-6 hours after ingestion. If you choose not to use products that cause allergies in the child, one to two weeks of his allergens completely disappear from the milk. It must be remembered that the hypoallergenic diet for lactating mothers is intended only for treatment and not for the prevention of allergies.

In most cases detected in young children allergic to cow's milk products, eggs, nuts, soy or wheat.

In order to identify the allergens can be applied elimination diet, as discussed above. To diet during both the mother and baby is getting enough nutrients, you should take vitamin supplements (eg, prenatal vitamins, which may well be used, and after giving birth). Once the allergens are installed, their use should be discarded as long as you do not stop breastfeeding. Put the baby on solid foods need to be very careful, given his food allergies. Pre learn recipes hypoallergenic diet for children, talk with your doctor to make the child a full, varied meal plan.
